April 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

I do rather think congratulations are in order to the new Minister Lestrange. Another cause for celebration this weekend.



[No Subject]

[Rabastan Lestrange]
On request of your former aide, your son will be arriving at Los Tiburones this evening at 2200 and moved to Finch-Fletchley's establishment via the tunnels.

From Ms. Dolohova, "Do not worry about the office, sir, I've begun to take care of it all. They'll have not a thing of yours.
Please take care."

[OOC: Added after]
I'm sorry.



[No Subject]

All eras must come to an end. And I do thank Rabastan for all of his years of hard work getting us to the point that we're at today. It wasn't easy in those early years of reform, but he managed to see us through with consistency and dedication. No matter what the personal feelings may be, no one can deny that he was critical in getting us to where we are today, and for that I truly do say thank you to his tenure.

I also cannot deny that standing here on the threshold of a new era there is something in the air that is exciting. Sometimes metamorphosis is necessary for the great good. This is not a decision that has been made lightly. We, your representatives, took everything we could into account, and decided that the direction we were going in was no longer in line with our higher ideals and goals. Ones that have moved away from taking the law into ones own hand and deciding what justice is without it's proper due course. Change is necessary. Change is good. Change is healthy. It is time for new ideas and fresh thought that will lead us into a stronger future. It is going to be hard work in order to get where we need to go. Many, many changes will be need to be made in the coming months. It will probably be uncomfortable, however, that is the nature of change. After all, we learned how to transform how to turn beetles into buttons in my Second Year at Hogwarts. Though, it is a practical lesson, it couldn't have been very comfortable for the beetle.

I understand that today is a day in which will be hard for many, because change is frightening. However, I do hope in time that it will come to light that this change is for the better. That this is something necessary to keep our society thriving not just at home, but with our relationship with our allies and that we can become a shining example for other communities across the world.



[No Subject]

And just like that I look up and it's May. Hard to believe we're over a quarter of the rest through the year.

Warded to Pansy
Are you going to the event on the 2nd?

Warded to Percy
Merlin help me my Da is coming to this bloody event.

Warded to Angie
You don't need a babysitter on the 2nd do you? Or something urgent you need to do that I can use as an excuse?

Warded to Grace

I know

You said

I hate to trouble you, but can I ask for your recommendation?



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

[Warded to the Non-Purist Purebloods]

Anyone else going to this shindig on the 2nd? I feel like I cannot not go, but at the same time, I am hardly delighted by the prospect of it.

[Warded to Maria]

Please say you are going, your company might make this a little more bearable.



[No Subject]

Back from Hogsmeade. Have commissioned boxes.

You are out of food.

Scared child in the basement. The creep is getting him soon.