The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

July 2nd, 2010

Snupin Remix 2010 Master List

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We had 14 participants and 15 entries because one participant was, well, a little remixed-up! It's not too late to write up some recs for this exchange so some pieces can be shown off in the big newsletters. Let the mods know if you do rec!

I had a great time, and I hope the participants did, too. I think we'll try this again next year, yeah? And now...your remixers!

The master list! )

June 25th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Snapealina

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Title: Room For Two (The Funky Futon Remix)
Author: All Remixed Up
Rating: R
Disclaimer: If they were mine, I'd treat them better than she did.
Summary: Sex and Seduction - not necessarily in that order.
Notes: ~1200 words. Remixed from The Sleepover by [info]snapealina. Much thanks to E for last-minute quarterbacking and making this more readable.

Put away the canines, wolf )

June 24th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift the second for Tetsubinatu

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Mod note: A snafu has led to what I hope you all will consider a good thing - an extra story! Normally, it would be gifted to the community, but because this is a Remix, there's no hiding who was remixed. I hope everyone will understand. I believe that both remixes are different enough to stand alone without comparison. Our final gift will be posted tomorrow.

Title: The Muggle Solution
Author: Lil' Remix-Up
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Disclaimer: Mpreg. Masturbation. Sirius/OFC.
Summary: Severus wants a family. Remus needs some cash. Will they both find what they need in a Muggle medical clinic?
Notes: ~9000 words. Original Story: Essential Qualities of a Sperm Donor by Tetsubinatu. As such, it is both firmly AU and not at all DH-compatible.

The Muggle Solution )

June 23rd, 2010

Snupin Remix: Art Gift for LittleBlackBow

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Title: Love Letter (the Fluttering Heart Remix)
Artistr: Remix 'n Match
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm not the original artist, just remixed it a bit!
Summary: Severus wasn't sure why Remus kept staring at him until now.
Notes: This is a remix of this art by [info]littleblackbow.

Love Letter (the Fluttering Heart Remix) )

June 22nd, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Ellid

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Title: Pilgrimage (The Two Men on a Train Remix)
Author: Busta Remix
Summary: Severus joins Remus in a pilgrimage on the search for healing.
Rating: G
Original Story: Great Amphitrite by [info]ellid
Disclaimer: Owned by JK Rowling.
Notes: One of the great things about stories written as drabbles are all the tantalising glimpses of detail that never get fully fleshed out. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to explore some of the unanswered questions [info]ellid's story prompted for me. I think my version ended up being quite episodic as well. [info]ellid, I hope you enjoy this. Thanks to f for the beta.

London was as large as ever )

June 21st, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Tetsubinatu

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Title: When the Bough Breaks
Author: Remixopus the Great
Rating: R
Warnings/Disclaimer: Mpreg. I'm not JKR…she'd never do this to the boys.
Summary: Remus needs an heir in a hurry.
Notes: 3,600 words. Original Story: Essential Qualities of a Sperm Donor by Tetsubinatu. Thanks to E for the word menternity and the mod for her great patience.

When the Bough Breaks )

June 18th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Nimrod_9

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Title: In a Cold Climate
Author: World of Remix
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Summary: Snape can't believe it.
Disclaimer: Even less original than usual, being a remix of a fanwork based upon the work of Ms Rowling.
Notes: This fic is a remix of [info]nimrod_9's Cardamom, Nigella Seeds and Love

In a Cold Climate )

June 17th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Art Gift for Omni_Sama

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Title: When Will You Forgive Me? (Four Panel Beat Remix)
Artist: In the Remix
Rating: PG
Warnings/Disclaimer: angst, takes place during the MWPP!era
Summary: It's just one question, but it takes a long time to answer.
Notes: Remix of [info]omni_sama's "When Will You Forgive Me?". I had a really hard time choosing which of your fics to remix, but when I saw your work, I knew. I was very excited, since this is one of my most favorite pieces in Snupin art. The chance to remix it, focusing on the details of your art, is such an honor. Thank you.

When Will You Forgive Me? (Four Panel Beat Remix) )

June 16th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for lore

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Title: Old Friends Never Die
Author: Sticky McRemix
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own anything you can recognize in this story and I don't make any money from this. It's just good fun.
Summary: This is a story of a little boy and his best friend and about how a true friendship never really dies.
Notes: 3797 words. This is a remix of the story A Wolf's Heart by lore.
Read the wonderful original here. Thank you to my good friend l* for the late night beta. You're a lifesaver!

Old Friends Never Die )

June 15th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Mayachain (Ms_Jv_Shuh)

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Title: Paper, Scissors, Stone, Well
Author: Remixed Not Stirred
Rating: PG
Warning/Disclaimer: Ignores Book 7. The characters aren't mine, and in this case, neither do the plot or setting. Some lines of dialogue were taken directly from the original fic.
Summary: At the end of the war, Remus has choices to make.
Notes: ~ 1600 words. This is a remix of [info]ms_jv_shuh (mayachain)'s To the Victor Go the Spoils. My thanks to her for letting me put her fic on my turntable for a spin, and to the fest mod for both her patience and her matchmaking. ^_^

Paper, Scissors, Stone, Well )

June 14th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Rosy

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Title: The Rules of Cross-Dressing
Author: Lil' Remix-Up
Rating: R
Warnings: mpreg, cross-dressing
Summary: Remus knows he shouldn't do it, but that never stopped a Gryffindor.
Notes: Ths is a remix of [info]real_life_rosy's Bad Puppy, with references to I'm Not That Girl.

The Rules of Cross-Dressing )

June 13th, 2010

Mod Post: Call for Remix Rec, June Calendar, etc.

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OK, doing this quick because the power just went out and we won't remain connected long.

The Snupin Remix has been underway this week. Posting will continue for the next two weeks, M-F, with weekends off for catching up. Here are the tags for both IJ and LJ:

If you post any Remix recs on your journal or other journals, please reply here with the title and links. If we get three for any one Remix piece, I can send it off to the newsletters as a hot rec.

June Calendar art by [info]karasu_hime

1024 x 768
1117 x 798

As always, if you have comments for the artist, please leave them here!

LJ's Crack_Broom is having open reccing this month. If you'd like to post just one rec there that hasn't appeared on the community before, this is your chance!

The only community challenge for this month is to view and comment on and possibly rec Snupin Remix pieces. Please, support the artists and authors who are still creating new material for our favourite pairing!

I am considering a fantasy fest, with prompts gathered and claimed this month for posting next month (July). Yes or No? Please reply!

And that's all I have. Stay safe, everyone! ♥

love, lore

June 11th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Art Gift for Karasu_Hime

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Title: Birthday Kiss (part deux)
Author or Artist: Shake It & Remix It
Rating: PG
Summary: Remixed b-day kisses ^___^
Notes: Remix of [info]karasu_hime's awesome Birthday Kiss which can be wonderfully seen here.

Birthday Kiss (part deux) )

June 10th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Osmalic

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Title: These Lie-painted Truths
Author: DJ Snacky Remix
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexual situation and no happy fluffy feelings
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, and not really even the situation in which I’m placing them (since it is a remix! ^_~), just my particular take on it all.
Summary: Sometimes we want things we can’t have. Sometimes we can have things we don’t want. And sometimes, we tell ourselves it’s the latter, when it’s really the former.
Notes: Remixed from the wonderful [info]osmalic’s "Secret-Not-Want", switchin’ around the perspective of the thing so it’s from Remus’ side. Word count= 2,800+

These Lie-painted Truths )

June 9th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Bronze_Ribbons

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Title: Under Cover
Author or Artist: Remix Master
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Disclaimer: Threesome; technically moresome. I do not own this universe.
Summary: Sacrifices must be made when the rest of the world must think them enemies.
Notes: Original story: Covered by [info]bronze_ribbons

Under Cover )

June 8th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Kinky_Kneazle

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Title: One Way or Another
Author: Remixy Stix
Rating: NC17
Warnings: character death (Yes, I am warning you off the bat. If you've already read Kinky Kneazle's version, you know who), rough sex, angst, DRAMA, sex, biting, frotting, sex... oh wait I said that...
Disclaimer: These are not my toys, and I make no money in playing with them.
Summary: One spy... or two?
Notes: About 4700 words. A remix of Kinky Kneazle's Why didn't we...?. A few... *ahem* Author-like changes. Aside from these, I've tried to stay as close to the original plot as my own bunnies allowed. Set after HBP, ignoring That Book, and I've taken a few... liberties with the identities of the horcruxes.

One Way or Another )

June 7th, 2010

Snupin Remix: Welcome and Gift for Nepenth

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Welcome to the Snupin Remix 2010! We will post one gift for the next three weeks, M-F. Weekends are for catching up! Remember, these are pieces based on original Snape/Lupin works by other creators. All stand alone, but the originals will be linked if you would like to read them. Be sure to comment if you read or view these gifts. Your Remixers hope you enjoy!

Title: Melting like the ice cream
Author or Artist: Miss Remix-a-Lot
Rating: G
Warnings/Disclaimer: OMGcuteness!!
Summary: This takes place just after the original image. In that one, Snape was sneaking a lick off of Remus's ice cream cone. (no euphemism intended). Well, this is a few moments later. Remus has noticed what Snape was doing, Snape grabs Remus's hand and pulls it toward him, and... well, who WOULDN'T melt if they looked over and saw Snape like that, really?
Notes: here is the original image - thanks so much to [info]nepenth for creating it. It's really awesome, and it was a TON of fun remixing it!!

Melting like the ice cream )

April 26th, 2010

Snupin Remix - Last Chance to sign-up

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I'm going to start matching tonight, but I doubt it will be until later in the evening, EST.

Sign-ups are here:

If you didn't get a chance to get a link list together, remember, links to memories, web sites or round-up posts are welcome. You can name the fics you want to remain un-mixed.

I think this exchange will be a lot of fun, but it would be more fun if you were in it! ^_^

love, lore

April 23rd, 2010

Help Spread the Word?

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The Remix exchange sign-ups end Sunday night (or, you know, Monday afternoon, as that evening is probably the first chance I'll work on match-ups). Help spread the word by posting in your journals or other relevant communities today (or as soon as you can)? Here's a little blurb you can copy and paste:

Lupin/Snape Remix Exchange - Sign-ups end at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 26

This exchange is for artists and authors. Participants will be assigned to re-mix a piece by another creator.
You need to list least 5 pieces of your own to to participate, although this is negotiable for newer creators.
For authors, the minimum word count is 500 words. Stories do not need to match the length of the original.
Assignments will go out the last week of April and your Remix is due May 30.

Sound like fun? Not sure what a Remix is? Visit the sign-up post on LJ or IJ for more information!

You may format and re-word the above however you like! And yes, I did extend the sign-up deadline just now. Realistically, I won't be able to start matching until that night anyway.

I will be online tonight (Friday) for Ship chat, and I'm willing to help you compile your link lists, upload to Moonshadow, or answer questions to help you get signed-up. If you can't get into chat, either send me an email with your needs or reply here with the platform you would prefer to use to chat online.

Also, if you're getting your sign-up in soon, you might want to add yours to LJ if you have an account there. The post is quite bare so far. ~_^

You don't have to be participating in the Exchange to help get the word out. Thanks for any help you can give!

love, lore

April 18th, 2010

Mod Post: Remix Exchange!

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We're going to try a different kind of exchange for us as our main May challenge (there will be a challenge in May for non-participants):

Lupin/Snape Remix Exchange

What is a remix exchange? Participants are randomly assigned to each other and they must rewrite a story or recreate a piece of art originally created by their recipient. The core pairing (Snupin!), setting and plot must be retained, but everything else can be changed.

Er, I could use some examples? Remix Redux 09 Potter fics - there is one Snupin to be found there. HP Art Remix - there is a Snupin on the first page.

What do I need to sign up? A link list with a minimum of 5 pieces of art or 5 stories of 500 words or more. You are welcome to provide a link to your archive if every piece you've ever created is up for grabs. Otherwise, I suggest compiling a list of no more than 10 pieces so your recipient will not be overwhelmed. Be sure to leave off pieces you feel are sacred. No Works in Progress, please. You may provide your link list in your sign-up or at a post on your journal.

What If I don't have enough material? If you are very new to Snupin and still want to participate, we can negotiate a link list based on what you have completed, including drabbles and drawables, but expect to receive another person with a short list in exchange. Contact me at the mod mail (provided below) well before the end of sign-ups.

What does a participant need to give? A story or piece of art that is a remix based on one piece provided by your assigned creator. Art must be finished in a way similar to the art you choose (although you may convert color to black and white or vice-versa). Stories must be 500 words or more and do not have to be similar in length to the original. You can give more pieces if you like.

What does "Major Squicks" mean in the sign-up? Do not make an exhaustive squick list here. I expect that most people will provide a variety of stories or art and you will be able to find at least one that does not contain your major squicks. However, in case someone does provide all darkfic or all NC17 or some other extreme list, it would be good to know your extremes, just in case.

Deadlines? Sign-ups end the evening of April 25. Assignments will go out the last week in April and your pieces are due May 30. Posting will begin in June. Finished works should be sent to the mod mail:

Sounds good, how do I sign up? You may sign up on IJ or LJ, but not at both places. Reply here, copy and pasting the following and providing answers:

Preferred pseudonym (LJ or IJ name or Nickname with no link):
Preferred contact email address:
Major squicks (see above note on this):
URL for your link list or the link list itself:

Your copy and paste (add a link break [hit "enter"] between the items):

If you have any other questions or concerns, please ask here or contact me at the mod mail. I might delete question posts as I address them to keep the sign-up post neat and tidy. I will ask for pinch hitters if needed as we go, but I'm hoping not to need them because you are all so good and reliable! ♥

love, lore

Rules cribbed from or inspired by Victoria P's yearly remix challenge; I looked at the 2009 version here.
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