April 2018



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12th Mar, 2018


Who: Lex Yaxley Savage & Hamish Roberts
What: Drinking and talking. Trying to figure out where they stand.
When: 7 March
Where: The Drunken Seer & Hamish's Room
Warnings: A for AWKWARD (talk of the war & relationships)

We've never really talked about this. Probably because my uncle’s a death eater. )


Who: Jamie Abercrombie & Hamish Roberts
What: A delivery of brooms
When: Monday, 12 March 2000
Warnings: Unbridled broom enthusiasm

Four brooms. One for each position. Each made from its own wood. )

11th Mar, 2018


Who: Dunbar Oglethorpe & Hamish McBride Roberts
What: Dunbar is in need of a drink... or two... or several... just keep passing the drinks, okay?
When: Saturday, 10th March 2000. Evening.
Where: The Drunken Seer
Warnings: Language most likely

Said the man who swore off serious relationships anyway. But this wasn’t about him. )

7th Mar, 2018


Why is it that when our schedule is busy I want to get away for a few days?

Up for flying again? Or drinking?

6th Mar, 2018


Two very important things on my personal agenda today:


Congratulations to Desmond Parkin. I'll be following the new office with interest, and I know my da is looking forward to the opportunity to work with you.


(And substantially less important to the future and stability of Scotland, I might add.)

To whomever decided it would be a brilliant plan to charm my shower to spray seemingly benign and normal water that proceeded to turn my whole body green:

I guess this was supposed to upset me. I was a little surprised to see my reflection, particularly since I was getting ready to head into practice. However, luckily for me, I happen to know someone whose particular specialty is reversing effects just like this and much worse. He's just usually the one who caused them, too. (Friendship-obligated plug: Visit Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley!) It's too bad that you apparently know me well to be able to get into my flat, but not well enough to know that. No worries. The wards have been changed now.

Also, if you were paying attention to the news you would know:

I would have preferred Pink.


I'm pretty sure I made George's day. He laughed for a full ten minutes before he'd help me. I haven't seen him laugh like that in


One guess who I suspect is behind this particularly clever bit of prankery.

Any insight on your own situation since Valentine's Day? It was good to see you at the match last week, but we still need to grab a drink sometime when we're not half-exhausted from the long match.


Recovery is going good! I'm trying to get back to some kind of exercise routine. Champ is not a helpful workout partner unless it involves running.

Spell-o-Taped in


7th Mar, 2018


So heard the news about you getting traded to Puddlemere. You doing alright?


And hey, let me know if you ever need QUABBLE's help with anything.

Uh Hey.

Well, guess that's going to shake things up in DOMGAS a bit...

Congratulations to you though, Mr. Parkin.


Congrats Da! You're the most ostensibly Scottish person I know and it finally paid off!

YES DA! How are we celebrating you becoming the equivalent of the magical King of Scotland?

(I kid I kid)

(But you know, just between us we can pretend for the day)

Seriously Da, congrats! Big move up! Please remember the (once) little people who helped you to the top. Or well...remember the once little people you had take too much care of is more accurate.

[Study Group 91]
Alright, who was in on the Scottish Minister bet? Pony up! Gina is now the first family in Scotland and I need to get her used to a certain lifestyle.

(ooc: Feel free to make up whatever not!money bet they had. The more ridic the better)

5th Mar, 2018


My birthday's in like two weeks.

[Alec Urq]
Did she really say Good article.



This week only you can register two patents for the price of one. Inquire at the front desk.


Owl to Maggie MacDougal )


My first gossip article. Now I know how Harry Potter felt at fourteen. The article was just about as truthful as one by Rita Skeeter as well. Congratulations.

First, lets set the record straight:
  • I dislike boats immensely. I get sea sick. I also dislike horses, but that’s a story for another time.
  • The Mediterranean was on the shortlist, but not anymore.
  • I have invited Monte over and he has met my muggle parents. There is no shame here. Also, for the record, outing an idividual without their knowledge or consent is just bad form.
  • You never reached out to myself or, to my knowledge, Monte. Do not go claiming things you cannot back up.
  • A bitter ex-girlfriend of a good friend is not a close insider.
  • The Muggleborn Pink Movement may have put Monte and I in contact initially, but it deserves much more than an afterthought in a poorly researched article. You also forgot several key individuals: Isla Cameron, Dawn Withey, Gregor McGregor, to name just a few. There mare many more of us now, more than I can name and I am glad. That means our ideas are spreading and we are more than just a footnote.

    Next time, if there is a next time, I suggest reaching out. You’d get a better story.
  • 4th Mar, 2018





    A yacht?


    And where did that picture come from?

    And why wasn't I there too?

    (Posted after this magazine article is published, and he starts getting floo mail/owls.)


    Breakfast with my parents is always an enjoyable time, but today came with especially interesting news—they're moving! They've been in the same house in Leicester ever since getting married when I was eleven, so it's a little sad, but I can see why they want a change. Rani and I have the convenience of coming to see them whenever we want, no matter how far away we live, but they don't have the same benefit. Since Rani is in London now, and so are a few of our other relatives, they decided to find a place there.

    That makes me the oddball up here in Scotland. (I can already see the faces of my Scottish mates now. Not oddball, right? Obviously the only smart one.)


    It's your birthday soon, right? I'd like to plan to take you out, even if we can't on your actual birthday. When will you know what your schedule will be like?

    [Study Group - Augustus + Kal]

    Officially putting feelers out there for the birthday party date. I'll let you all know once Augustus has confirmed when he's off work. For now, he'll think it's only going to be the two of us.


    Charlie, I'm not listening to your show this week unless you promise to ignore all the stats from the Cannons fiasco.

    No one needs a replay of that.

    No one.

    2nd Mar, 2018


    Thursday, 15 March 2000, Celtic v Kilmarnock at Celtic Park in Glasgow- who's in?

    if I can get a good count, I can see about group ticket sales. We can bring food and make a day of it. Please let me know by 8 March.

    If you can see this, you're invited! ....and, since it's unwarded- You're Invited!


    To all the “Pink” & Uplift Supporters:

    Thank you to everyone who showed up at the Kenmare match. It was refreshing to see such a presence in stands. Rest assured we plan to keep this momentum going.

    We are here. And we are not going away.

    In taking a cue from Kenmare presence at their match, I would like to formally request that Montrose considers a uniform alteration as a statement of unity. After the Falmouth incident, we cannot afford to be silent.

    As you know, I have been at the forefront of this movement. What I am asking for now is for Montrose to publicly show unity and support for those with muggle heritage and their loved ones.

    Please stand with me. Let us all come out against Wigtown in black, white, and pink.
    [//WARD to MONTROSE]

    And as I ask you to stand with me, I also realize that Maddock’s injury was unexpected. Although I had requested to be rested the week before the Annual Broom Race, please have no doubt that Montrose comes first.

    I am fully prepared to start against Wigtown. I am ready to change, and even cancel, my Annual Broom Race plans. Please just keep me updated.
    [//WARD to COACH McG & SHONA]

    1st Mar, 2018


    Who: Lex and Hamish
    What: Flying around
    When: Thursday evening. 1st March 2000.
    Where: Exmoor Pitch/National Park
    Warnings: some sort of not quite flirting & awkwardness

    So, who would my beloved Hamish have married? )

    2nd Mar, 2018


    When I first finished healer training, my mum gave me a stethoscope as a congratulations gift. So, I am ashamed to admit that I had mixed feelings about it at the time. It was a thoughtful gift and it wasn't cheap but I didn't feel comfortable actually using it. The stethoscope is pretty much a universal symbol for a Muggle Doctor, for those of you who have never been or seen a Doctor before. Healers typically use listening trumpets which basically do the same thing, internal listening of the human body. At the time I remember thinking that if I walked into Mungo's wearing a stethoscope, I might get in trouble again for trying to incorporate 'barbaric muggle medicine' into my work again.

    I had already gotten in trouble once for using stitches for a snake bite instead of simply using a spell to mend the wound. I think the only reason I wasn't really reprimanded was because the patient wanted stitches, and actually had been fascinated about how muggles did things differently. Regardless, as a young healer I'd already been worried about standing out. This was also in 1996 when people admitting your support for muggles and muggleborns could get you killed.

    So, the more I think and help out with the Uplift/Pink Movement, I keep thinking about what changes I want to see and how I can help out more than just wearing pink at a Quidditch match. So, I've been doing an experiment since Tuesday. I found my stethoscope and I wore it to work and waited to see what happened. Of course I got strange looks, and a lot of curious questions about where I got it and what it was for. Some older patients looked at it like it was a dangerous creature around my neck ready to attack, but whatever. What was consistent was how I explained each time that my Mum, who was a muggle, gave it to me to use it like muggle doctors do.

    Spell-o-Taped in

    I also transfigured them pink. Just in case the muggleborn message wasn't clear enough. I think the colour goes well with the lime green robes. Maybe it will catch on, but at least I can support Uplift and friends at work too, and not just in the stands at a Quidditch match. Congratulations to the Kestrals.

    1st Mar, 2018


    The Cannons are playing the Wasps this weekend and I got a good feeling about Chudley's chances. It's gotta be their time sometime, right?

    [Study Group]
    Charlie, can you get me odds?

    I'm planning on going out to the Drunken Seer on Friday night. Can't say much but work's about to get really busy. So if anyone's up for drinks let me know?

    [Study Group sans Augustus but with Kal!]
    What are we doing for Pye Day this year?

    Pye day is Pye's birthday on the 14th of March and has nerdy Muggle math references for Americans who write the date backwards. Don't break up with him before then, alright? (I mean, don't break up with him at all, but that would be a terrible birthday present.)

    Hey mate, I got an update for you.

    Ten? I'm gonna be coming from the Falcons match. Sorta.

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