September 26th, 2008

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Wikipedidrabbles

Original poster: indigo_5

Title: Wikipedidrabbles
Author: indigo_5
Rating: G - NC-17. Includes both porn and schmoop.
Disclaimers: I own neither Luke, Noah, nor anything else related to ATWT. The show would look a lot different if I did.
Summary: 10 unrelated drabbles, most set in the future of Luke and Noah’s relationship. 

Notes: A while ago, I read a fic (can’t remember now who wrote it or where I found it, or I’d provide a link) in which somebody listened to 10 random songs on their iPod and wrote 10 random drabbles that the songs inspired. I thought it would be fun to try the same thing by using the “Random article” link on Wikipedia. I stuck to the 10 random pages I got, but some of the outcomes are only very loosely tied to the original inspiration (e.g. an article on “Esperanto symbols” became the prompt “language,” which became a paragraph on dirty talk). Hope you like the result. Would LOVE feedback.


Fic: Wikipedidrabbles

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: A Sickness

Original poster: sweetiejelly

Title: A Sickness
Author: forlove/sweetiejelly
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Van/Jake
Word Count: ~2300
Warning:This is complete fabrication. I don’t know either of the guys.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication; no harm meant.
Summary: Jake gets sick, Van gets sick.
Notes: Someone mentioned one of the guys were sick and this kind of took off.

“...chicken and junk.”

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: A Sickness

Original poster: sweetiejelly

Title: A Sickness
Author: forlove/sweetiejelly
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Van/Jake
Word Count: ~2300
Warning:This is complete fabrication. I don’t know either of the guys.
Disclaimer: Complete fabrication; no harm meant.
Summary: Jake gets sick, Van gets sick.
Notes: Someone mentioned one of the guys were sick and this kind of took off.

“...chicken and junk.”

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: Better than A Brick to The Head

Original poster: nouveau_monday

Title: Better than A Brick to The Head
Author: nouveau_monday
Pairing: Van/Jake (and why yes, thank you, I am going to hell)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4.7kish
Summary: X-Men3 is really gay
Spoilers: Umm ... RPS, so no
Disclaimer: This is in no way true. Never was. Never will be. Jake and Van belong to themselves, not me. And this is all the fault of some people from vh.netZomgwtf who suggested that we needed more RPS. And then someone suggested I try it, and then I did, and now I'm going to hell, but maybe people will enjoy the lovely decoration on the hand baskets.
Note #1: Thank you so much to [info]elin_aurora for being a great beta.
Note #2: This is the events that happen directly after A Really Bad Idea, which follows right after I Dare You. I think it makes sense as a stand alone, but it's so much better with all of them together.

On to the story

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: The Stockpile

Original poster: sweetiejelly

Title: The Stockpile
Author: forlove/sweetiejelly
Rating: R
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Word Count: ~600
Warnings: M/M
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters. They belong to P&G, ATWT, etc.
Summary: Luke sends Noah stuff.
Notes: A follow up to "The Leave-Taking". Kendra on asked me to write about the text Luke was beginning to send at the end of that piece. So here it is.

You’re cursing like a sailor...

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Nuke icons

Original poster: paillus_land


[09] Nuke
[05] Numb3rs
[03] Grey's Anatomy
[03] Wallpapers Gossip Girl (Blair, Hi Society)
[01] Wallpaper The OC (Seth/Summer)
[01] Wallpaper Numb3rs (Megan)
[01] Wallpaper One Tree Hill (Jamie)
[01] Wallpaper Charmed (Prue/Andy)

( I can't stand being around you and not touching you...)

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

17 Icons

Original poster: jyl22075

A random set of icons


See the rest @ my LJ

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Original poster: frances_veritas

Okay these are the best pictures ever ever ever EVER.

Spoilers for next week's episode and if you haven't seen the preview.

:D )

Is it October 1st yet?

May 2009



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