January 12th, 2009

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

FIC: Feeling (Luke/Noah, Noah POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Feeling (Companion piece to Letting Go)
Author: [info]freakykat
Time Frame: Um...now? Or at least Monday. :)
Word Count: 280
Summary: Noah breaks.
Rating: That scene should be R cause jesus. But, PG-14.
Warnings: Not a damn one.
A/N: So um...after watching that sneak peek eleventy billion times, um, this happened. It is so dedicated to [info]shizumaslover cause I love her. SEE LESLIE! I TOLD YOU WASN'T WRITING NOTHING!
Disclaimer: I own none of this - they belong to P&G, CBS and others. I only play with them a little. Once I'm done, I'll dust them off and give them back.

And that’s when it all stopped, his mind screeching to a halt, and Noah couldn’t breath because... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

FIC: Letting Go (Luke/Noah, Luke POV)

Original poster: freakykat

Title: Letting Go (Companion piece to Feeling)
Author: [info]freakykat
Time Frame: Um...now? Or at least Monday. :)
Word Count: 280
Summary: Luke reacts.
Rating: That scene should be R cause jesus. But, PG-14.
Warnings: Not a damn one.
A/N: So um...after watching that sneak peek eleventy billion times, um, this happened. It is so dedicated to [info]shizumaslover cause I love her. SEE LESLIE! TOLD YA I WASN'T WRITING NOTHING!
Disclaimer: I own none of this - they belong to P&G, CBS and others. I only play with them a little. Once I'm done, I'll dust them off and give them back.

He heard it come out of his mouth, watched Noah’s eyes fill with that same fear Luke accused him of... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Original poster: atwtfan

Title: Too Fast?
Chapter: 2
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Luke's depressed
Warnings: Language
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work.

Darkness. That's what Luke welcomed. Complete darkness. It was like a blanket that he held on to tightly. He almost treasured the darkness. The darkness hid things. It hid the dining room table that they fucked on, it hid the bedroom where they shared many passionate nights, it hid the kitchen where memories of cooking together flooded his brain. He didn't remember when but he had shut all the blinds, un-plugged the microwave, the clocks, tv, anything that would let light in. He didn't want light. He wanted darkness. He wasn't worthy of light. That's what he felt. Luke had shut himself in the house for three long agonizing days, thinking and pondering over Neil. He couldn't understand how he ended up like this. Three days ago he was ok and now he was going mental. He felt like he would crack. Crack. That's what happened to his soul. It had cracked and it couldn't be repaired.

Read more... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

"As the World Turns" Caps Update: Catching Up on Nuke

Original poster: superherofan

After all my Web site woes, I finally had some free time to catch up on my Nuke caps, so here are a bunch of them.

Updated December 2008 Gallery

Updated January 2009 Gallery

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Additional spoilers, week of 1/12

Original poster: rmn21879

A new set of spoilers is out for this week and it pretty much lays it all out regarding what will happen when Luke and Noah appear on Monday (1/12) and Wednesday (1/14).

Incredibly thorough spoilers ahead... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

The eternal wish of a sleepy fountain (a.k.a. Insert coin to continue)

Original poster: flytalian

Title: The eternal wish of a sleepy fountain (a.k.a. Insert coin to continue)
Author: flytalian
Characters: Luke/Noah
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: G
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Spoilers: None.

Summary: Noah shares with Luke some memories about his trip to Rome.

Notes: I’d be glad and very very grateful if you make me notice any mistake (I’m Italian) ^^ it always helps.
Memo: Feedbacks are good deeds for the lost cause of my self-confidence of "writer"! I'm kind of addicted to your opinions, so.. don't skimp on comments! :)  

“Warning”: Since probably most of you readers are from USA, I put the measures in customary units, so you can perceive the dimensions. Anyway, for those who use with the metric system – like me ^^ – 140 feet = about 43 mt, 30 feet = 9 mt.

Enjoy and review!

CLICK! >  “We’ll return there together, you know? I took care of it.” winked Noah.


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Podcast #33- Question of the Week

Original poster: somethingelse5

Hi all! Here's the Podcast #33, Saturday January 17th- Question of the Week (carried over from last week)

The Question! )

May 2009



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