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15th Nov, 2017


[Montrose Admin: Shona McGonagall, MG McGonagall, Florrie McGonagall, Gregor McGregor, & Admin]
I am unsure if you had been apprised or not, but in light of Mr. McEwan's sudden resignation, my mother has asked me to step in and assist the team in the PR capacity until a more permanent solution has been found. I do not wish to make the situation more difficult than it already is, so please let me know how I may best be of service. Is there anything specific I should be made aware.

For the time being I have refrained from making an announcement to the players a whole until I was sure you had been made aware.

[Gwen Miracle]
I understand how busy your schedule must be, but would you be able to spare some time to speak with me. As you may or may not know, Mr. McEwan has left Montrose and in the meantime, I have stepped in to assist the team until a new person can fill the role of Public Relations. I was hoping that you may be able to provide me with some insight into the position.

14th Nov, 2017


Don't get too comfortable, Montrose, we'll be back.

Pride Staff: Gwen & Ellie & Maggie & Emiliano

Cameron has requested a trade, effective immediately, and I've pushed it through. It's not surprising but it's there.


What now, coach?

8th Nov, 2017


Who: Gwen Miracle
What: Press release regarding the staffing shake-up at Portree.
When: Tuesday, 7 November, afternoon.
Note: I assume this will be in the late edition of the Prophet and all over the WWN as of Tuesday night, and spreading out to other news media starting Wednesday morning.

For Immediate Release )

6th Nov, 2017


Have you been approached by Rita Skeeter or any other reporter regarding an article? Or have you talked in public about your actions during the war? This is important, so don't give me attitude, I don't have the time for it.

Once again, I want to express my deepest reservations regarding the MacFusty scheme and remind you both that it's an incredible risk which I do not approve of taking and I expect it to be a disaster for all parties.

That said, where are we on the Beater situation?

This is just your quarterly reminder that Quidditch is the absolute worst and I can't believe you played this terrible game for so long. I can't believe Mum loves it so much.

What are we doing for your birthday?

5th Nov, 2017


Monday Morning Owl

Owl to Gwyneth Miracle. )

3rd Nov, 2017


WHO: The Pride (players and staff) and their plus ones!
WHAT: A Pride bonfire night in celebration of Guy Fawkes Day.
WHEN: Evening. Sunday, November 5th. Posting a little early so everyone has time to respond!
WHERE: Urquhart Castle and grounds


26th Oct, 2017


Who: Ellie MacFusty, Bastian Cavallero, Pip Parkinson & Gwen Miracle
What: The new guy meets the people in charge
When: October 23, morning (before the Montrose-Ballycastle match)
Where: Small conference room, Pride business offices
Warnings: None? I think everyone is well behaved.

'Merlin, you didn't tell me he was enormous,' she added to Cav and Ellie. 'Are we sure he's a Seeker?' )

25th Oct, 2017


Portree players, management, and staff )

MG and Gabi McGonagall )

Des )

24th Oct, 2017


Who: Pride players and staff
Where: Pride training grounds
What: Team Strategy session before the Falmouth match ... oh yeah, let's also meet the new guy
When: October 24, morning

Let's shake things up )

23rd Oct, 2017


IC/OOC: A&A Housewarming + Birthday!

Who: Ada Olivier and Alasdair Buchanan, and anyone invited
What: Housewarming and celebrating Alasdair's birthday!
When: Saturday 21st October, evening to late [backdated]
Where: A&A's house in Dunvegan, Skye
Warnings: none


15th Oct, 2017


Who: All three Scottish Quidditch teams (players + staff, not owners because we feel very weird about owners just now) and their plus-ones are invited, plus other miscellaneous family and friends and neighbours. No children, please.
What: Angus and Lennox Campbell’s birthday party. IC/OOC, feel free to comment or subthread whatever you like!
When: Mid-afternoon, lasting late into the night, as long as the beer holds out and the rain holds off.
Where: The Isle of Staffa, just west of Mull.
Warnings: Who can say?

Read more... )

14th Oct, 2017


Who: Gwen Miracle and Des Parkin
What: Information-gathering, opinion-seeking, and general discussion of the BIL news of the hour.
When: 27 September 1999, afternoon.
Where: Des’s office, DOMGAS, Ministry.
Warnings: Slytherin scheming

You’re not looking very surprised about this, Dad. You knew already, didn’t you? )

3rd Oct, 2017


Who: Ada Olivier, Alasdair Buchanan, Gwen Miracle and Honoria Whittle(NPC)
What: A&A's interview with Honoria Whittle
When: Saturday, 30 September 1999. morning
Where: Gwen Miracle's home
Warnings: Calli's awesomeness with Gwen and Honoria!

'Gwenyth, darling, she’s not even on your team...' 'I'm aware.' )

29th Sep, 2017


Who: Gwen Miracle and Graham Urquhart
What: Graham knows a secret about the BIL and he needs to tell his PR agent.
When: Wednesday 27 September 1999, in the afternoon.
Where: Graham’s office at Whizz Hard books
Warnings: If the language stays clean, it’s a miracle (or a Miracle…)

I can’t imagine that it can be kept secret for long, with thirteen owners and six commissioners at the least involved in it. )

28th Sep, 2017


Pride of Portree players, management, and staff )

Torquil )

Elspeth )

Oighrig )

Alasdair )

Peggy )

26th Sep, 2017


OWL Post to Gwen Miracle

Gwen Miracle
Portree Training Grounds
Skye, Scotia


I had a very interesting conversation with my wife's cousin's boy at the match today. I want to run something by you. Can you make it by the Whizz Hard offices in London tomorrow or Wednesday, or else at my home one evening? Not Thursday, Agnes and I have a performance to attend, but any other day this week at your convenience.

Graham U.

20th Sep, 2017


Who: Gwenyth Miracle and Alasdair Buchanan.
What: A meeting to discuss Alasdair's PR situation.
When: Thursday, Sept. 14 (backdated).
Where: Gwen's office, Portree HQ.
Warnings: None!

‘Portree Chaser’s Mystery Mistress: What’s Buchanan Got To Hide?’ )

12th Sep, 2017


Pride of Portree players, management, & staff )

Graham Urquhart, Sebastian Cavallero )

Private to Des )

1st Aug, 2017


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