December 12th, 2008

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Five Ways Luke and Noah Never Met (Luke/Noah, PG)

Original poster: ithilien22

Title: Five Ways Luke and Noah Never Met (and one way they did)
Author: [info]ithilien22
Genre: Romance/AU
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,800
Summary: Six 300 word drabbles.
Spoilers: None.

A/N: Written for [info]glitterfey, for [info]thehayloft’s 2008 Holiday Gift Exchange. The request was for an AU story, so I hope these five tiny glimpses do it justice! :) Happy Holidays, sugar!


( Five Ways Luke and Noah Never Met (and one way they did) )


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Original poster: bluejeanbaby01

Title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
Author: [info]bluejeanbaby01 
Rating: G - PG-13ish
Warnings: m/m interaction including illusion to m/m sex, language, schmoop
Spoilers: Not really.
Disclaimer: I don't own Luke or Noah or any of the other ATWT characters. The only thing that is mine is the idea behind this and the words herein.
W/C: - 3100
A/N: This is unbeta'd so any mistakes are mine. And for the purpose of this story, the current storyline does not exist; Luke and Noah are together and they have sex (I mean, they're teenage boys - they're going to find places and time to do it), and they both still live at the farm. Also, I had hoped to post this one day at a time starting tomorrow and leading up to Christmas day, but the week of Christmas I will be where internet has yet to go (shocking, I know) so I'm posting it all at once. But the story starts on the 14th of the month and leads all the way up to Christmas day. Feedback is welcome, even the critical kind.
Summary: It's Christmas time.

The Twelve Days of Christmas )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

I'm thinking a fan needs to win this and pick their brains.

Original poster: amelialourdes

Taken from the imdb boards.

Charity Auction!

So, someone bid and ask about the lack of sex to their faces. And take pictures. And video.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: For Sale - Chapter 4

Original poster: qafaddiction

Title: For Sale - Chapter 4/?
Author: Heather
Characters: Luke/Noah
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None.
Summary: This is an AU story where the boys are rentboys who share more than a street corner.
Notes: I started writing this in response to [info]nouveau_monday's rentboy/alternate universe (AU) prompt, and it has turned into a short series.

If you need to catch up, here are the previous chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

I knew a guy from there once. He hated kissing. )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Beyond Rehearsing

Original poster: msasl

Title: Beyond Rehearsing
Author: msasl
Pairing: Jake/Van
Rating: NC17
Summary: this is a continuation of Rehearsing
Disclaimer: This is clearly a piece of my overactive imagination, no harm meant to Jake or Van
Note: people asked for a sequel to Rehearsing, so here it is. Hope it satisfies.

Beyond Rehearsing )

May 2009



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