October 11th, 2008

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Losing Control

Original poster: greyhound798

Title: Losing Control
Chapter 2
Author: greyhound798
Rating: R
Pairing: Jake, Van
Word count: 1736
Summary: Flashback...rehearsal for love scene. The boys get a little more than they bargained for.
Notes: I do not own Van and Jake. Complete fabrication, never happened. All mistakes are my own...LOL...hopefully there aren't many.
I have to go... )


[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Lap-sitting pic

Original poster: rmn21879

The rumors that a scene of Luke sitting on Noah's lap were cut from the 10/8 episode appear to be true...
Super-cute lap-sitting behind the cut... )

Perhaps there's another deleted scene available? It couldn't hurt to contact the show at www.astheworldturns.net and ask to see it!

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Affinity : Elemental : Chapter 5 : Storm

Original poster: aletheo

Title: Affinity : Elemental : Chapter 5 : Storm
Author: aletheo
Part: 5/10
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT.
Summary: An AU story. things fell apart, the centre did not hold.
Notes: I posted this on vh.net and the nuke wiki, but just recently discovered LJ. Elemental is the first of three arcs in a greater story called Affinity. As always, much love and thanks to my friends, muses, and betas: Jammi and Ali. Feedback pwns.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Rule Number Seven

Original poster: sweetiejelly

Title: Rule Number Seven
Part: Four
Author: forlove/sweetiejelly
Rating: R
Pairing: Van/Jake
Word Count: ~250
Warning: This is complete fabrication. I don’t know either of the guys. M/M.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication; no harm meant.
Summary: How Jake’s couch changed overnight.
Notes: Since it was asked, here are the rules one through six. Previous parts: 1, 2, 3.

Kisses fogged their vision.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Spoilers for Week of October 13

Original poster: 1miracle

Here is a list of Luke/Noah spoilers from various sources. These are for the week of October 13-17, 2008:

Luke and Noah will be on Monday (October 13).

Spoilers Ahead... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: It's Over (Part 2/3)

Original poster: firebolt87

Title: It's Over (Part 2/3)
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Still a bit dark. Other than that, nothing except far-fetchedness, heh.
Spoilers: Up to present day.
Word Count: 1,939
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary: Life could be ironic in the cruelest ways. Just when you thought everything couldn't be better, that you'd finally found happiness and peace, something terrible would strike and it would all be gone.
Disclaimer: I own nothing whatsoever, sadly (except my keyboard).

I know I said this would be a two-parter, but things I write always end up being a lot longer than I intended to :/ so I extended this to three parts - hope the next is the last. Here is Part 1 (thanks again for your kind comments there). Enjoy, and of course feedback makes me so very happy. :]

P.S.  I'm about to shoot myself as I post, because whenever I would try to "clean" the word text I pasted into the LJ cut, some of the text would get deleted. This went on for about three hours until I gave up and left the text to be in a slightly different font/size. Hope you don't mind, if anyone knows how to fix it that'd be even better.


When morning came, after a torturous and utterly ineffectual night, Noah couldn’t put off calling Luke's family any longer.  )

May 2009



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