January 1st, 2020



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I would like to thank everyone who came to our little New Years party at the Lestrange Museum last night. It means the world to us that you would spend your evening with us, and celebrate the coming year in our new exhibits.

We wish you all a wonderful year to come.



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Naturally, my shift was three domestic disputes, a minor house fire, multiple for drunken and disorderly conduct, indecent exposure in public, and two breaking and entering cases. And this morning, all they had was a peace protest to stop.



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So...that was an interesting way to kick off the new year.

Though, I am glad that it was peaceful, and no one got hurt. That's always a good thing.

[Closer friends]

I START MY NEW COURSES NEXT WEEK! I'm so excited! I'm going to go pick up my books tomorrow.




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