Below is information about the "Pervy Werewolf Fanciers" asylum on InsaneJournal. To join this asylum, click here. You may leave the asylum at any time.
pervy_werewolf is a community for those of us who like exploring what lies beneath that calm, polite exterior Remus Lupin habitually shows -- especially if what lies beneath is on the kinky side. We like werewolves who like bondage, crossdressing, tarting up, spanking, and other kinks. In short, we're Pervy Werewolf Fanciers, and we're proud!
NOTE: Membership for this community is moderated; in order to be approved as a member, you must have either your full DOB or an age statement located in a clear and prominent place in your profile. A simple "I am over 18" will suffice. Have only the month and day of your birth is insufficient; you must have the year listed. If you don't have either your full DOB or an age statement in your profile, you will not be approved for membership.
1. This community will contain adult content, so you must be 18 or older to join. The moderator will check for DOB information in your profile before approving your membership.
2. Slash and het pairings of ratings PG13 through NC17 are allowed; it should be at least a little smutty if you're going to post it here. Every story posted here must contain a kink of some kind. Any post that does not contain a kink is subject to deletion. You must list your kink(s) in the story header.
3. All kinks are welcome, but please remember to include the kinks in your header info (see below).
4. No off topic posts unless they're approved by the moderator. On Topic: stories, art, icons, and poetry, or links to same. Anything else is off-topic and subject to deletion, not necessarily with a warning. This means fic searches, RPG/community promotion, and recs are OT and NOT ALLOWED. Fest promotion is allowed with permission from the mod.
4.5 Posts that are off-topic and have any version of "the mods can delete this if they want" in the text will be deleted and the user will be banned. Exceptions to this rule may be made at the moderators' discretions.
5. Please add a header with the following information with each story:
Title: Rating: Pairing: Kink(s): Challenge: (if it's written in response to a challenge) Notes: (if applicable)
6. Please do not link to friends-locked posts.
7. Stories and art may be linked to from your personal journal, your website, or a non-LJ journaling service. However, please do not link from another community.
8. Please remember to use the community tags and label your post by writer/artist, pairing(s), and kink(s). You may find the complete list of available tags on the front page of the community or here. If you are a new writer/artist and don't have a tag for your user name yet, please be patient; one of the mods will add it asap.
9. If you write/draw something containing under aged characters in a graphic sexual situation, bestiality, or incest, please f-lock the post.
Around once a month, the moderators will issue a new challenge, but members may post fiction or art other than challenge responses at any time, as long as it fits the pervy werewolf parameters.
What are the pervy werewolf parameters? Stories or art posted here must involve a kink of some kind. It can be as simple as Remus licking chocolate sauce off his lover's chest, or it can be as involved as breath play, or anything in-between, but this isn't the place for vanilla sex (unless there's also kinky sex at some point in the story).
The moderators reserve the right to delete posts that don't fit the guidelines of the community with or without warning.
scribbulus_ink is the founder, owner, and primary handler-of-business. Email: scribbulus_ink @ She is also the mod in charge of approving memberships. If you applied for membership and were rejected, you need to speak with her (but check to make sure your full DOB or an age statement is publicly visible in your profile first, because if not, that's probably why you were rejected).
Disclaimer: All HP characters and concepts are copyrighted by JK Rowling and Warner Bros; this community and its contents are intended for non-profit, entertainment purposes only. No infringement intended.