December 21st, 2019



[No Subject]

I swear to everything that is holy Séba grew like way, way too much in the last 3ish months and her hair is longer and how in the hell am I going to let her go back and WHY DO KIDS GROW UP?

I'm not fucking crying, you're crying.



[No Subject]

--Impenetrable Ward to the Rebellion-- )

You free today then? I'd like to see you. Might help me take my mind off some shit too.

You wouldn't happen to have any more tea, do you?



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Now time for the owner to appreciate this flying monkey and completely behave myself among my quidditch brethren. I even showered. You're welcome.

[Close friends]

Oi. Need a headcount for next week. If you're coming, if you're bringing someone. If you're showing up before hand at Lisa's for brunch related things. Got to know how much food to prepare and stuff.




[No Subject]

Last night was....

It was really wonderful.

I'm not really a Christmas-y type person, however, last night was something special. Who knew?

And also TEO. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!



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So I survived my first month at the Maiden Head.

No broken bones. Not an excessive amount of unwanted contact. And I only broke one glass.

Not to shabby I think.



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Happy Solstice. Hope the first day of winter was lovely for everyone. While I do like warmer weather, I do love bundling up and a hot drink to keep me cosy. I definitely spent some time people watching today and wandering looking at the holiday festivities.