April 2018

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24th March 2018

[info]thegoldenneep in [info]neeps

IC/OOC: Kenmare Kestrels (7-3-0) versus Montrose Magpies (10-0-0)

Kenmare Kestrels (7-3-0 0.700) versus Montrose Magpies (10-0-0 1.000)
Play Started:2000-03-24 at Irish National (Conamara)
Snitch caught in : 7 hours, 18 minutes
Kenmare Kestrels : 190
Montrose Magpies : 590
Congratulations, Montrose Magpies
That'll bring the block's average up. It'll bring a lot of the league's averages up... )

[info]ogletwerp in [info]neeps

Owled to Meaghan McCormack on Friday Morning )

[info]more_savage in [info]neeps

I'm so excited for the C.L.A.M.S. spring programs kids' Quidditch demo, which is scheduled for April 7. Busy time so close to play-offs, but I think it will just get the kids even more eager for the matches. We received so much support for this particular program that I'm pleased to say a few lucky (randomly selected) kids will be attending each of the remaining games of the season and post-season, including the Neep.

[Program Volunteers]
For those who much have forgotten, this was:

Quidditch Players: Dunbar, Kenna, Alasdair, Ada
Administrative: Alex, Mel
Hosts: Hamish, Anais

Thank you for your continued support. Planning and rehearsal schedules are going out tonight, so please be sure to respond if there any conflicts so that we can reschedule quickly.


I know Mum wants to have the usual family gathering, but I think I'm in the mood for something small for our actual birthday, for a change. What do you say to me, you, and a couple of drinks?


You're a busy wizard these days. Any chance you could spare an evening soon for an old friend? Unless, of course, consorting with the enemy isn't allowed this close to the Neep. Then I might have to employ some subterfuge to sneak you away.

[info]yaxlie in [info]neeps

Who: Lex & Micah Yaxley Savage
What: Howler repercussions. And family feels.
When: The day of the howler - 13 March, evening
Where: The Cottage
Warnings: F for Feels, discussion of pureblood politics

I’ve never met him and I know he doesn’t deserve you. )

[info]yaxlie in [info]neeps

Owl to Meaghan

Owl to Meaghan McCormack (sent Friday 23 March) )

[info]octavius in [info]neeps


It's been over twenty-one years since I found out I was a wizard and magical healing still impresses me. I can break my wrist during a match, have it healed by the end, and a few days later it feels perfectly fine. Without magic, I would have had to have surgery, a cast, and weeks of recovery. Magical healing is the shit. Seriously.