March 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

[ Knockturn Residents & Clinic Staff ]
I've been considering giving basic healing classes through the clinic for minor injuries and the like. Is that something that would be useful to anyone?



[No Subject]

For Mothering Day I tried to replicate the traditional Scottish shortbread cookies my mum brought us up on; honestly they weren't anywhere near as good as what she makes: I substituted honey instead of sugar (those habits formed from years of nutritionists are hard to break) and unfortunately burned the rosemary but had a bit of lavender left over from the plant that hadn't fully died outside the balcony. The sea salt wasn't the same, had to get it from the store, since she harvests and dries her own from the bay by the house on the North Sea, but I think it turned out alright for a first attempt.

Photo taped in )