Mod post: Calendar & Anniversary art, important reminders, etc.
Hello! First, how is snupin_santa going for you all? We're just at the mid-month comment drop-off, which I know is the fault of all these darn holidays (*wink*). If you're reading without commenting, please consider leaving a "Thanks!" or "Looked at this" or "Enjoyed" or any other little response to what you read or view for the rest of the month. You could help combat some of the comment drought to come and make a creator very happy.
Also, if you're rec'ing, even if it's the gift for you, please let McKay know here on IJ or here on LJ. We haven't had many gifts make the newsletters, which is a shame, as we've usually had several appear in them before this time in years past. You don't have to get fancy to post to McKay's round-ups; a pasted link to the rec and the title of the gift will be fabulous!
December Calendar Art
by sandywolf
Isn't it cute? I love the bold colors!
As always please feel free to leave Sandywolf comments here or at her journal.
Many of you remember aleoninc, right? Well, she's been having computer problems, but did see the 10-year Anniversary celebration for Snape/Lupin and wanted to contribute.
( She says [posted with permission] )
What a sweetheart, right? I made two icons from the art. Please feel free to take or make your own!
As always, you can leave aleoninc comments on her art here!
The Crack_Broom, an HP recommendations community, has a free-flying month this December. That means you can post one rec this month for anything not already rec'ed in the past, fic or art. If you are not already a member of the community, you need to leave a reply on the free-flying post saying you want to be added. I believe your rec post will then be queued and approved by the mods. Form for rec'ing Art or Videos. Form for rec'ing stories.
Lupin/Snape is not a regularly rec'ed pairing anymore, but it might return to monthly status some day, especially if we continue to sign up for "Featured Pairs" and make a strong showing in open months like this one. My only suggestion is that you avoid recommending anonymous art or stories because the creators will not be able to respond right away and you might forget to go back and edit the post. Free-flying month is a great way for a new rec'er to try posting a rec. Consider it a dry-run if you're signed up to rec in the community and have never done it before. Finally, you don't have to make your one rec Snape/Lupin. It just would be nice if there was more than one Snape/Lupin rec in December. ^_^
The Year-Long Challenge: A Decade of Snape/Lupin continues! Remember to post before the end of the month if you're in the running for the entire year. If you'd like to contribute to the challenge without committing to a post each month, feel free to post at any time and use the "project: a decade of ssrl" tag!
Fandom-related news: If you have a Delicious online bookmarking account, it looks like it is going to be shut down soon. I know many of us use Delicious for rec lists or as personal bookmarks. There doesn't seem to be many helpful "here's what you can do to move on" posts yet, but you can export your bookmarks to an HTML file at the very least in the meantime.
So, lots of graphic treasure for everyone, reminders to give the gift of comments and the decade challenge, and a fandom-related heads-up. All in a day's work for a mod. Have a wonderful holiday or break to everyone who is getting one. And happy End of December and New Year to everyone else! *hugs community*
love, lore