April 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

I love when the past sucks.

Hey dad, can you come pick me up from the Head Master's office?

[Tills and Terry, separately]
Don't stress, I'm chill.



[No Subject]

Well, that was a fast match, lads and lasses.

[Laken and Marcus]
We still on tonight? I'm thinking Ambiance so we can at least flirt with someone other than Prince Charming.

Pads may be joining for a bit of a lads night. You down?



[No Subject]

The joys of fatherhood, at times, is getting a chance to step away and have a breather with a mate who needs a break more than you.

How is he?



[No Subject]

That was certainly one very invasive way to spend the morning. At least the back room was not my fault this time.



[No Subject]

Losing is always a disappointment, but I can't ignore the fact that was one hell of a match, Harpies. And at least I got to work out my throwing arm.



[No Subject]



I know where and why Mike got the gun.

We have to talk about this.


[Ooc: Added in about 20 minutes later]
[Kevin, Mike, & Tony]

We need to talk about Terry and how he was going to use the fucking gun on himself and what we're going to do to fucking support our friend.
