January 25th, 2009

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Heaven must be missing an angel

Original poster: flytalian

Sequel to "How good it can be" (part 2 of 2)

Title: Heaven must be missing an angel
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke, Maddie, a little bit of Noah
Chapter: 2/2
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, Maddie, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Summary: Luke and Maddie make up for lost time.

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps. Enjoy and review!
Memo: Feedbacks are good deeds for the lost cause of my self-confidence of "writer"! I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)  

Thanks to:
frances_veritas, honey192 and crownroyal_51 for being so kind and helpful and clarifying my doubts :)

How good it can be

Heaven must be missing an angel - Part 1

CLICK! > ( “Pretend I’m just a friend of yours – which I am – and spit it out! You never told me the story, the gossip girl in me is fidgeting!”


PS: If you are a "fan" of "I'm awake now", on my lj you can also find its 12th chapter!

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic meme

Original poster: indigo_5

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Notes: Thanks, [info]sagiegurl!

AU: Luke looked up nervously. His new cellmate was intimidatingly tall. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme (G-NC-17)

Original poster: chelseafrew

I haven't written Luke & Noah in ages, but I could not resist this, and kept it open at work all day, and just finished.

The Microfic Meme
Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Microfic )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme (Luke/Noah, G to NC-17)

Original poster: readthisshit

Yes, yes, yes. I've been gone for months. I don't understand how you could ever forgive me, truly. But I come back with a response for this fabulous little meme.

Ten genres, ten words each. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah


Original poster: bijou1986

Title: Tradition
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG
Summary:   Read and find out!
Characters: Luke,Noah,Charlene
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme: Luke/Noah

Original poster: qafaddiction

Write 10 different categories of fic (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) each in 10 words or less.

Ten tiny fics )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme

Original poster: dazzling_icer

I wanted to join in on all the fun! I loved this so much, that I did one for Luke/Noah, and one for Van/Jake. Hope you like them both!

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

microfic meme! (luke/noah)

Original poster: bella_roma_101

After seeing it pop up so many times, I finally broke down and did it myself. =D


Peek inside... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Too Fast? Chapter 7

Original poster: atwtfan

Too Fast? Chapter 7
Title: Too Fast?
Chapter: 7
Summary: Luke calls Noah
Characters: Luke, Noah, Cheri
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Read more... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Microfic Meme

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

I thought that I'd give this a go. Who knew that ten freakin' words could be so damn hard to write?

Microfic Meme
Write ten different categories of fic (smut, angst, fluff, etc.), each in ten words or less.

Microfic Meme )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

NEW! Nuke Microfic!

Original poster: willwork4dean

What It Is: Nuke Microfic (PG)
Prompt Microfic Meme: Ten tiny fics in ten words or less
Author: WillWork4Dean
Fandom: ATWT
Characters: Noah + Luke
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.


Read more... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

I'm awake now - Chapter 13 (LAST ONE!)

Original poster: flytalian

Title: I’m awake now
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke/Noah
Chapter: Thirteen
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps. Enjoy and review!
Memo: Feedbacks are good deeds for the lost cause of my self-confidence of "writer"! I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)  

Here you can find the previous installments: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4  - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9 – Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12


So here we are, guys. Even beautiful things must come to an end *lol*
I got a little concerned about the lack of comments in the 12th chapter, but I’ll forgive you ^^
Now stop getting distracted by microfics and read this *LOL*

Apart from joking… ;)

“I’m awake now” wasn’t born as such a long story. It popped out of thin air and took shape from a part of firebolt87’s fic “In this together”; actually, at the beginning it was planned as "a sort of missing moment" (!!!), and then somehow it came alive by itself and it turned into this multi-chaptered story it is now.

I very much want to THANK everyone who read and liked the fic, and send a special hug to those who gave such kind feedback along the way: it was unexpected, welcomed and very very delightful! I’d like to name and thank all of you individually, for you gave me the encouragement to go on, but I don’t have time nor space and it wouldn’t be fair towards everyone else who read in lurkerdom :)
A special thanks, anyway, goes to my friend Alex: thanks for giving birth, in a sense, to this beautiful (for me^^) story, and for the kindness, time and trust you provided me up till now. You’re a wonderful writer and a wonderful person, and if I am a better writer now, I know it’s also thanks to you.

Thanks again to everyone, guys! When I started, I didn’t expect nothing of this… if you read and liked even only a line of this fic, know you made me a flushing, happy, grateful girl :)

Now take a deep breath and… ENJOY! and let me know your opinion even if you hated it ^^ 


CLICK! > ( Luke grimaced. “Well, it’s not a funny game. And I don’t want to risk losing you again because we are two idiots who are not able to work issues out.” )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Challenge #2: The Starting Line-Up

Original poster: fortuosity

Title: The Starting Line-Up
Author: Kristen/fortuosity
Rating: PG
Summary: Luke’s good at basketball, but he can’t really prove that to Noah from a wheelchair…
Warnings: Wee bit of language. Disclaimer: I don’t really WANT to own a floundering daytime drama…

Author's Notes (A/N): Last minute entry for [info]luke_noah's monthly challenge #2 with the prompt “worth the wait”. First part is set October/November ’07-ish, second part is set January/February ’08-ish. This was inspired by Luke’s past as a basketball star and how the show ignores it. Mistakes are mine, feedback is love.


May 2009



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