Posts Tagged: 'bear'

May. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling and Bear
What: Talking after this

Aisling was saying all the wrong things )
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Apr. 28th, 2018



you're a pirate!

who: Bear, Judson, Dustin and Blake
setting: security office

son of a bitch )

Mar. 4th, 2018




who: bear & aisling
setting: multipurpose room

Read more... )
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Mar. 3rd, 2018



Sent Home Sick

Who: Bear and Ivanya
Where: Multipurpose Room

But at least you get candy. )
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Feb. 24th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling and Bear
Setting: The View Restaurant and then their room
Backdated to before Stockholm

Aisling gets drunk, Bear talks about babies )
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Jan. 21st, 2018



Text to Bear

All that ice scraping against the ship has given me a huge headache.

Nov. 3rd, 2017



Masquerades and Costume Balls


As promised, the night of Halloween the party at Ethan's house begins. There's food catered from the local village, drinks with official bartenders as well. The lower floor of the house he's been giving on the island has been decorated, each room with a slightly different them. The great room has pumpkins and orange everywhere, the back room that was probably a dining room before he had furniture moved out is a dancefloor done up in blacklights with a DJ dressed as a skeleton glowing under it.

Anyone who has heard about it is invited, and needless to say, just about everyone has heard about it. Ethan's easy to find in the center of it, bouncing from guest to guest.

The party goes on well into the early hours of the morning and for those who stick around, there's a breakfast buffet that gets rolled out somewhere around sunrise as the party finally starts to wrap.

Oct. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling and Bear
Setting: Their cabin

The Big Bad Wolf & his Little Red )
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Sep. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling & Bear
Where: Salem
Warning: Outdoor sexy times ahoy!

Aisling didn't like spooky, paranormal stuff so much )
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Aug. 12th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling and Bear
Setting: Their hotel room in Charleston

Crazy works for them )
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Aug. 11th, 2017





The lights are bright, and it's a party that Gatsby would be proud of. The drinks flow all day and night, there are rotating bands, jazz, and there are vendors selling costume pieces. It's a party that Charleston and the Odyssey are sharing, with shows and entertainment both on and off the ship.

Along with flowing fountains of champagne and enough liquor to stock several bars, the party also showcases staff and guests alike a true taste of Charleston. Tables around the party are covered in low country boil offers and encourage guests to get their hands dirty and enjoy like locals would.

The venue belongs to some of Charleston's oldest money, and transports those in attendance to a magical, lush garden party bathed in the soft, ambient glow of thousands of string lights.

Aug. 4th, 2017



The Levee Breaks

Who: Aisling, Bear, Jacob, Olivia
Where: Jacob and Olivia's hotel rooms
When: Right after this

I'll have no place to stay. )

Jul. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Aisling and Bear
What: Finally alone - Putting out fires, lol
Warning: NSFW

panties have been known to spontaneously combust )
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Jul. 23rd, 2017



Text to Bear

I'm getting off this damn ship! Want to come with me? Please?

Jul. 5th, 2017



how to deal with trauma: super mario bros edition

who: olivia & bear
setting: olivia's cabin/morning

a little advice )
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Jun. 21st, 2017



Text to Bear

((Reply to a text from him How's my favorite person? from This post))

I already top the list for 'favorite'? I'm honored.

I'm doing okay. You know. Just sorta wondering if you were alive or not.



in desperate need of a beer

who: bear and OPEN
setting: the hideout, after the all clear

free man )

Jun. 10th, 2017



let's turn the tide

who: Ivanya, Dustin, Jacob, Bash & Bear (oh my!)
setting: the brig

break out the heavy hitters )

Jun. 4th, 2017



text to aisling

it's a text! )



super weird first date

who: bear & aisling
setting: hall/her cabin

ten seconds at a time )
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