June 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

I almost wish they'd dissolve our office into another branch, as there is no international relations happening.

I wish I had been able to take Maria and go with you to France. this is not looking good.

Do you want me to start staying with you? I know we are not affected physically.



[No Subject]

This has to stop.

How did we ge-

No. I know how we got here.

I guess it's easy to be threatened by those of 'lesser blood' when you've managed to amount to nothing beyond cowards, thieves and murderers despite society literally built to benefit you. I admit I benefit from the current status quo, but if it means remaining silent while we murder innocent people and torture children I don't want to be apart of it. Damn the consequences.

[Warded to friends (former and current), and resistance acquaintances]

I am so sorry. There is nothing I can say or do to make up for my selfishness these past years. I'm deeply ashamed I let my ambition, insecurities and ego blind me to the reality of what has happened. I wish I could use the tired cop out of 'this is not who I am', but we all know it would be a lie.

I don't expect forgiveness, and I'm not even asking for anyone to trust me. I just... I'm sorry.

If I can help in any way, no matter how little, I'm happy to do so.