The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 31st, 2010

Last Call for Dec: Year-Long Challenge + January challenge, SS wrap, Art BB

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Today's your last day to get in a post for the Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin.

Remember, you can mix and match your entries. If you're looking for quickie ideas, you can consult a suggestion list here. Don't forget to use the community tag for your entry - project: a decade of ssrl.

January's challenge is relatively simple: Reposting & Commenting
Time for some rest and catch-up! If you have a piece that has only appeared in another community or your journal, you are welcome to repost it to the community in January.

Members, as always, this would be a good month to leave comments on the pieces you view. Nothing makes a creator's day like a spare "read and liked" from someone new.

--->In that same vein, it is customary to thank the mods of [info]snupin_santa before or at the reveal. I didn't write the particpant list this year, but I wanted to remind everyone of this tradition.

--->I'll be opening the Art Big Bang sometime after the Snupin Santa reveals. Again, artists will be turning in art and writers will be creating stories for the art pieces. I haven't nailed down exactly how this is going to work. If you've participated in an Art BB or want to weigh in with your thoughts, you can reply here or contact me in any number of ways that you know. ^_^

Have a safe, joyous New Year, everyone! ♥ ♥ ♥

October 26th, 2010

Mod Post: Halloween Calendar, 2011 desktops, reminders

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Have you seen our Snape/Lupin 10-year Anniversary and Year-Long Challenge? If not, check it out!

October Halloween Week Calendar art by [info]littleblackbow

768 wide
1680 wide

I know this is coming pretty late in the month, but it will be offered again next year as a 2011 desktop choice. [info]littleblackbow did a wonderful job, so I hope you will all leave her comments here!

I am taking general Snape/Lupin images for 2011 from now until the end of the year.

Instead of sign-ups and deadlines, I am making an open call for 2011 images. You can add a calendar to your image and set a month for it, just be aware I might receive more than one calendar for a certain month and will be putting up all I receive for that month. Offering an image also means you're giving permission for the image to go into an ongoing library of desktop calendar art for future years. I'm imagining that the day will come, maybe even this year, when we won't be able to drum up 12 separate images.

If you have participated in a previous calendar and would like your art to enter the ongoing archive, please drop me a note in some fashion (reply here is fine). I'll eventually try to contact everyone personally who doesn't contact me.

It would be nice to have all the images by the end of the year, but if you're running late or suddenly inspired, I'll accept work at any time from now on (although I hope you are managing your time so you can create art for the Snupin Big Bang Art Focus-hee!). If anyone (or more) wants to produce desktop images for the year-long challenge, please feel free!

Spooky Snupin ends on Halloween!

Snupin_Santa new participants have a deadline coming up on Monday!

I'm loving the late Fantasy Fest entries, and I have started to look for my lists on my hard drive so we can get the Master List up soon.

love, lore

October 22nd, 2010

A year of celebration begins....

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10 years ago today, the very first Snape/Lupin story that we know of was posted to the internet. A decade is a milestone in any relationship! This year, from now until the end of October, 2011, we'll be celebrating Severus and Remus' Tin Anniversary with one big-assed challenge and a host of other tributes through our work over the next 12 months.

Snape and Lupin's smiling heads bowed toward each other and the words "Ten Years of Snape/Lupin" written on the left next to the image.

The banner art is yours to use, and you should credit the lovely [info]zephre for the work. Thank you, Zeph! But wait, there's more....

Snape/Lupin faces base art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with border art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with Anniversary text icon by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with lyrics art by Omni_Sama Snape/Lupin faces with larger lyrics art by Omni_Sama

These icons are also for your use as long as you credit [info]omni_sama for the art. Omni is Rip_Von_Christ on LJ if you are using it there.

Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin

As for our year-long challenge, Omni has already kicked hers off already with the last two icons. The challenge is for you to come up with some sort of Snape/Lupin-related pursuit that you can do once a month for 12 months. This pursit is not meant to supercede your participation in other challenges over the next year, unless your pursuit is what you wish to focus on, of course! Omni is choosing to tell a story through icons and she will post one a month for the next 12 months.

Whatever you decide to do - write a story, post an art, participate in discussion, leave feedback, tell a joke, haiku, rec, craft, donate time to the community, beta, finish old works, create lists, etc. - you can post any time during the month. If what you choose to do, like leave feedback or volunteer, is not something that can easily be posted to the community, you can gather up links or testimony and make a post at the end of 12 months to "show your work". If you need ideas, ask on the community. I'm sure people will be happy to throw ideas at you!

Everyone who completes the challenge wins a $10 donation from me to the charity of your choice within reason (must be able to donate securely online, no hate organizations, etc.), up to $500 (to be determined by who posts earliest in the last month). If you want to encourage your friends to join in, you can work up a larger donation to a charity on which you can all agree. (I know I am often fail!cakes at prizes, which I have not let go of yet, but I will show my work in return via email receipts)

The time-period for the 10-Year Challenge is technically November 1, 2010 - October 31, 2011, but I am going to allow the first "month" to be starting now until November 30.

Questions? Concerns? Did I forget anything? Ask away! If you want to know more about how we determined this anniversary date, visit the ship overview at the Snape/Lupin Wiki. We salute Majolique for posting Hunters' Moon on October 22, 2000!

Ok, so now let's celebrate! Share with us here one or many of your favourite Snape/Lupin, SSRL or Snupin memories!

love, lore

October 3rd, 2010

Mod post: Snupin100, Spooky Snupin, LDWS

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Hey everyone, be sure to vote in the Last Drabble Writer Standing poll if you've ever been interested in doing one. Isisanubis wrote me about it and I know some of you have asked about LDWS for the community in the past, so I told her to go for it!

[info]snupin100's prompt this week is an image. Weeks end on Tuesdays at Snupin100, and there's been no response on IJ and only a couple (very funny) ones on LJ.

Spooky Snupin is underway! Remember, anything goes, from drabbles to full-blown fic. Prompts available for ideas, no need to claim!

Friends and community members, just wanted to say that I'm away, but I'm still reading your journals and want to read your stories and comment on your art. I just seem to be perpetually behind lately. Like we all are, right? ~_^ ♥

love, lore

September 19th, 2010

Mod Post: Icon & Spooky Snupin reminders + cheers & thanks!

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I have to open with a resounding cheer for the return of the [info]snupin_prophet! If you're new to the pairing, you should subscribe to and support the Prophet with links because it is an invaluable round-up of our pairing on a twice-monthly basis. I hope everyone will pitch in with their links and comments; fandom rarely gets something good and useful back after a hiatus. Welcome back and thank you, McKay and Bonfoi!

Prompts are still needed for the Spooky Snupin challenge in October. Comments are screened, but I can tell you that we definitely need lots more prompts to give participants a wide range of choices. Remember, prompting does not obligate you to participate, so don't be shy. Prompting on LJ || Prompting on IJ

Icons! You want one made for you? It's not too late to ask here on LJ or here on IJ. I have to specifically commend [info]blue_cage for her efforts. There are icons there already as specific gifts and some for all to use, so be sure to check the posts out.

Tagging: [info]red_day_dawning has volunteered to catch up on tagging for the community, but you can help her out by remembering to tag your own posts. Many thanks to Red for her help!

love, lore

September 12th, 2010

Mod Post: Icon volunteering project, Calendar art, Fantasy Fest news, BLU2 news

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For Fantasy Fest 2010 news, see below.

We have no challenge this month, but we do have a volunteer activity:

If you would like a Snape/Lupin icon or banner or other graphic element, and you have some details in mind (words, images, etc.), leave a reply here with details and/or links. People who know how to make icons/digital art are welcome to keep an eye on this post and fulfill the requests.

I'll try to post reminders, but I am one harried mod this month. If anyone wants to start discussions or put up some candid captions or something else, please feel free!


September Calendar art by [info]pennswoods

Thumbnail for September 2010 calendar art by Pennswoods - Snape and Lupin sitting at set table in great hall
1050 wide
768 wide

If you would like to leave [info]pennswoods comments on her wonderful art, please reply to this post or visit her journal!


[info]whitestar/[info]whitestar_alpha (IJ/LJ) made this year's Fantasy Fest participants banners and icons. She is a lovely, enthusiastic participant here and I hope you'll not only use her gifts, but let he know what you think of them as well. You can respond here if you like or visit Whitestar's journals.

I'm putting these up and trusting you all to be on the honor system when choosing to use these. If you haven't posted your piece at all yet, please wait to take a banner or icon. If you've at least put up a chapter and intend to finish, go ahead.

The Masterlist for Fantasy Fest will not go up until October sometime, so if you're still working on yours, you're in the grey zone. Fantasy Fest is officially over for this year, which means participants are now welcome to repost their work or archive it (like at Moonshadow).


Some links from around the journals - remember, you can always share a Snape/Lupin link with the community, whether it's your work or not.
Ficlet by Celendineb
Drabble by Celendineb
Beanstalk NSFW art by Didodikali
Thin Excuses 1850 NC17 words by R_Grayjoy
On the Desk NSFW art by Zephre


Heads-Up (meaning this is all tentative): We are planning an Art Big Bang for the early Winter/Spring. I am resisting calling it Snupin BLU 2: Art Boogaloo.

Artists: We will be looking for your original, finished Snape/Lupin pieces. A limit has not been set yet, but we will likely allow 1-3 pieces. A single piece can include a comic or image sequence. Deadline likely to be mid-February, but this heads-up is for anyone who wishes to start now.

Writers: There will likely be at least a 5000 word minimum, one writer per piece, first come, first served claiming. Writing period will be mid-February - March 31 (I hope!). The word count is high because this is a Big Bang - the idea is to encourage quality work.

Art and stories will be archived at the Snupin Big Bang site. Remember, if you make an account at the site, you will have some control over your work there and be able to respond to comments. Work would be postable/archivable elsewhere 1 month after going live. You are likely going to have to join one of our ninja locked snupin communities to work on this Big Bang.

I'm making this early announcement so that artists can begin work whenever they have time this fall and writers can make room in their schedules this spring. I don't have any other details, but if you have questions, please ask them because you may bring up an issue we'll have to figure out. An official announcement will probably come sometime in November, after most exchange deadlines.

Annnnnd that's all I have for now! If you have any comments or questions, please let me know. Otherwise, expect McKay to run our October Fest, which I believe she will begin late this month. I'm still around, still available; I'm just utterly pressed for time and the ability to concentrate so please don't be alarmed if it takes a few days for me to get back to you. I hope this post will be spammed with comments and requests for icons, though! ♥ all of you!

love, lore

August 6th, 2010

Mod Post: Fantasy Fest, Chat Drabble/Drawable Nite, August Calendar, etc.!

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Softie that I am, I wrote the drabblers and gave them until the end of the weekend to post their work. Karasu also picked up an extra since I did this, so if anyone else wants to try a drabble or drawable for Fantasy Fest, there is still time. But no more after Sunday!

If you want to claim a story or art piece, though, those are still open until the end of the month. You can post Fantasy Fest stories or art at any time. People with story and art prompts, don't let the end of the month Snupin_Santa sign-ups distract you - from both finishing and posting your work and signing up for [info]snupin_santa, of course! ~_^

Prompts & Claiming on InsaneJournal || Prompts & Claiming on LiveJournal

This is short notice, but some chatters wanted to do a drabble/drawable night and Friday (like, today) was everyone in chat's choice. We'll start around 9 pm EST tonight and go until people tire of it or there's not enough players. There's no real rules, you don't have to participate in every round and if you just want to read drabbles/see art, as long as you speak up with some "like it" or "hate it" comments, you can just watch.

This means you should make sure you can get into the chat room ahead of time. You'll know you're in the right place because Snape/Lupin-related info comes up when you enter the room. Also, you'll probably see "D_M" and "Jude" in there, are they're pretty constantly logged in, even when not around. Heh.

If this time doesn't work for you, but you still want to do a drabble/drawable night in chat, get with some friends, pick a date and time and let me or the community know. You don't need me to run something like this and you can make the post for such a night on your own. But I'm happy to faciliate both notice and the night itself if I'm available.

August Calendar by Ghot!

Snape and Lupin Looking at each other with August calendar by Ghot

977 x 768
1280 x 1006
As always, you can leave comments for the stupendous [info]ghot here!

If you have previously created calendar art for either our print or desktop projects and wish to send me a clean (date-free, month title can stay) version of it, or just a reply with your permission to use existing clean art, please e-mail me at the mod mail. I'll be contacting everyone via email this fall, but you can save me steps if you see this and have time to deal with it now. Thanks!

As sign-ups begin for many holiday exchanges, I hope you'll all pace yourself, have a wonderful time, and ask for and receive Snape/Lupinyour heart's desire! ~_^

love, lore

June 13th, 2010

Mod Post: Call for Remix Rec, June Calendar, etc.

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OK, doing this quick because the power just went out and we won't remain connected long.

The Snupin Remix has been underway this week. Posting will continue for the next two weeks, M-F, with weekends off for catching up. Here are the tags for both IJ and LJ:

If you post any Remix recs on your journal or other journals, please reply here with the title and links. If we get three for any one Remix piece, I can send it off to the newsletters as a hot rec.

June Calendar art by [info]karasu_hime

1024 x 768
1117 x 798

As always, if you have comments for the artist, please leave them here!

LJ's Crack_Broom is having open reccing this month. If you'd like to post just one rec there that hasn't appeared on the community before, this is your chance!

The only community challenge for this month is to view and comment on and possibly rec Snupin Remix pieces. Please, support the artists and authors who are still creating new material for our favourite pairing!

I am considering a fantasy fest, with prompts gathered and claimed this month for posting next month (July). Yes or No? Please reply!

And that's all I have. Stay safe, everyone! ♥

love, lore

May 15th, 2010

Mod Post: Mid-month reminders and links!

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Our challenge for this month has been to participate with one post to [info]pervy_werewolf's "Lusty Month of May". So far, I haven't spotted any takers for this, but the month's only half-over. There's still time to participate and/or read! The second half of the month always takes a toll on the participants, and comments go down. This would be a good time for you to jump in and cheer the writers and artists on.

Remixers - Don't forget, your stories or art are due on May 30!

Have you seen this post? It's for members only, so log-in to see a useful treat.

May's calendar by KC/[info]nepenth!

May Snupin Calendar - Remus singing into a water hose that's running with Severus just behind him
1024 x 786
1440 x 900

As always, comments for KC can be left here for her to see!


Ok, gang, if you want others to see your Snape/Lupin work posted elsewhere, or gifts to you, or just works you stumble upon, you need to link them at the IJ and/or LJ communities. I've gathered up some links over the past few months for sharing today, but it's nowhere near a comprehensive list. Don't be shy and post links when you see them!

As always, if you visit these links, let the creators know you were there with a simple comment.

[info]akatnamedeaster art links - pay attention, most are very Not Work-Safe (NWS): - NWS, spanking - NWS, spanking, final image - PGish, Moony & Snape, blood - NWS, fluids - PGish, Moony & Snape

[info]tbranch does 30 days of art every April. Sadly, he didn't get 30 prompts this year (mark your calendars for next year!). - G as can be!

[info]hp_april_fools - Most not work safe.
The Severus/Remus tag for this unusual holiday exchange.

[info]r_grayjoy - NC17, first ficlet - NC17, longer story

[info]celandineb - G

[info]protowilson - Visit the art on Deviant to be able to see it better. Lupin wants Snape in most of PW's comics, even though the artist and Snape are the main characters. PG13 for language.

And that's it! I've been saying it over and over, but it bears repeating - if you look, comment. Actual comments and encouragement have been hard to come by lately. I know that there are less people around, and maybe commenting makes you feel exposed. But your comments are needed now more than ever, so I hope you can overcome any shyness you might have and help encourage the creators who are still working with these wonderful characters that we love so very, very much.

I think you're all fabulous. I hope you feel that way when you participate here! *HUGS* ♥

love, lore

May 1st, 2010

Mod Post: May challenge - Lusty Month of May tie-in

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First, I want to thank all the participants of April Showers. What a great, creative month of Snape/Lupin you gave us! We might just want to do this again next year, so take a bow! ♥

Our May challenge is a tie-in with a fellow community, [info]pervy_werewolf, which is all about writing Remus in smutty situations. Pervy's May challenge is always the Lusty Month of May, and, with mod permission, we're going to tie into it this month.

Your challenge is to simply visit the Lusty Month rules and make one post there with Lupin/Snape as the pairing, using one of the three different posting tiers offered for LMoM.

Here are the rules for the month, and here's a link to a description of the different tiers. ONE post is all you need to participate for the Lupin_Snape May challenge. And remember, PG13 is the lowest rating allowed for the challenge, but if you're uncomfortable with outright smut, some romance and/or heavy petting or the allusion to some will do as well.

When you post at Pervy, please come back here and give us a link to your post so we know it's for the challenge. If you are under the age of 18, you're welcome to bring your post here and only go with a PG13 or less romance level.

Finally, if you're willing to take on the whole Lusty Month, you've only got a little while left, but it's still doable! Good luck!

Members, lots of good Snape/Lupin content over there already. The writers and artists need encouragement, so be sure to comment if you read!

love, lore

April 25th, 2010

Mod Post: Con/Meetup give-aways

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There is a post here that is for members-only. Members, you must be logged in to see it.

love, lore

March 14th, 2010

Mod Post: March Madness Challenge & April Preview

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For the rest of the month, let's celebrate all the crazy-wonderful dates in March!

March Madness!

Your challenge, should you accept it, is to write, drabble, art, essay, icon, discuss, etc. the special dates of March and how Snape and Lupin might relate to them. Days of note in March include:

March 14: PI DAY (3.14....)

You're welcome to find other days in March to inspire you, too! Letters to Lupin works will also be welcome for the rest of March. If Remus' birthday isn't a holiday, I don't know what is. ^_^

Be thinking about April. We're going to attempt a post-a-day challenge, only we'll be asking for members to be responsible for posting on one day. Sign-ups will begin next week, so be thinking about what day in April will be best for you to choose. Remember, we'll need people prepared to go on day 1!

This will be an anything goes challenge, so drabbles, recs, drawables, discussions, icons, lists, etc. will be as welcome as stories and full-art. Lurkers, be thinking if you can stand coming out for a day!

Beware the Ides, and Monday! Have a good week, everyone! *HUGS MEMBERS*

love, lore

March 10th, 2010

Mod Post: Lupin's Day! March Calendar! Snupin100! Crack_Broom!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REMUS! You're a golden werewolf today!

Letters to Lupin will continue until I come up with a new challenge, so if you're still wanting to get in on this challenge, you have at least until Sunday. I'm thinking I need to do a poll to see what you all would be excited to do in the coming months.

March Calendar by [info]omni_sama! Leave comments for her here if you are inclined (Psst! Be inclined!).

This is how sick and out of it I've been: I completely missed telling you about the [info]snupin100 250th challenge. But let me tell you about [info]snupin100 now. It's a drabble community with weekly challenges. It's well run by the wonderful [info]cordeliadelayne, and you only get a week to post on the challenge before another challenge is up. This week's challenge is "Sated". I hope some new people will go over there over the next few weeks to give drabbling a try.

Other things to give a try: LiveJournal's Crack_Broom. The queue for reccers is getting very short and I'm sure at some point, the mods are going to stop letting the same 3-4 people get back in line to rec. When the queue runs out, Snape/Lupin will go to rarepair status and we'll be lucky if the mods let Snape/Lupin be recced even once every few years. The Snupin presence at the Crack Broom has always been strong. If you're remotely interested in reccing, you only need to do a bare minimum of 4 stories in a month. That's one post a week.

Here's the rules. Here's how to rec art and vids with a form for you to cut and paste from. Here's the Snape/Lupin sign-up queue with a convenient form to copy and paste when you rec. Here's a list of all previous recs. If you don't need certain fields, just delete them.

I won't be pimping the Crack Broom again anytime soon, other than to post my monthly recs here in a few days. So, if you've ever been tempted to sign up for this, go ahead and do it now, before you forget and this message scrolls off your flist. ^_^

That's all I have for tonight. And Remus might appreciate it if I actually post on his birthday, so, until next time, have a rockin' week!

love, lore

March 6th, 2010

Mod Post: Deadlines fast approaching!

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Two quick and dirty reminders:

Letters to Lupin - Ends March 10, Remus' birthday! Anything goes!

[info]snupin100 - Drabble contest ends March 9! Celebrate our sister drabble community by trying to write at least 1, if not win the contest.

The rest will have to wait until tomorrow. March's calendar is delicious! *tease tease*

love, lore

February 7th, 2010

Mod Post: February Challenge and Calendar, etc.

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Remus' 50th Birthday is March 10. Our challenge for the next month is

Letters to Lupin

This challenge can be used for Valentine's day or Remus' birthday, or for any shades in-between. I am hoping you will all think outside the box about this one, especially artists.

Drabbles (a single letter?), ficlets, art, stories, photomanips, icons, thematic lists, recs, and any other offerings you can relate to the challenge are welcome. If you need ideas or would like a writing partner for a letters exchange, feel free to ask here or later on the community. Also, for the duration of this challenge, if you would like have another character "write" to Remus in some way, it will be accepted, as long as the "letter" involves Remus and no mentions of other romantic partners are made -- in other words, Remus gen only, please, if you involve another character alone. Other characters addressing a Remus/Severus relationship in some way is welcome, of course!

Specific tags for this challenge will be "prompt: letters to lupin" and possibly "holidays: lupin's birthday" as well as other fic and art tags as they apply. Remember there are feeds from IJ to LJ and LJ to IJ if you don't have journals in both places.

You may post your offering at any time, and this challenge runs through March 10. I hope many of you will come out to celebrate Remus' golden birthday, including viewers who are willing to encourage with their comments!

I'll admit it, I've been sick. I was hoping to have the print calendar and other sundries ready for you this weekend, but it will be a few days more. In the meantime, you can use the beautiful desktop version of the February image made for us by the very talented [info]nepenth, aka KC.

Snupin February calendar 1024 x 768       Snupin February Calendar 1440 x 900
1024 x 768             1440 x 900

If you have comments for her, I'll be sure to point her here to see them. Right after I post this, I'll be updating all the way out of date notifications on the community. Remember, if you ever see expired info, you can let me know, I'm happy to be poked.

In other news, the recent Moonshadow issues seemed to be solved. Remember, there's a general password to leave comments on Moonshadow stories here. Art gallery comments work without a password.

Happy day! I hope you all have a good week and a weekend full of warmth. ♥ ♥ ♥

love, lore

January 12th, 2010

Challenge: Reposting Month, January calendar + issues, etc.

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Hullo! I want to start by thanking you for all your efforts over the past few weeks, be it as a [info]snupin_santa participant or in giving thanks to the SS mods, or for contributing Snupin to the [info]severusbigbang or creating for Snape's birthday. You all came through like gangbusters!

Because you all worked so hard, I'm lobbing you a softball challenge. ~_^ January is


If you have material that's never appeared on the Lupin_Snape communities before, now's the time to bring it out and show it off! This would include creations that appeared in other gift exchanges in December, other fests or exchanges from 2010, your own journal or blog, and, most especially, works from Chocolate and Asphodel 2.

You may reproduce the work in the community or post a link from the work to the community. Snupin discussion items or essays and recs and other content is welcome as well as fics and art, don't forget! Please be sure to use appropriate community tags when posting, too. Reposting is always welcome on the community, but the deadline for this particular challenge is January 31.

January Desktop Calendar - this image comes to us from the print calendar project courtesy of [info]undunoops:

1024 x 768
Or you can download the 800 x 600 size

Please feel free to comment here on Undun's beautiful art. I fear she'll have a long wait to receive comments on it otherwise. Unfortunately, we've come up two images short for the print calendar. So, if you're an artist and would like to jump in with a piece, I could use it before the end of the month. I was hoping to make a February - January print version of the calendar if we can come up with the missing months. Please reply here if you're interested.

I haven't forgotten about Stuff the Stockings, but I've had to rebuild my hard drive this past week, so I'm in a bit of mod!fail right now. I also need to change the community info, add C&A2 to the sidebar links, reload missing images, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. Let me know if you think of anything! ~_^

I hope 2010 is off to a good start for everyone! *HUGS COMMUNITY*

love, lore

December 30th, 2009

Snupin Santa seeks pollster and a postscript

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Snupin Santa is sprawled on a chair by the fire
and his elves lay in bed, so very tired.
You can still Stuff the Stockings
And Leaving Recs takes no toll,
But the one thing we're missing
is a fun guessing poll.

That's right funsters, team [info]snupin_santa is pooped. But if anyone with a paid account wants to create a guessing poll on who created what gift in Snupin_Santa, more power to you! I've linked two of the most recent polls above for you to use as an example. Here's the LJ poll creator link, and here's IJ's poll creator link. You need a paid account on one of the two sites to create a poll, and you should be sure to post on both Lupin_Snapes to direct people to wherever you post the poll. We leave prizes in your capable hands as well, but bragging rights is certainly acceptable. I'm guessing McKay will make the final roster of gifts available to whoever runs the poll.

Good luck, on this mission, should you accept it! I'm going to go crawl into bed now. Wake me up when it's 2010.

love, lore
P.S. Snape's birthday is open as is any other posting in which you might be involved (*waggles eyebrows*). Also, please, in case you were thinking it, no thanking me for the exchange here. I'm not Snupin Santa; McKay, Rosy and Kopernik are the Snupiny Dream Team, and there will be posts from them in the next few days. If I don't post again before next year, have a safe, joyous, prosperous and fun New Year, and be sure to glance at the full blue moon on New Year's Eve. I know I'll be howling, will you? ~_^ ♥

December 27th, 2009

Mod Post: Stuff the Stockings, Rec-ing and more!

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All right, you've all had a day to recover. Time for some reminders and joyous tidings of what's to come!

Stuff the Stockings - It's not too late to jump into this contest! Remember, the grand prize is a physical copy of Chocolate & Asphodel, v. 2. You earn points by leaving comments on [info]snupin_santa 2009 gifts, making recommendations of 2009 gifts, and promoting the exchange.

I'll take exchange promotions through December 31, and recs and comments through 11:59 pm EST on January 6. Remember, recs earn 3 points for each gift recommended, and comments on gifts posted after December 15 earn 2 points. There's still time to catch up! Please read the original Stuff the Stockings post for more details if you need them.

Recommendations - Linking us to your recommendations is not just important for Stuff the Stockings competitors. If a story or piece of art receives three recommendations, McKay can send the recommendation links to the [info]daily_snitch and [info]snapenews, which, between IJ and LJ, has well over 5000 readers. Not too shabby an audience to try and reach, so please do let us know when you're recommending any Snape/Lupin story from the holiday exchanges, including and especially [info]snupin_santa!

You can leave your recommendations here on LJ and here on IJ. I will also be using these posts to count up Stuff the Stockings.

Crack_Broom Free Flying - LJ's Crack_Broom is having a month when anyone watching the community can leave one recommendation for a story or art. If you are already a watcher of the community, you should have temporary member status, and if not, a request can be made for membership on the linked information post. Sadly, there's been no Snape/Lupin recommendations yet this month....

Recs should be non-anonymous Snape/Lupin fics or art that haven't already appeared on the Crack_Broom before. The very helpful and lovely [info]bronze_ribbons (whom I can't thank enough for keeping up) has been maintaining a masterlist of all SS/RL Crack Broom recs here, if you'd like to check before making a recommendation. Did I mention the reccing queue at the CB is getting short as well?

Snape's Birthday (Jan. 9) - Ha! He's not sneaking up on me this year, but 50 is closing in on our favourite Potions master! Starting January 1 and continuing through January 9, please feel free to post any sort of creative or non-creative tributes you might have for Severus as he turns 50. If you didn't participate in the [info]severusbigbang, which will open January 9, by the way, there's still time to offer here a drabble, icons, drawings, lists, essays, humour, etc. for Severus as endures us celebrating his 50th!

Lupin Big Bang - Speaking of turning 50, Remus does this year as well (on March 10), and he also is getting his own Big Bang for it! While we'll be trying to come up with our own special challenge for Remus this year, there is a LupinBigBang underway that I encourage you to check out and possibly join.

The LupinBB appears to be running similar to our BLU, with the first draft deadline also being the final sign-up deadline - February 7. There's still plenty of time to write! It looks like artists will be needed between February 7 and the posting date of March 10. The minimum word count for a LupinBB story is 20,000 - that's 5000 less than the BLU minimum, in case anyone had wished to try doing the Snupin BB, but felt the story length was too long to manage.

Reposting Month - After January 9, Lupin_Snape will be open for Reposting Month! This will include Snape/Lupin gifts you might have given in holidays past from exchanges other than [info]snupin_santa, as well as works from other challenges, fests or out of just plain shyness that never appeared on the community. More details to come after we finish celebrating Snupin Santa and Severus's birthday.

The year ahead looks exciting to me (because, heh, I know what I have planned for you). I am hoping it will be a time of renewal and refocus of works on the community. As the year winds down, I hope you all will enjoy cuddling up to [info]snupin_santa, Stuffing the Stockings and sharing in the warm glow that comes from you all being such fabulous community members!

*warm hugs and hot cocoa by the fire*

love, lore

November 29th, 2009

Quickie Mod Post, lots of reminders!

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There is exactly one set of Snape/Lupin offerings in [info]hp_art_tales, and it's mine. Submissions close today (November 29).

The first point has been awarded in Stuff the Stockings! Remember, you have to go back to the main post and leave a link if you've been advertising [info]snupin_santa for the contest. Don't forget, there are fabulous prizes at stake, including your own copy of Chocolate & Asphodel, v. 2. (While you're waiting for the exchange to start, you might consider perusing C&A2 and offering some comments to the contributors)

The Recipe Challenge is drawing to a close. November 30 is the last day for posts on the community. After that, it will be up to [info]drusillas_rain's discretion if she'll accept e-mailed entries as she works on compiling the book.

Be sure to read over McKay's "Coming Soon" post for Snupin_Santa. There's lots of good information there, especially if you plan on participating in Stuff the Stockings.

There are some new holiday icons here from [info]whitestar, but artists, we're still looking for more. In fact, Whitestar has offered to add her iconing touch to any art I can send her, so consider submitting some art soon if you want to see it receive the delux icon treatment. ~_^

If you're involved in the Print Calendar project, your art is due December 15, don't forget in all the holiday madness!

Speaking of calendars, I'm going to go ahead and remind you to switch to December's desktop calendar now. The art is by the very fun, very talented [info]tripperfunster, and it should be very useful in such a busy month!

Finally, I want to thank all of the members here for being such great, generous participants in the community. There's been lots of searches and requests lately, and I'm seeing many new and different members speaking up to help out or volunteer. I'll never stop saying this - you are the reason this community continues to be a warm and friendly place for Lupin/Snape fans, and you're each wonderful and invaluable. Thank you all!

LJ-only users, please forgive me for not making a post with LJ links, but I promise you that all the posts linked here have a LJ equivalent post. I'm just super-rushed because company is on my doorstep!

[info]snupin_santa in less than two days! EEEE!

love, lore

October 8th, 2009

Mod notes: Calendar extension, chat, desktop calendar, etc.

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The 2010 Calendar project so far is falling quite short of the 12 artists needed to make a full print calendar. I have extended sign-ups until Wednesday, October 14 and changed the deadline for submissions to December 13.

If we get 12 artists, that will give them a full two months to create their pieces. If we don't get even close to 12 artists, we'll have to drop the project or try for a desktop series again.

Artists that are interested can find more information here on IJ or here on LJ (or even on DW). The link to sign up for a month is here. I've updated all the posts with the new deadlines.

There will be an official chat on Sunday, October 11, starting at 3 pm EST. We'll discuss pretty much anything Snupin and other community projects like Snupin_Santa, the calendar and the new Recipe Challenge! If you have any questions, needs or just want to hang out and talk or "listen", be there!

Also, remember, the room is open all the time. There will probably be people in the chat room before 3 and well into dark-thirty (late), so if you can't be there right at 3, go on in any time. If you haven't used IRC before, though, you might want to work out how to get to the room ahead of time.


October's Desktop calendar is by Karasu_Hime, and I think Severus and Remus are having some Halloween costume fun at the expense of J.M. Barrie. Well, I don't think it, I hope it. ~_^ Download and enjoy!

And that's all I have for now! I'll be scarce for the next three days, but I can't wait to see more recipes, calendar sign-ups and other Lupin_Snape fun when the scarceness stops. ♥ community members for making this such a wonderful, happy place to be!

love, lore

October 1st, 2009

2010 Lupin_Snape Print Calendar - Sign-up info

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Under the cut-tag is detailed information on our proposed 2010 print calendar, which includes links to our previous calendar projects, in case you're interested.

If you are an artist and would like to participate in this project, I will be organizing it through the InsaneJournal [info]snupin community. That is a closed community for participating artists only. Please don't sign up for the community unless you intend to participate in the calendar project. I will also be putting some notices on the LiveJournal Snupin_Art community. If you feel strongly that you can't participate on IJ, please reply to this post and we'll organize through email.

More information )
Sounds good! how do I sign up?:
Reply to this post saying you want to participate, and then make a join request at both the Snupin on IJ and Snupin_Art on LJ communities, when possible. If you're already there, great, but still reply to this post so I know you're in and be sure to visit the sign-up post to get a month assignment. I'll probably assign months on Wednesday, October 14 if we have enough participants to make a go of it.

If you're seeing this and want to encourage your favourite artists to participate, you might point them toward this post.

Questions? Answers? Ask away! And thank you for joining the project!

love, lore

September 11th, 2009

Mod Post: Crack challenge and other doin's

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Well, real life has done its best to mess me up, so let me make this quick. Our challenge this month:


Not just humour, but crack fic. Give us your most outlandish, silly, funny creative works possible and make your fellow members spit drinks out their noses. Any creative pursuit is welcome for this challenge, including drabbles, art, stories, a list of Snupin crack fics, crack recs, photomanips, colour bars, paper dolls, etc. etc. etc.

An example of a crack prompt, which is up for grabs by as many people as want to try it, is under the cut - suggested by the Snupin Meetup at Azkatraz )

Perhaps something in the Snupin Funtime Activity Book can give even our lurkers a base from which to create crack. Speaking of the book, if you haven't already, go check it out. It wouldn't have been compiled if the lovely [info]drusillas_rain hadn't stepped in and take up the reins on it, so be sure to give her extra big kudos for it if you haven't already.

All Crack Month Challenge pieces are due by September 30, although we are always happy to add late entries to existing master-lists.


Our September Desktop calendar art is by [info]zephre. It looks lovely on my desktop and I hope it does on yours, too. Click the calendar image to go to the page for downloads.

Also, tis the season for frantic writing on too many exchanges, although I hope [info]snupin_santa is close to your hearts. Anyone who is writing a fic set in 2009 might want to have the 2009 Full Moons calendar by [info]chazpure on her desktop for easy reference. Also works for the BPAL addicted!

Artists: I will be opening a new round of Calendar pages for 2010 this month. If you're interested, please reply here. We'll probably work off the LJ and IJ Snupin_art and Snupin communities, so be prepared to join and watch those communities if you want in.

Many thanks to McKay ([info]scribbulus_ink) for watching over the community and doing so much wonderful community work and organization while I tried (and failed) to get my fandom act together. Well, ok, I do have the start of a personal web site, but it's nowhere near debuting yet; at least I didn't waste the entire month(?). Speaking of, I believe the Zine will land this month as well, not quite a month late, which is good, right? Right? Bueller?

Anyway, you all should give McKay love and hugs whenever you can. I know she's not cuddly on the outside, and we won't speculate on her mushy insides (~_^), but she does tolerate thanks in all forms and richly deserves them.

In the Great Fandom Fic Drought of '09 (because of exchange writing, natch), I encourage you to revisit our Snape/Lupin Big Bang - Snupin: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. The fics are chaptered, so there's no need to feel like you have to read a novella all in one go.

Just remember, if you read, let the authors and artists know. They worked very hard on it, and the response has been low, probably because Summer was just so wonderfully Summer this year! But now it's Fall, and the posting rate is going to drop off (omg has it been 4 days since any post here??), so there's time now to BLU.

I have my ducks in place so now I can officially tease you further with the fact that we WILL be running a recipe challenge either in October or November (or both), with an eye toward compiling the entries into a downloadable booklet. This will be for everyone, so be thinking of the recipes that remind you of Snupin in general, or a story or fic or other creative pursuit.

I've been remiss in reminding you that we do share Snupin Sounds on an ongoing basis. More information is here. If you're looking for inspiration while working on Snupin projects, look no further!

If I forgot to pimp something, let me know! *HUGS COMMUNITY* I missed you guys so much! And now be prepared to be patient while I untangle Real Life. ~_^

love, lore

August 13th, 2009

Mid-month round-up!

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First, if you missed it, the Snupineer Fun Time Activity book is now available for download. Kudos and thanks to [info]drusillas_rain for putting it together!

The August Rec Event is on-going, and there are still open days! You can also sign up for a second day OR have more than one person on the same day, so if a day you want is already claimed, go ahead and ask for it anyway! More info and the sign-up calendar are here on IJ and here on LJ.

The Retro Fest is on-going as well! The deadline for posting art or stories for the Retro Fest is August 31, so there's still time!

The community has been given a slight make-over; if you look at the main page (IJ, LJ), you'll see a new "current community events" blurb, which mirrors the information on the community profile page. Don't forget to check the newly updated sidebar on the main page as well! The sidebar can be your first useful stop when you're looking for links.

Don't forget! Snupin Santa sign-ups open on Monday! (Although it may be Tuesday for some of you in earlier time zones than Santa). Sign-ups will run through August 24. The sign-up post will be mirrored on both IJ and LJ.

And if you want a teaser for up-coming community events, let's just say it might be a good idea to think of recipes Snape and Lupin might like best or that you associate with Snupin.

In other news, the thematic lists have been updated with the Occlumency/Legilimency list.

Reminder - don't forget to use our tags! The tag list for Ij is here and the tag list for LJ is here. You can click the "edit tag" button on your post and choose whichever tags you need from the list after you post your entry, or you can type them in manually if your LJ posting client has a tag option..

And finally, [info]lore will be hosting a ship chat! The chat will begin at 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 15 in the IRC chatroom. For information about how to access the chatroom, see the instruction post: IJ, LJ. If you want to get help brainstorming for your Retro Fest work or for your Snupin Santa prompts, or you just want to talk about Snupin, feel free to drop by!

August 1st, 2009

August on Lupin/Snape

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As previously mentioned, [info]lore is taking the month off, so I'll be sitting in this month. If you have any questions or problems, you can direct them to scribbulusink @ throughout August, and then lore will be back at the helm in September.

The desktop calendar for August is by [info]glockgal! You can find the desktop calendar for this month and the remainder of 2009 here.

Current Events:

The Retro Fest has been extended through the end of August, so if you see a prompt you want or got stalled out on the prompt you chose, you've still got time to participate.

If you're interested in participating in the Rec Event this month, there are still open days, and we can always double up on dates if there's enough interest. More info and the sign-up calendar are here on IJ and here on LJ.

Up-Coming Events:

On August 17, sign-ups for Snupin Santa 2009 will open! A post with the rules and sign-up template will be posted later this weekend so you can be thinking about what kind of prompts you want to request when the sign-ups go live.

Elsewhere on the Net:

HP Revival is a new community for posting your older works. It's multi-pairing, so Snape/Lupin and Snape/Lupin/other would be okay to post there, and it's a good format not only for bringing your older works to light again, but to bring RL/SS to a new and different audience.

If you enjoy reccing or would just like to share your RL/SS love with a wider audience, consider signing up to rec at Crack Broom! All it requires is a minimum of 4 recs during your assigned month. More details are available on the community profile.

July 30th, 2009

August Rec Event!

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August is going to be a a little more low key on [info]lupin_snape while our Lovely Mod is taking a break and the rest of us take a respite between the end of BLU and Chocolate & Asphodel and the start up of Snupin Santa.

Instead of a new creating challenge, we're going to do something a little different: a rec challenge! If you're interested in participating, then check behind the cut and pick one day in August to claim as your reccing day. I'd prefer to spread things out as much as possible, but if more than one person signs up to rec on the same day, that's fine.

What can you rec? Anything related to Snape/Lupin! A story, art, a vid - whatever you like as long as it was created by someone who isn't you. There isn't any template you have to follow (although if you want a little guidance, you can check out the template they use at Crack Broom), and you can be as brief or as lengthy as you like.

To sign up, just pick a day and leave me a comment in response to this post letting me know which day you want! I'll add your name to the list, and when your day comes around, all you have to do is post your rec (or a link to the rec in your journal) here in the community. Cross-posting to LJ and IJ is appreciated, but not required; I'll do a weekly link round-up to all recs on both communities.

August Calendar )

ETA-1: You may rec more than one story/art/whatever, either by reccing more than one thing in a single post or by posting more than one rec over the course of your assigned day.

ETA-2: Please do try to pay attention to what's been recced before you (if applicable) and avoid repeating recs. This is meant to be an opportunity to share wide and varied RL/SS love, so the more variety, the better!

ETA-3: LURKERS! This is an excellent, low-stress, minimal commitment opportunity for you to get involved! If you've read or seen something recently that made you squee, this is a great time to share it with the rest of us!
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