February 4th, 2008

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

"Living Together" (One-Shot)

Original poster: sayanything76

Title: Living Together

Characters/Pairing: Luke & Noah 

Rating: PG

Word Count: 2,491

Spoilers: Mostly centered around the 1-08-08 episode

Summary: A revamp of Luke and Noah’s last scene from episode 01-08-08

Disclaimer: Luke and Noah do not belong to me. This story is not for profit. No copyright infringement is intended 

(Living Together)



[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah


Original poster: dedebee

Luke and Noah are on today! I almost fell on the floor when they came on...what a great Monday surprise!

[edit] OMG, this episode is f-ing crazy so far!!! I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it's only 20 minutes into the episode and I still haven't picked my jaw up off the floor!!!!

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

"I think about it all the time...."!!!

Original poster: dedebee

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by posting this, but here are the clips from today's uberhot episode. LukeVanFan is having problems getting his clips to view, so these are from YouTube user atwtNoahMayer. Enjoy all the eye-fucking, seductive whispering and cheek-kissing!!!

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Life As We Wish It: A Victorian Nuke Ficlet -NC-17

Original poster: illiriahrising

Title: Life As We Wish It
Fandom:As The World Turns
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary:Victorian Nuke AU-Mayer and Luciano want to be together, but narrow-minded Victorian society poses quite an obstacle. Can they find the courage to be together despite the danger?
Warning: Contains graphic depictions of m/m sexuality and some schmoopy fluffiness that might rot your teeth from the sweetness. If you are under 18 just turn right around now!You have been warned.
Disclaimer: ATWT and its characters belong to CBS/PGP. No copyright infringment is intended.
Author's Note: Well, after like 2 months, I finally finished my Victorian Nuke fic. It started out as just smut, but I think it has too much schmoop and angst to be strickly in the porn category. This was written to be a stand alone fic, but I am toying with the idea of doing a sequel, so until I actually decide, just consider this a one-shot...a really LONG one-shot! Thanks to my beta,[info]amizada. You ROCK mango!!!

Life As We Wish It... )

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Nuke Caps: The Boys are Back and Horny as Ever!

Original poster: superherofan

Wow, that episode was all kinds of awesome! I made a bunch of caps:

Gallery Link

[info]miracle in [info]luke_noah

Porn-a-thon results and Cover Art

Original poster: lunasky

Well, the results are in and I think the Porn-A-Thon was a smashing success! Many thanks to the awesome people who contributed. Because there can never be too much porn in the world, especially when it concerns our lovely boys.

As promised, I made a humble piece of cover art for the hottest fic that Made The Most People Want to Jump In A Snowbank TM. The votes were close, but...

...without further ado! )

Again, many thanks to all the writers and everyone who read and took the time to vote! I always have nightmares about challenges like these falling flat on their faces, but you guys totally rocked. Here's to hoping our boys get lots of porny screen time in the near future (even though I'll happily take any kind of screen time at all.*g*).

May 2009



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