[Voice | Action-Open] Second Verse, Same as the First?
06 September 2011 at 10:25 am
Action )


[There is a soft, exasperated sigh before the boy finally starts up his entry. Very obviously annoyed if you couldn't tell by the swearing.] So, apparently there are ninjas in this miserable shithole and I fuckin' pissed them off... This so isn't funny.

Anyone got a paperclip or something I can use to pick a lock?

[If you're listening closely you may hear a distinct rattle of chains. "Miserable shithole" because despite the fact they had damn near everything here in comparison, it still sucked to Helix. He honestly felt a little cheated here, he was a big, nasty criminal, why was he being treated so well? Wasn't he supposed to be on death row or something under stricter surveillance than a friggin' ball and chain?? Nevermind the fact he really shouldn't be bitter about this... Right. Lets pass the time with idle chatter shall we? Cause he doesn't feel like dragging his ball all over the dome he's too wounded for that crap.]

So. Who here has actually killed someone? [A pause for effect and a slight, mocking twist to his tone.] C'mon, don't be shy. We're all just criminals here.
[Video | Action] Arrival
05 September 2011 at 10:15 pm
[Rose has read the material. She's gone through the basket and she understands why she's here. She can't even, and won't argue with why she's here. She's also done a bit of exploring by the time she finally decides to get on the network.]

So what Universe and planet is this? Anybody ever show up here on purpose?

[Because she's laying bets on someone coming looking for her. UNIT at the very least. The Doctor at the very most. The Daleks in a worst case scenario kind of thing.]

And how do I go about getting' my things back? [There was a gun and a couple of timey wimey thing-a-ma-bobs UNIT monitored her with.]
[video/voice], [action: housemates] open! [backdated to afternoon.]
02 September 2011 at 07:32 pm
[Subaru is the familiar face on screen, in early afternoon. He fidgets, but overall, he's getting better at these public broadcasts. Behind him, there's the distinct appearance of a kitchen, and... some smoke. If you squint, you might be able to see what looks like a muffin pan, with lumps of something black and smoking inside of it. They might have been muffins. "Muffins" might be a stretch now, however.]

A-ah... I was just wondering, if... anyone had any idea how to... make desserts? E-easy ones? I, um, I tried to make blueberry muffins, but they... [he hesitates, flushing a little bit and casting a look behind him.] They didn't turn out. All four times. I don't want to waste anymore blueberries.

U-um, recipes with fruit are the best! [let's not talk about his fail anymore!] Thank you very much!

[and then he bows at the feed, before cutting it off. If you happen to be in the house at this time of day, you may have smelled the tell-tale smell of smoke (which can also be known as "Subaru tried to cook again"). Feel free to come investigate. At least he made sure to put the fire out before it destroyed the stove.]
[ video / action with reason ]
02 September 2011 at 03:58 pm
So, does anyone here have money? [Allen is very relaxed this evening, reclining on his couch with his dog and playing idly with a woman's wallet between his fingers]

Of course there isn't any money in this place. It's all just worthless pieces of paper and lumps of metal, since everything is free. But I'm curious if anyone still has their wallets from when they first arrived, and what might be in them. We probably have a lot of different currency here, when you actually think about it.

I want to -- compare.

[and possibly con you into giving it to him! ♥ ]
29 August 2011 at 08:46 pm
Thank god all those people are gone. This place is crowded enough without Acumen going haywire. This is the second time it's done that. First monsters, and then accidental arrests - the robot is totally losing its touch.

So. [ she sounds cheery! beware ] Name something you hate about this place. [ she's just full of positive thinking ] I can't be the only one that can't stand Marina.
[Video | Action] Open
24 August 2011 at 09:35 pm
[Oddly enough Ed seems rather calm today. The child is still running around in her usual sleevless t-shirt and violet biking shorts despite several people trying to get her to change into something more appropriate; or to at least put shoes on.

Currently she's just poking around on the network to see about the data changes from the previous day and try to figure out where the engineers went. The video feed opens up when she accesses the video files from the previous hours to download. She seems to be simply sitting in the middle of the sector 4 not far from the butterfly pavilion, singing softly and humming a rather odd tune.]

Circle's an eye ball, Circles are pretty, A tasty wonderful, Just like black grapies.
09 August 2011 at 05:52 am
-- Vri?

Where the fuck are you? Movin' out without tellin' me you were goin' to isn't fuckin' finny when everyone keeps disappearin' on me here, all right? You know that, so just fuckin' answer me already and get back here.

[All he can think about right now is... There was absolutely no way she could have just moved out without rubbing it in his face, first...

There's currently an awful feeling in his collapsing and expanding bladder based aquatic vascular system.

... Is this what it really feels like to be forever alone?]

Please, not again...
[ video | action ] Open
09 August 2011 at 12:42 am
[ despite his disheveled appearance (and please ignore the slight hint of a bloodstain on his collar or the dirty, ragged robe stuffed into the bushes behind him), Oz has a bright, charming smile plastered on his face. He's never seen a device that could transmit sound and pictures before, but the pamphlet was highly informative for someone like Oz who, well, was just used to learning from books. ]

Oh, this is new. I've never seen such an invention before. I bet it comes in really useful when you need to find someone like my servant! You haven't seen him have you? He's tall, wears a hat and he just loves playing with cats.

[ cheeky grin. Come on Gilbert, prove him wrong if you dare! ]

(( ooc: Action is open to anyone who wants to find Oz in the Park. ))
08 August 2011 at 11:24 pm
[Ranka's gotten the message, the pamphlet and the basket. The snacks and everything in the basket remain untouched for now, and despite receiving the explanation, she's still pretty floored to say the least. After all, it's an underwater prison, and the last thing she knew, she was flying off into space with Brera and Ai-kun. This... clearly wasn't where she expected to end up.

Given a moment or two, she finally reaches up to the headset and turns it to what she hopes is video before taking a breath to speak. Anyone watching will see a rather nervous looking green haired girl.]

Um, excuse me, I know that this is... [She trails off, really unsure of what to say at first.]

What I mean to ask is that if all of this is real, what happens now? Do I just accept this? [The video feed catches her biting her lower lip and a flash of the koi pond in the background.]

Before I do anything, has anyone seen my pet, Ai-kun? He's green and sort of large, and he looks like a giant insect. If anyone finds him, please let me know. My name is Ranka. Ranka Lee.

[There's another pause before she adds:] Also, thank you for the basket.
[ Video/Voice/Action | Open | Voice Broadcasting ]
05 August 2011 at 04:38 am
[ It's beginning to become dark outside, but he's hardly cared to notice. In the Education Center, most of the lights have shut off, save for a few that are in a lab. What appears to be a distilling apparatus has been created, along with a few other experiments. Those that pay particularly close attention to feed might be able to hear a small humming in the background. This is the lab's fume hood.

He's still feeling fatigued from the spill he took a few days prior, enough so that he isn't wandering far throughout the prison. Sherlock loathes being stagnant, though; more than he disdains talking to people, even. ]

I've been hearing that there was a warden in place before Acumen. Are there any among you who know about it, or have been here under its regime? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Also, if the Head of the Defense Force is about, I should like to speak with them.

(( OOC: For action posts, you might catch him in the lab, looking through a microscope, checking equipment, stirring random things, or taking a smoke break outside of the facility. ))
04 August 2011 at 12:31 pm
[Every grave in the yard is covered in one or two flowers, courtesy of Sakura. She puts a few more on Gyoro and Ururun's grave before moving on. She doesn't cry. Instead she places the flowers as nicely as possible around one of the graves.]

How are you, Itachi-san? I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner to see you. [arranges the flowers a little more and smiles]

[ooc: a 'year' since Itachi died ;-; you can catch her coming to and fro from the graveyard as well]
action // closed to subaru, karen, hokuto
03 August 2011 at 04:07 am
[Kamui hadn't meant to make himself so sick, and yet he'd managed it anyway. The last few days had been an indistinct blurred images while he was awake and restless dreams while he was sleeping -- and he'd done a lot of sleeping, feeling too pained, warmed, and exhausted to want to stay up for very long.]

[When he wakes up again on the morning of day 126 he's pleased to find he feels like a solid mass of heat and misery than he had last time he'd stirred from his rest. Talking still hurts, a little, as he discovers when he tries to call Subaru's name and gets no further than 'S' before he cuts off and grimaces. Right, no talking above a whisper unless he needs to.]

[But surely he's well enough to walk, yes? Kamui slides out of bed and stands gingerly. He can at least make it to the kitchen, he thinks...]

(ooc: feel free to catch him in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on his way to the kitchen, etc.)
02 August 2011 at 04:13 pm
[ Miwako appears on the feed, sitting in the common room of the shelter in all her pink and smiling glory; she's a little less cheerful than usual, but not visibly sad or upset. She waves at the camera as she begins: ]

Good morning~!

I have a question today! If I wanted to listen to music by a certain band, would I have to request their CDs from Acu? Or is there a way to download mp3s of their songs somehow? You see, Acu has already sent me my medicine from home, so I wouldn't want to bother him with my requests again so soon... [ She skips a beat. ]

On a lighter note, being in prison really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Everyone I've met has been very nice so far~ Have any of you picked up new hobbies to pass the time, since you've been here? What would you recommend?

[ She looks as if she's ready to end the feed, but then is obviously struck by a sudden thought, and her face lights up. ]

Oh~! By the way! Prince Sanji~! Would you like to meet up sometime soon to tell me about your pirate adventures~? I would still like to hear them!

[ Another big smile, and she waves good-bye to the camera as the feed shuts off. ]
[video | action | backdated to afternoon]
31 July 2011 at 03:20 pm
[The video flickers on and the screen reveals Tamaki sitting on one of the sofas in the shelter common room fiddling with a rose in one hand and looking as though he is in very deep thought. His face is serious for most of the time before he begins speaking, but after a good thirty seconds his expression changes to something between a smirk and a smile while he glances at the camera from the corner of his eye.]

In this world there are those who are blessed with beauty and grace, the greatest gifts God could have ever bestowed upon a living creature. [He raises the rose he'd been holding to his nose and takes a good long sniff before setting it down and turning his attention back to the camera.] I, for one, thank the heavens above everyday that I am one of those fortunate few in possession of such rewards. That is not the message that I have for you all today, however. You see, it is my belief that the duty of these people with such exquisite looks to bring joy to everyone around them in any way they can - a duty which I place before all other things in life.

[Another pause, this time so that he may close his eyes and imagine lines of women admiring him and men doing all that they can to be him. It is a wonderful fantasy and it makes him chuckle lightly.]

A Host Club is a club designed for the specific purpose of sharing this beauty and giving such joy to its visitors - in short it is the perfect setting for carrying out the heavy task of bringing all the happiness in the world to those less fortunate than us! For this reason I have made the decision to establish one here in this prison as some of you may already be aware! [Suddenly, his arms shoot off to the sides as if he were welcoming everyone to step into his arms for a great big hug.] I would like to invite all those who might be interested to join us and utilize your gifts to the best of your ability! I am certain that among all of you watching this today there are plenty who are worthy of the title of 'Host'!

[And as an after thought, Tamaki turns his face away from the camera, brings the rose up to his mouth and just mumbles the next few words. They aren't really something he's proud of.]

We will even accept Hosts of the female persuasion.
[Action/Video| Open]
13 July 2011 at 01:36 am
[It's been a busy couple of days for Yosuke - much of it's had him ready to get away and clear his mind for a bit. Having found his go-to place, he's hanging out at the playground. Maybe you'll find him hanging upside down on the monkey bars, or maybe sitting on a swing. Wherever it is, he looks pretty relaxed, and if you know Yosuke at all, it's pretty obvious it's the most at ease he's been since he showed up in the dome.]

[He's not verbalizing the way the last few days have played out, obviously. With the first two weeks being nothing short of traumatizing, things are starting to settle down - and his conversation with Nakama the day before at his party has him thinking about a lot of things... most of them good.]

[The thought of Nakama's words crossing his mind serves as a reminder. He had something to say on the network! So he does just that, turning on the communicator and smiling brightly into it.]

Hey - uh. Nothing really exciting or important here. I just kind of... wanted to thank everyone who showed up to my, um... birthday party yesterday. You guys made it an awesome birthday, seriously. Seriously. It means a lot to me, hehe.

Sorry if it seems kind of lazy to do it this way, but it was all kind of a blur since it happened so fast.

Thanks again, guys!

[He winks into the camera, then shuts it off. He's totally making the best of this day, awwww yeah.]

[ooc: Action is completely open. Those who would've showed up to Yosuke's birthday are more than welcome to handwave it and we can assume they were there - you're also more than welcome to tag the post still, if you want! ♥]
[Voice/Action] Backdated to before noon
06 July 2011 at 09:01 pm
[VOICE (11AM) // Locked FROM: Yosuke Hanamura]

Attention! Anyone that wants to come to Yosuke Hanamura's birthday party should meet us in the common room on the [insert number here] floor of the Sector Zero shelter at 1PM. There's cake, food, music, and plenty to drink.


[VOICE (1PM) // Locked TO: Yosuke Hanamura]

Hey Yosuke. You should meet me at the shelter in ten minutes.



[The tables are set, the decorations are up, and the food it out. Seems ready for a party, right? There's a decent-sized cake set out and lots of food available -- some of it prepackaged stuff, but there are also home made potato croquettes, spinach dip, and cinnamon spiced cashews set out on platters as well. Plates, cups, plasticware, drinks, and chairs are readily available, with trash cans set in the corners of the room. Presents are set out on a table next to the cake -- though one of them, a yellow bike, sits in front of the table instead.]

[It certainly seems ready for a party, but it won't proeprly kick off until Yosuke shows up -- and is showed with a spray of confetti from Kohran's creation the moment he walks in that door.]
[action | open]
05 July 2011 at 05:08 pm
[Karen's at the beach this morning, sitting in the sand and taking in the sunlight (artificial though it might be). Beaches were a little hard to come by in Tokyo so she's taking the opportunity now while she has it.

She's building a sandcastle, or rather, she's piling sand into a loose geometric structure, all the while enjoying the feeling of sand slipping through her fingers.]
05 July 2011 at 07:15 pm
[ after throwing a tantrum over the fact that his powerz are not workign!!11!! sylar's now sulking all by himself on a park bench ]

I guess this is the part where I defend myself and scream obscenities at whoever will listen. [ oozing sarcasm ] Luckily enough for all of you, I don't feel like engaging in a pointless speech about how I'm innocent and how all of this is ridiculous. Blah. Blah. Blah.

[ flipping the pamphlet open and reading ] I'm here, aren't I? Might as well endure the long haul. [ he doesn't want to, no one can make him, if only his powers worked then he could wreck this entire dome apart -- ]

[ his eyes coast across the faq section, focusing suddenly. and then his mind blanks out and he completely forgets, if only for a moment, that he is in an underwater asylum with no chance to get at Peter and the other genetically gifted individuals ]

[ ...to restrain the powers of the convicted... ]

...Supernatural abilities? Do people even have those here?
[ video / action ]
04 July 2011 at 06:23 pm
Life-term imprisonment? It's like the plot of a potentially interesting mystery story. Still, you revealed who was responsible right from the beginning. There's no suspense.

[this mop of hair is talking? why is it talk-- oh, wait, it's a person. in a mountain of books. in the library. a chain around his foot. how is that comfortable at all??]

Anyway, I'd rather be sent home now. There's someone who'll be upset and scream a long time if I'm absent, and I don't think he'll accept the fact that I've been stuck a long time underwater. Even if there are a lot of good books.

Though, now that I think about it... I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up here too... Has anyone seen someone named Elliot around? He's probably made a lot of trouble, and I apologize in advance. Please tell him Leo is looking for him. I'll be in the library. Thank you.

[with that, the feed cuts off. leo looks down at his hands a bit, thinking about something, but soon goes back to reading. Elliot would come soon enough, he felt.

in the meantime.... he'll read this entire mountain of books.]
04 July 2011 at 04:16 pm
Hello…? I think it works!

Uhm, I’m not sure what to say to all of this, to be honest… It’s a lot to take in all at once. That’s why Miwako waited to use the communicator until she was done crying. I think the first thing to say is “Thank you” to the welcoming committee for the lovely basket~ Miwako wasn’t aware that prisons had welcoming committees, or gave out jelly beans and hand lotion! That’s so considerate~

But you know, I never knew I was a criminal before – I guess most people Miwako knows are criminals, according to all this! I wonder if George is already here... He must be a super criminal, because he’s very popular and bisexual, but also drives a Jaguar! Sally is only a Cub, and Miwako still got arrested. They should have just given me a ticket, though…

In any case, I should introduce myself! My name is Sakurada Miwako~ It’s nice to meet you all, even under these circumstances… Is anyone else from Tokyo here? Maybe we’re neighbors~!

I wonder how many people in Tokyo are actually replacements for criminals, though, and no one knows it… I bet Arashi won’t be very happy with replacement Miwako… Poor Ara…