April 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

You've been exceeding nonverbal these last few weeks. Should I be concerned of you taking a step off the peak of your abode?

Hogsmeade next weekend?

I have found some books that I think you may find interesting in the back section of the library no longer permitted to students after some unfortunate and unsupervised testing. It'd be shame to let educational material go to waste when someone could handle it properly.



[No Subject]

[Heavily Warded to All Resistance Members - Posted in the early evening]
I know today is a holiday for a lot of you, so I apologize for taking time out of that to speak with you all. But there is something I need to let you all know, and it can't wait.

A little over a week ago I was approached for a possible alliance that I know will make a lot of you uncomfortable, including myself. But please believe me when I say I would not have done this unless I believed it was both beneficial and safe for all of us. After a lot of thought, and a face to face meeting, it has been decided that Ginny Weasley, as well as her fiance Rabastan Lestrange, will join the Resistance alongside us. They have also both opted to sign the same document that the rest of you have, which holds them to the same standards and assures that Rabastan Lestrange will not betray us, unless he wants to forfeit his own life in the process.

After years alongside Ginny, as well as adopting Teddy as one of his own, and fully coming to understand the burden all Muggleborns and those who assist them are placed with, he agrees that this administration needs to be disbanded, and the wards brought down. I know it will anger a lot of you, but similarly to many of us, Lestrange has faced a lot of roadblocks in trying to assist us behind the scenes. Allowing for the open forum after a march which he refused to let the DMLE break up, as well as giving the Maiden Head and all profits to muggleborns who work there was his attempt at a sign of good faith. However, as we all know, there are many others who are vehemently against this, and are seeking to remove power from him. Meaning any small step forward we have started, can quickly be yanked out from under us.

You don't have to like this, all I ask is that you accept it and understand this decision was not made lightly. He was one of the individuals who tortured my parents, and while he stopped when he realized they would not give up information while others did not, that is a difficult thing to see past. I just ask for your trust once more, as this is a huge win for us to have a key political figure on our side, even if his position is waning.

[No Subject]

My sweet friend, I am so dreaadfully bored.



[No Subject]

I must say, Big Boy Brown really took some hits tonight. But damn, that comeback. Could not be any sweeter.

And Moon. I must say, while your quick right hooks and lithe movements definitely have the crowd hypnotized, I couldn't take my eyes off that ass.

Sue me.