January 1st, 2009

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Writer Search!

Original poster: shazamy

I don't even know if this is allowed to be posted but..

I am looking for someone to write a Fic with. I have all these ideas in my head for an AWESOME story to follow the New Years episode. I have a full outline. I however am not a writer so I was wondering if there were any writers out there that would be turning my outline into a Fic to be posted?

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Luke and Noah fanvid: Shattered

Original poster: ashleigh_lin

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Secondly, I am totally diggin' this new journal layout. Tres fabulous, mods.

*cough* Yes, so this is how I work out my angst! *obviously fake and exhausted smile* With sad Nuke videos. Contains clips through (EDIT)10-30-08. (omg why am I such a loser?) 12-30-2008. Seriously--it's sad.

Song is Shattered by Trading Yesterday.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

NUKE: Lake House - Part 9 (the end!)

Original poster: salianne

 Title: Lake house - Part 9

Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Language: English
Warning: Sexual Content, angst
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. 
Summary: There are some bits and pieces that are spoiler-ish, but mostly this is AU.  The boys see each other (eventually) several years after they break up.  Will they find love again or is it too late?

Previous Chapters:  Part One       Part Two        Part three   Part Four   Part Five       Part six   Part Seven   Part Eight

AN:  This monkey is off my back!  Enjoy!

click me for resolution

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Doctor Who (Adam Rickitt), Jesse and Jeremy 94

Original poster: chasepan

The 94th chapter of this story has action packed thrills with Daleks and soap opera characters including UK, US, and Australia. Derek from Slutty Summer and Four Letter Word appears. This chapter has no sex in it and is probably rated PG13 for violence only. Some language. Luke and NOah appear briefly in the promos at the end...but I think later on I will give them a sex scene since the TV show ATWT seems not to want to do that...


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: The Truth

Original poster: indigo_5

Title: The Truth
Author: indigo_5
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: R, I guess (though that makes it sound more porny than it actually is)
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT. The show would look a lot different if I did.
Spoilers: This was written before I’d seen the 12/30 show, but with the spoilers for that day in mind.
Summary: A trip inside Brian Wheatley’s head.
Notes: I can’t believe I’ve written a Brian fic, but I have. I’ve never thought of him as quite as evil as some folks seem to, and lately I’ve really been feeling for him. I started wondering what was going on in his head and this is what came out. I posted this on my journal a few days ago, initially deciding not to post it here mostly out of nervousness about how people who hate Brian would react to a fic that’s kind of sympathetic to him. But now, my addiction to feedback has proved more powerful than my nervousness, so here it is. I would love to hear what you think (positive feedback is lovely but negative is okay too).

Brian's eye hurt.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

The Benefit

Original poster: bijou1986

Title: The Benefit
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: G
Summary: The boys attend the Luke Snyder Foundation's first benefit ball
Characters: Luke,Noah,Jeff,Lucinda,David
Warnings: too long and boring maybe..
Disclaimer: This site is no way associated with "As the World Turns", CBS, P&G, or Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann. This is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended. Authors submit and write their own work


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

One-shot: Confusion and explanations

Original poster: tirpse

Title: Confusion and explanations
Author: Tirpse
Rating: G
Chapter: 1 of 1
Summary: Luke and Noah after New Year's Eve

Click here

May 2009



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