February 4th, 2009

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Gift of Memories

Original poster: dazzling_icer

Hey everyone! This was a story that I wrote for the November "Noah and Holden" Challenge at the Wiki. I thought that I would post it here as well. I hope that you enjoy it!

Title: Gift of Memories
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Luke, Noah, Holden, or Emma. They are the property of PGP. This is complete fabrication.

Gift of Memories )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

The Cellmate, Chapter 3

Original poster: indigo_5

Title: The Cellmate
Author: indigo_5
Chapter: 3
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT. The show would look a lot different if I did.
Spoilers: None. This is total AU.
Previous chapters: Chapter 1; Chapter 2.
Summary: A figure from Luke’s past returns.
Notes: I love feedback more than chocolate.

Everywhere Luke went, Noah followed closely behind. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

And then he smiles... (4/6)

Original poster: flytalian

Title: And then he smiles...
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke/Noah & other guys
Chapter: 4 of  6
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Summary: Luke, Noah & the basketball. Sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Except that Luke doesn't agree...

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps.
Memo: I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)   Remember, your feedback counts!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 

CLICK! > ( “You are Luke and Noah. You never take the easy road.” )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah


Original poster: tirpse

Title: Unexpected
Chapter: 3
Rating: G
Summary: Luke meets a hot guy at a club.
Characters: Noah, Luke, George
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As The World Turns" CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

New Chapter

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah


Original poster: claire_kay



[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Monthly Challenge #3: February

Original poster: frances_veritas

It's start of another new month, which means another new challenge. :)

Che and I were talking about how there's not enough RPS in this fandom so February's challenge is going to involve Jake and Van RPS. Up for it? I know Jake and Van are.

This month's prompt it: Jake and Van: Facebook.

Entries must be at least 500 words long. And participants must use the standard format for submissions:

(as needed)
(if used)
Author's Notes (A/N): written for [info]luke_noah's monthly challenge #3. (& any others needed)

Please include the following tags: 'challenges' and 'challenge #3' when posting your story for this contest.

Deadline for submissions is on February 23, 2009 at 11PM EST. The prizes for this challenge are 2 months of paid LJ time or a $5 LJ gift certificate.

If you have any questions about any of these, please leave them as a comment to this post or email Che at 1miracle [at] livejournal [dot] com. Or me at frances_veritas [at] livejournal [dot] com. Or you can message me in a PM.

Have fun and be as smutty creative as you can. :D

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Dinner at the farm

Original poster: bijou1986

Title: dinner at the farm
Summary: Noah's brithday dinner at the farm
Characters: Luke,Noah,Charlene, Dusty,Lily,Emma,Holden,Faith,Natalie,Ethan
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

More than comfort?

Original poster: tirpse

Title: More than comfort
Chapter: One of probably two
Rating: R
Summary: Luke and Noah are friends. One day one of Noah's friends dies. Luke gives him comfort
Characters: Noah, Luke
Genre: AU
Warnings: This happens when you watch too much "Six feet under". hehe
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As The World Turns" CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Clicky here

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

My Microfic Meme - repost!

Original poster: altrus01

Author: Altrus01
Characters | Pairing: LukeNoah, VanJake
Rating | Word Count: Mature | 10 x 10 or less!
Spoilers | Warnings: None and none
Genre: All

(Thank you Admins for deleting my first post. I'm not sure why the link didn't work - it always has before!)

Well I finally finished this - or not. I'm not sure I'm happy with it but I found this particular exercise more difficult than most. Maybe it was trying to write in just 10 words or maybe it was trying to write in uncomfortable styles for the first time. But I'm putting it out there so that I can move on to something else. Feedback welcome!

10 Words or Less... Again

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

And then he smiles... (5/6)

Original poster: flytalian

Surprise! Quick update =)

Title: And then he smiles...
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke/Noah, a little bit of Casey and Nat
Chapter: 5 of 6
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Summary: Luke, Noah & the basketball. Sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Except that Luke doesn't agree...

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps.
Memo: I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)   Remember, your feedback counts!

( this is for you, j525: every writer would like to have a reader like you ♥ )

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


CLICK! :) > ( Here it is. You pissed him off. Great job. Luke peered at him, gagging his desire to say something. No, keep quiet. You've said enough. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

More than comfort?

Original poster: tirpse

Title: More than comfort
Chapter: Two of ??
Rating: R
Summary: Luke and Noah are friends. One day one of Noah's friends dies. Luke gives him comfort
Characters: Noah, Luke
Genre: AU
Warnings: This happens when you watch too much "Six feet under". hehe
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As The World Turns" CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Part One

New Part

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: The Cellmate, Chapter 4

Original poster: indigo_5

Title: The Cellmate
Author: indigo_5
Chapter: 4
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT. The show would look a lot different if I did.
Spoilers: None. This is total AU.
Previous chapters: Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3.
Summary: Luke learns something surprising about Noah.
Notes: The angst in this story was starting to weigh me down a little, so this chapter is a little more light-hearted than the others have been. And a little smuttier. Hope you enjoy.
More notes: Feedback feedback feedback! Love love love!

He would give anything to know what Noah would say in the heat of passion if he could really let himself go. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme

Original poster: kissmedirty

This is late .. and there are only  8 of them LMAO .. but what can I say, I'm knee deep in writers block so its kind of a miracle I got this far :P

Comments are almost as good as NUKE!Sex


8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )

8 lil lines .. )


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

FIC - The Worst Years of My Life (2/6)

Original poster: crownroyal_51

Character: Noah Mayer
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through June 1, 2007
Summary: Noah must find a place to live in Oakdale before he starts his internship at WOAK.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. They are the property of "As the World Turns" and P&G.

A/N: I'd like to thank [info]rebop13 (Spookything on Vanhasis.net) for her suggests regarding this fic.

Chapter One

Chapter 2 )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Too Fast? Chap 13

Original poster: atwtfan

Title: Too Fast?
Chapter: 13
Rating: R
Summary: Aaron and Casey talk
Characters: Noah, Luke, Aaron, Casey, Neil
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

It was 5:00 in the morning and Noah was beginning to stir. Read more... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Perspectives on a kiss

Original poster: flytalian

Title: Perspectives on a kiss
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke/Noah
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps.
Memo: I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)   Remember, your feedback counts!

A/N: Description of a kiss, from both POVs.
I am NOT going to tell you which kiss is, though I’m sure you’ll find out easily.

Feedback loved, but - like I said to my friend B. - be careful: I might get addicted to writing this kind of stuff and do it for *every* Nuke kiss.

( Thanks for your encouragement and all the smiles you put on my face. Love u, B.  )


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

More than comfort?

Original poster: tirpse

Title: More than comfort
Chapter: Three of probably four
Rating: G
Summary: Luke and Noah are friends. One day one of Noah's friends dies. Luke gives him comfort
Characters: Noah, Luke
Genre: AU
Warnings: This happens when you watch too much "Six feet under". hehe
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As The World Turns" CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Part One

Part Two

New Part (It's a short one though)

May 2009



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