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March 31st, 2012

[info]firstgreenarrow in [info]newalliance

Who: Oliver Queen (Green Arrow I) and Mia Dearden (Speedy II), open to the rest of the Arrow clan later on.
Where: Arrow household, NYC
When: Thursday, March 29 2012 (slightly backdated)
What: Oliver and Mia discuss adoption, and whether or not it's actually something she wants.
Rating: TBD

Oliver didn't know if he could handle that potential rejection. )

[info]kreespy in [info]newalliance

Son of Titan

Who: Captain Marvel
Where: The Moon Titan, Orbiting Saturn
When: Six Months Ago
What: After many long years, Genis-Vell returns to his birth home.
Rating: PG

Among the shards of ice that framed the quiet solar system's furthest borders, a ship dropped into normal space, a sleek dagger of dark metal and bristling energy cutting its way through the black. )

[info]notbaraka in [info]newalliance

To: Slade Wilson
From: Wade Wilson
Date: March, 29th, 2012

you have unread text messages )

[info]da_costa in [info]newalliance

To: "Tora" []
From: "Bea" []
Date: March 31st 2012
Subject: $$

You have [1] unread email )
Tags: ,

[info]branching in [info]newalliance

Who: The Winter Soldier (narrative)
Where: Corporate Office, New York City, New York, United States
When: Around 10:53 PM, Saturday Night (March 31st)
What: The Soldier has a list of names
Rating: R to be safe (Blood, Death)

Everyone could admire the mystique of a gun. The craftsmanship, the sleek metal, the precision engineering, the science of warfare. The ability to play God. )

[info]redheadspy in [info]newalliance

Coming In From the Cold

Who: Natasha Romanoff + any S.H.I.E.L.D. agents
Where: Helicarrier
When: March 31st
What: Coming in from the field
Rating: SFW

S.H.I.E.L.D. mess food wasn't exactly four star food, but it was edible.... )

[info]general_fury in [info]newalliance

Who: Nick Fury. OT All SHIELD Agents
Where: SHIELD Helicarrier
When: April 1st, 2012
What: The Avenger's Initiative begins - Mandatory meeting for all SHIELD agents. "I'm not even suppose to be here today" does not apply.
Rating: PG

'Now, let's begin.' )

[info]gettinglucky in [info]newalliance

Who: Domino & Open
Where: Gotham City, New Jersey
When: April 1st, 2012, Wee early hours of the morning
What: Domino is in Gotham to do some work and could end up interrupted on a job.
Rating: R, violence

Neena hated going to Gotham. )