March 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Impenetrable Ward to the Resistance]
Meeting tomorrow. Go to either the Maiden Head, the Clinic, my house, or Los Tiburones. You will be led at 9pm to the meeting area by one of us. It's about time everyone sees each other in person.

Can you meet me tonight? I'll pay you for missing a bit of work if need be.

I have something to show you.

Murder puppy knows about the entrance I mean.

I may need you to lead the group from my house, as I'll be working at the meeting place. Would you be available tonight? If anyone asks, you are visiting Gigantor, not me.

Have everything ready in the main chamber. And those who worked on the paper and anyone else who you think needs to sign it who can be there.

If you cannot attend, I can get you the information.



[No Subject]

Comforting to know in a few days, the gossip has shifted once more from the salient point to the horror of unnatural relationships.

No, ma'am, I do not need to hear about how wonderful your daughter/sister/granddaughter/aunt/niece/third cousin is. Thank-you, truly, for you attempt to save me from the dark horror that is only born from insanity and loneliness.

I suddenly understand that need you get to punch people. It is foreign and a little exhilarating.

I have news I need to tell you.



[No Subject]

It hasn't hurt this much to breathe in a long time.

[Alicia & Katie]
I am trying to keep it together. For Benny. Especially after taking a fucking bludger to the head last week. But she's... it's Gin, you know?

I need