August 6th, 2008

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Bunnies for adoption

Original poster: morgan_d

I've got four plot bunnies hopping madly inside my head and I also have the certainty that I'm not going to write any of them. Some other time, under different circumstances, I might have given at least one of them a try, but... you know... Real Life sucks and not in the good way. So I thought I could display them here, in case some of the very talented writers here might be interested in taking them home.

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop! )

I'm not tagging this as fic request because that's not what this is. If you'd like to adopt any of these bunnies, feel free to modify them as much as you want. But I'm tagging this also as fic search: if any of you know of already written fics with similar plots, I'd love to have a chance to read them. Thank you.

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Fic: The Interview (Luke/Noah AU) (Part 5a)

Original poster: nouveau_monday

RB - Interview #5

Title: The Interview (Part )
Author: nouveau_monday
Pairing: Noah/Luke
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4.8kish
Summary: Can you have a first date after you've already had sex?
Spoilers: This is completely AU for the boys. So yeah, any relation to the story line is minor. Facts I kept were the Colonel, Noah's mom, and Oakdale. Other characters resemble themselves, but everyone, by definition is not quite him/her self.
Disclaimer: As I said, this is AU. The characters belong to CBS and P&G and possibly others, but definitely not me. That is the real travesty of all of this.
Notes: Thank you so much to [info]mightyten for being the bestest beta ever. Seriously, she save my ass all the time. I'm so grateful. Also, there's supposed to be another partto this but I didn't get it posted. I'm typing as fast as I can, but i wanted to get something out tonight.

What am I supposed to say? According to Roth, this guy dresses like a reject from Fall Out Boy. And hey, when did you go all emo for boys like Pete Wentz anyway? I thought that was my job?"

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

If You're Not the One

Original poster: shizumaslover

My second Nuke vid! Slower and more dramatic than my first vid, I'll Cover You, but hopefully just as fitting for their relationship. 8)

(Lyrics in the info at youtube.)

Also, I made a new icon! Because food is a lot like sex, amirite? I still want that sex, though. 

May 2009



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