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Oct. 13th, 2011


Kiseki's HMD

Because there's only so much we can address in the regular HMD, we're gonna try out this! With the new AC period coming up, I'm sure many people will soon be swamped in threads, so it seems more appropriate to put this up now while we'll have more time to debate on things.

How does this work? Well, rather than giving crit or commenting to the players or characters, we'll discuss the game mechanics and such! I'll make a few general topics to give us a start, but you can add your own.

You can post anonymously or not, but remember the idea is to keep things civil.


- Kiseki as a setting
- Events (& replays)
- Logs
- AC
- Apps
- Lists
- Other concerns

Sep. 19th, 2011


Interactions meme - Take 5!

Something similar was going around on Plurk, so I figured, why the hell not?

Meme time!

Are there characters you just love to see interact, and want to see more of? Sides of their relationships you don't see enough, or at all? Are there characters you think could be BFFs if they only talked to each other, or who you simply want to see interacting?

Then comment here anonymously with their names/usernames. Be as specific as you want /o/ And hopefully, the players will follow your suggestions.

May. 12th, 2011


All the world needs

Kay, we've had a lot of apologizing and such in the OOC comm lately. Enough of that, let's just flail at each other.

So, here, have a love meme!

- Comment with your character's journals, and
- Reply anonymously to others telling them things you love about their character \o/

You can also make anon comments outside of that, if you wanna love on anything that's not specific to one character alone.

Obviously this is not mandatory, and nobody needs to participate if they don't want to/feel like it.

That's all! Go crazy.

Apr. 9th, 2011


Questions meme - Take 3

You know how it goes!

- Post a question anonymously (about the characters in Kiseki, their relationships, the muns' headcanons, etc)
- Reply to the questions (it's meant to be done OOCly, but if someone replies IC I won't ban them or anything)
- ???
- ... Profit? \o/

Mar. 19th, 2011


Interactions meme - Take 4!

Time for a meme!

Are there characters you just love to see interact, and want to see more of? Sides of their relationships you don't see enough, or at all? Are there characters you think could be BFFs if they only talked to each other, or who you simply want to see interacting?

Then comment here anonymously with their names/usernames. Be as specific as you want /o/ And hopefully, the players will follow your suggestions.

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Ask Kiseki meme

While linking to new stuff in chat, I realized that a lot of the details about Kiseki I assume everyone knows aren't really common knowledge.

So, here, have a simple meme. Post asking any question regarding Kiseki, its characteristics, the way things are run, etc, and I'll answer.

Jul. 28th, 2010


Questions meme - Take 2

Okay, once again Andrea's responsible for this. Second take on the questions meme o/

You know how it goes!

- Post a question anonymously (about the characters in Kiseki, their relationships, the muns' headcanons, etc)
- Reply to the questions (it's meant to be done OOCly, but if someone replies IC I won't ban them or anything |Db;)
- ... Profit? \o/

May. 26th, 2010


Interactions meme - Take 3!

Time for a meme!

Are there characters you just love to see interact, and want to see more of? Or sides of their relationships you just don't see enough/at all? Are there characters you think could be BFFs if they only talked to each other, or who you simply want to see interacting?

Then comment here anonymously with their names/usernames. Be as specific as you want /o/ And hopefully, the players will follow your suggestions.

Dec. 29th, 2009


IC/OOC meme

Let's do that "Ask me my characters' thoughts on [insert subject here], whether it's sex, the apocalypse, or another character. I will write back an explanation. Ask me anything! :D" meme again /o/

Reply just once with a list of your characters. Then, people can either follow the meme's rules and ask the mun something, ask the characters themselves so that the player will reply ICly, or even ask ICly as well.

Just make sure to add a note in the comment or subject about who you're asking the questions to o/ Same for IC or OOC replies with character journals (if you use them, of course, since anon commenting is allowed).

As usual, I hope this post makes sense, and nothing played here counts for the actual game. And breaking the 4th wall is A+++++++

Jun. 25th, 2009


Moar memes

OKAY, so. Andrea wanted a meme in which we could ask random questions about the characters, such as which Hogwarts house would they be in or which Pokemon would they be.

And while I forgot to bring it up in chat (she says that geniuses are absent-minded, so I'm going with that), I did come up with a way to make it work o/;


It's quite simple; comment to this entry anonymously, with a question. Then just reply to it /o/ If you can't think of what awesome Digimon your character would turn into/what color of socks they prefer/whatever the heck, simply skip that character. Remember that it's an OOC meme, so you should reply as yourself, not as the chara.

And feel free to make the questions as srs business or as idiotic as you want |Db

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