Posts Tagged: 'mickey'

Mar. 4th, 2018



Friends Only.

Who: Mickey and Olivia
where: Back on the ship

Just friends. )
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Feb. 21st, 2018



do me a favor

who: mickey & jacob
setting: clinic room, post surgery

stop trying to die )
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Feb. 17th, 2018



You Again?

Who: Mickey, Jacob, and Olivia
Setting: Stockholm, getting back to the boat

yeah I have some innate need to rescue your future wife )

Jan. 20th, 2018



the grass is always greener

Who: Mickey and Zara
Setting: Zara's room

Zara had been at the gym, pushing herself through a rigorous workout. Henrik was off doing whatever he was doing and Sophia was doing her thing. This left Zara alone, which left her with the knowledge that she was on a ship in the middle of the ocean.

She was on a goddamn boat and she hated it. No, maybe it was more like fear. She feared this ship would go down like the Titanic and she would die.

on the other side )
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Dec. 15th, 2017



Published Anonymously

your monthly dose of Odyssey gossip
Happy Holidays! Did you think I’d forgotten about you? Never ever!

Kudos to America’s own pocket prince for throwing the most fabulous Halloween bash the Odyssey has ever seen. Clearly when you’re in costume, you can knock boots with whomever you want, wherever you want. Batman was seen with both our host and the ice princess! That boy sure does get around.

And so does the duchess, out to lunch and all cozy with an unknown beau. Where was her fiancé during this secret soiree? Too bad the paparazzi didn’t get a better picture.

There were plenty of pictures of the ginger crown prince and his new arm candy. How quickly he moved on, this time to a complete unknown. Is she something more? Or just another distraction? As the first woman to make it more than one date in years, it’d be nice to at least know her name.

We have a knight on board! All we need is a Bishop and we’re close to having a full chess set. Apparently if you save a princess, you get knighted. But if you save an assload of people and you’re just a pawn, well… you get to keep your job. Thank God. It’s sad to know how little value Management places on it’s employees. Bah Humbug.

layout by tessisamess@ij

Oct. 8th, 2017



Friendly Concern

who: mickey and Olivia

just make sure you look out for yourself )
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Oct. 5th, 2017



the new roommate

Who: Mickey, Ivanya, Julian
Setting: Their room, just after they dock in Boston

Read more... )

Sep. 10th, 2017



Message to Olivia

Miss Olivia,

How are you holding up? I didn't see you at the party. Everything okay?
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Jul. 28th, 2017



Lean On Me

Who: Mickey and Sophia
Setting: a bar / her room before Charleston

Mickey changed, wishing for once he had something nicer, but the button down was only mostly wrinkled, and it fit well enough across his shoulders. The jeans were the nicest he had, but they were still pretty worn, the hem of one leg frayed. Not terrible, but not great enough for a princess. Still, he head for the bar, looking around until he spotted her and headed her way. “How’re you doing?”

Sophia didn't spend a lot of time on her wardrobe choice, but still ended up in a sundress, hair in a messy braid and makeup minimal. Anything on her eyes was just asking to run down her cheeks, so she'd opted out, well aware they were still bloodshot and puffy. When Mickey joined her, she slid off the stool to give him a small hug. "I'm alive. Out of bed. So there's that. How are you?"

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Jul. 18th, 2017



Messages to Olivia and Sophia

To Olivia

I cant help but check in with you and make sure you're alright. If you need anything repaired in your rooms I can help with that as well.

To Sophia

Hope you're okay. Do you need anything?



But I Like My Job

Who: Mickey and Ivanya
Setting: The Royal Club during the clean up

After her agonizing conversation with Dustin, Ivanya had gone back to her room for the first time since before the pirate attacks. She’d grabbed clothes and gone to take a shower, honestly kind of sad that Mickey hadn’t been in the room. She’d not seen him for a while and was starting to worry, aside from the selfish reasons she wanted to talk with him.

Freshly clean, she started walking toward the Royal Club after she got a text from Mickey explaining he was fine and his location. When she stepped inside the club, she let out a low whistle. “Jesus, who died in here…” She murmured.

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Jun. 23rd, 2017



Cleaning Up

Who: Mickey and OPEN
Setting: The Royal Club, not long after the all clear

Mickey had waited out the all clear, then walked Sophia back to her room, making sure she was safe. Then he headed back to his room, surprised to find it empty, but it gave him a chance to change into clean coveralls, a new shirt, and start back to work again.

His first stop was the Royal club, mop and cleaning materials in hand to get up the blood, trash can to throw away what someone had set on fire. He'd worked for well over an hour without stopping, and he hadn't even made a budge in the mess. Still, it gave him something to focus on, to put his time to that wasn't fretting over others, over what had just happened. It gave him a chance to fix something when everything else felt too broken to fix.

Jun. 17th, 2017



Rough Waters

Who: Mickey, Sophia, Olivia, and Jacob
Where: Engine room

Your opinion is wrong. )

Jun. 3rd, 2017



damaged calm

setting: the royal club

when pirates attack )

Apr. 16th, 2017



PM to Luke

Do you have a room available? How much?
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who: Jayci and Mickey
setting: staff area/break room to start

Jayci threw down her phone and tried to fight back the welling of tears in her eyes. Sam was a fucking idiot, and she was so mad at him, but at the same time, of course, she was worried out of her mind. She didn't know what was happening and got the feeling it was way too much to get into over text, but she was about to freak the fuck out hardcore.

She didn't have a lot of money. She really didn't. She hadn't been on the ship that long and it wasn't like they made a mint or anything. Hell, no one else she knew who worked on the Odyssey had that kind of bank either. She didn't even know if money would work, but he'd said it wouldn't hurt, so...she needed to get some. She tore the couch cushions off the couch to look for change, angrily letting out a scream as she kicked them hard, because couch change wasn't going to help.

She stood there and breathed for a second, face red with frustration and anger. Mostly because she was wondering if she was going to have to get on her knees for a passenger to get the money for Sam. She'd never prostituted herself in her life, but if it was for her little brother... fuck.

Apr. 14th, 2017




Who: Mickey and Sophia
Where: Sophia's Room

Sophia stared at the disaster that was her apartment, trying to figure out where to start. She'd known it would be bad, that she'd regret having nothing tied down, but she'd been hoping it wouldn't be that bad. It was. It so was. Everything in her kitchen and bathroom cabinets had ended up on the floor. Two different mirrors were broken. And her dining room chairs looked like they'd been used as weapon, probably to take out the mirrors. Anything that hadn't been strapped down had been thrown about the room and the only things that had been strapped down were those that the ship had bolted to the floor. Sophia planned to more prepared next time, since cleaning up this time was going to be a pain in the ass.

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Apr. 13th, 2017



Big Brother To the Rescue

Who: Mickey and Margo
Setting: Med bay

Mickey had been off when he got the text, resting in his bunk after a load of work. Thankfully his roommates weren't there, which meant he had a moment of peace. Just a moment though. When his phone buzzed he grabbed it, assuming it would be work, but that Caleb had mentioned his sister had him snapping to attention. He took two minutes to get dressed, jeans and a worn in henley, then he was rushing through the lower levels of the ship to the medical center, concern for his sister running deep. She drove him crazy, but she was his to take care of. She always had been.

Thankfully enough of that staff knew him to point out where the new patient was when he asked, not asking questions otherwise and not ten minutes after Caleb had texted was Mickey there. "Margo," he said softly, not wanting to startle her. Not if she was in shock like Caleb had said.



Message to Mickey

Find your sister in medical. Now.


Apr. 11th, 2017



Message to Vanessa

Following up to make sure there aren't any issues with the repairs I performed last week.

And making sure that you're okay
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