video + action;
07 February 2012 at 05:09 pm
[ His own hand reaches up, fingers lightly stroking the cloth patch that had affixed itself where his right eye should be. A momentary look of irritation and a furrow to his brow appears but he soon dismisses it, lowering his hand as he does. With a single breath, he considers every bit of information rather abruptly force fed to him before he finally glances at the device he has.

So it's come to this. While he had been careful in covering his tracks, only leaving clues obvious to his beloved, it seemed the law came for everyone. No matter how twisted its sense of justice was. However, it doesn't surprise him. It would have taken an extraordinarily sophisticated system to have captured him. So much more to have been able to tend to his burns (minor stings now, not so much that it bothered him) and seal him off.

But there was still a trickle of power remaining.
One tiny string he could pull that seemed so familiar. Connected to a certain... doll.

Wonderful. A small message drifts through the ether in hopes to hit a particular blond shinigami. Just two words. Simple and in a familiar voice to Hisoka's mind: Hello, boy.

But there would be time for a proper hello. For know, the matter at hand. ]

Incarceration. Quite the interesting situation I seem to have landed myself in.

[ A pause as he considers what else to say. But the thoughtfulness is replaced by a rather small smile. ]

I suppose it would be only proper to introduce myself to my fellow inmates. I am Kazutaka Muraki, a doctor by profession from where I was taken from specializing in cardiology and pediatrics.

Perhaps Acumen has a twisted sense of justice to bring a man such as myself to prison.
02 February 2012 at 08:42 am
[There's a brief silence at the beginning of the transmission, one filled with hesitation, but then a rough voice can be heard muttering something unintelligble, to be followed by a softer voice answering in a mild tone, though the words of the second speaker are also indistinct. An idea has occurred to the parasite--and to D, if the dhampir is honest with himself. It's the parasite, however, who drives D to make a brief statement for all to hear.]

If there are those who wish to ride the horses now housed within the dome, but have limited or no knowledge of them, I would be willing to offer assistance and instruction to any who require it.

[Given that all of the animals within Marina are unusually accommodating, D expects that the inherent risks of horseback riding may be mitigated, but that's no excuse for prospective riders to not be taught how to go about things properly. At the very least, it will save the horses from enduring the unpleasantries of inept handling. He would expect other horsemen and women within the dome to agree.]

[ooc: I know he just posted a few days ago, but as a rider, I couldn't get this idea out of my head, and his CR is kind of lending itself to the idea. I'd like D to start offering riding instruction on a regular basis as a class through Marina's educational program.]
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[Gamewide Mingle]
29 January 2012 at 07:27 am
[Sector 3 is a popular destination for entertainment! People may be interested in seeing a movie at the theater, getting a drink or singing karaoke at the club, playing games at the arcade, or dropping by the Brave Vesperia headquarters -- on business or otherwise. In addition, Sector 3 has a lot of apartments and small houses; maybe people are just coming and going on their daily routine, or you might be seeing a friend who lives here.]

[Everyone who might have passed through Sector 3 today -- morning, noon, or night -- is invited to thread out a chance encounter here, or a date, or a gathering of friends. Just tell everyone where your character is and what they're doing, and go!]

[ (But if your occasion takes place after dark, remember there was a bomb threat if that's relevant to your character.) ]
19 January 2012 at 06:09 pm
[Welcome to the Devil's Compass, it's Poker Night.

The record player might be playing something jazzy in the background, there's (plenty of) smoke wafting in the air and the taps are just waiting to be... tapped. For those who quit the game or didn't come to play in the first place, the pool table and dart board are free. But why wouldn't you come to play poker on Poker Night? Scared of all... the big bad cheats?]
[video | action | open] Forward-dated to evening
18 January 2012 at 08:01 pm
[Darn, he couldn't sleep. It wasn't like that idiot dog was around keeping him up, so that wasn't an excuse. Nor were there any enemies around to attack him. So why? It was evening time, and he felt mentally tired, but apparently his body wasn't. The feed switches on, revealing his unruly red hair, and the restless face it was attached to.]

What's the best way to force yourself to sleep when you're restless? [And the feed switches off.]

[So, he's made his way to the Athletic Complex and begins running along the large open field, in just his winter coat since he didn't bring a hat or scarf this time. Maybe a few laps around would be just the thing to tire him out. Unfortunately, the small boy doesn't notice the small piece of frozen ground as he sprints and he slips on it, which propels him off-balance and he crashes to the ground. The impact causes his Communicator to fly off, rolling a few feet away. And now, the video function switches itself on after the button presses down when it hits the floor, so you'll see an uncouncious Yuta lying face first on the field. He's too independent to ask for help, so he'll just let his body slowly recover on its own like he usually does until he gets the strength to get up.]

((ooc: Yuta's slipped on a stray piece of frozen snow and sprained his ankle. He's in a bit of pain, and won't be getting up just yet unless someone comes by and wants to help him.))
18 January 2012 at 07:53 am
[ when the video feed comes to life, alois trancy looks like he's swallowed an entire sunbeam. that's how wide his smile is and how rosy his cheeks are. besides the usual honey-colored hair that frames his face, there's impossibly black silky strands tickling under his chin. he peers through the wave of hair at the camera (which one hand keeps in place), while a few polished fingernails card themselves through it. ]

Guess what, guess what? [ is the giddiness detectable? it should be. ] Claude has come! My Claude! My Claude came to me and while it took him a fuck of a long time, he's here now, and I've forgiven him for being so unpunctual! And, for leaving me alone for so long, of course. [ isn't he a kindly master? .... and, yeah, yeah; never mind that claude faustus has been charged with crimes just like everyone else. nope, alois likes to fancy that claude charged in to rescue him from unbearable loneliness. ]

He's really terrific! The best butler in the entire world. [ adding quickly: ] In all of them, you won't find one better and he's all mine.

Anyhow! Today Claude and I are going to bake a cake! [ the view gets a tad rocky, he's leaning back to switch his communicator's camera to the side of claude's face and ear. the entire time, he's been perched and wiggling on claude's shoulders, kicking his legs, or leaning backward—giving the trancy butler a hell of a time of keeping him steady and unscathed. ] Isn't that right, Claude? It'll be the bloody most wonderful cake you've ever seen or eaten!

[ swoop! the camera suddenly pans up to a top view of the two of them, with alois looking cheerfully upward. ] So, if you'd like, you should come and have some.

(ooc: ;w; yep. claude and alois'll be in the kitchen this afternoon baking (or, trying to teach how...) a cake and making a mess of things and herp derpin'. either one or both of us will tag those who comment in. feel free to come help them out in the kitchen, laugh at them, or eat some cake. i promise it'll be good.)
[video | open]
16 January 2012 at 09:46 pm
[Link is picking up a piece of wadded paper and shaking it at you. Yes, YOU! Littering is despicable!]

I strongly suggest with the cleaning only a few days complete everyone should do their part to keep it in excellent condition. If we are to be in prison we might as well be in a pristine prison.

[Ew, he's holding someone else's trash. Is that gum?]
12 January 2012 at 12:11 pm
[Ken's been quiet since his arrival. It wasn't exactly him being anti-social. It was more along the lines of learning his way around... okay, he's been antisocial. Today, though, was different. He's out in the dome, busy exploring.

First stop was the dining hall for a quick breakfast. Learning to cook was something he'd been working on back home, so a quick mental note was made before he moved on. There was plenty to see, but once he saw the sprawling green of the soccer fiend at athletic complex, any other plans for the day had been forgotten.]
12 January 2012 at 02:18 am
[Hello, Marina! It's your creepy friendly neighborhood scientist-guy. He seems all smiles, as per usual.] Hello, everyone! I had a question. Or rather, I had a few.

So it's been a few days, but, um... Does anyone know where I can acquire some medical equipment? Or a telescope, or even fairly small pieces of glass and sandpaper?

If I'm going to be stuck here a while, I may as well keep myself busy.

[Plus, he has projects. Many, many projects. His smile grows a little more.]

Also, I noticed there's a hospital. I've never stepped inside their facilities, but judging from the outside, it looks fairly state-of-the-art.

Has anyone checked that out yet?

[Because Shinra's oh so curious on what's in there.] Do you know if it's possible to become a volunteer there? Or to... borrow ["steal"] fairly meaningless extras?

Just... out of curiosity. [Sooooo, anyone want to help Shinra break into the hospital? He's about to turn it off, but he remembers something else he wanted to ask.]

Oh! Also, before I forget, I was wondering if anyone knew how to create and install locks? I'm not the best at mechanics so it'd be nice if someone would be able to put a lock on my apartment door for me. I'm not sure how I can repay anyone just yet, but I'm sure we could work something out. Thank you!
The 149th Day
09 January 2012 at 06:11 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 149th day of the third generation.

Preparations have been completed for inmate Sasha's snowball fight.
[In other words, there is snow on the ground again.] Inmates who do not wish to participate may be advised to give the area a wide berth.

Inmate Subaru Nakajima, the renovations you requested are now complete.

...Additionally, inmate Cheshire Cat. If you require sustenance, the bots in the shelter kitchens and restaurants across the dome are ready and waiting to make any variety of food you would like. The koi fish are not intended for inmate consumption and further incursions will result in action by this system.
07 January 2012 at 12:54 am
I've heard a couple of new people around, so I thought I'd make myself known. Hey guys! I'm Gino Weinberg. And I'm offering my help to everyone, well actually, all the new Marinarians. [Yup, he's borrowing the term Yuuki coined!]

What can this guy do for me? You might be asking. Well, I can't get that chain off your foot and I can't get you back home, but I can help you with all those pesky chores you're no doubt doing right this moment. I'm a great hand at laundry. Just ask Kallen and Suzaku! And I'm pretty good at gardening too. So just give me a call if you need me! I'll be pretty much available all day. And the days after.

[He gives a wave and shuts off the camera. You can find him in the laundry room! Or - wherever the robots are taking you to do chores!]
04 January 2012 at 05:17 pm

[When you first see Asch's face, he is mad. Teeth grit, fists clenched, face as red as his hair in rage mad. He's trying to stand straight and intimidating but his shoulders are shaking in anger and, without his sword and hampered by the restraints, he's little more than a furious rooster at the moment.]

[His restraints definitely do show signs of trying to be chiseled off with whatever he could have grabbed upon arrival - chipped bits of flashlight can be seen in the chain - and it's only his failure to do so himself that's prompted him to try this damn device and network for assistance.]

Whoever's sick, twisted, damn idea of a joke this is, you have less than thirty seconds to get this thing off of me before I make sure you wish you were in prison yourself, because I have much better ideas for what to do with you than any of the fonbots in this forsaken pit!
[Voice/Action | Sector 4: Beach | Open]
03 January 2012 at 04:56 pm
After some panic... )

[ The voice that comes out of the network is shaky and the most confused. ]

I can-- I can deal with the Whats and the Whys later, but what I want to know is how: How did this Acumen get me out of Grie?

[ Should anyone venture by the Beach, they might spot a lady in her 20's, long black hair and white wings whipped by the wind, faintly glowing halo floating on top of her head. She clutches her denim jacket to her person with one hand, welcome basket held in the other as she makes her way towards Sector 5. ]