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Nov. 4th, 2012


one ❀ in which our heroine is baffled;

Why does Grimmauld Place look like a haunted house?

Oct. 19th, 2012


␏ one;


Anyone out, or is it in?, there on this creepy journal?

Sep. 22nd, 2012


§ twenty + forum;


Gif sigh. Indiana Jones marathon, anyone?

Aug. 20th, 2012


I find myself bored.

This perturbs me.

Jul. 31st, 2012



I've made too much. Again.

You all need to eat more, right now!

[ ooc: Big party for Harry's birthday (which followed a family breakfast) with all sorts of yummies and fun. Lily is a bit tipsy because her BABY IS TOO OLD. ]

May. 8th, 2012


I want to be the first to wish a very happy 30th birthday to Ben Winchester!

Or 27th. Whatever works better for you, kiddo.

May. 6th, 2012


§ eighteen;

Either Lindsey is out of control, or the Hub is feeling rowdy, because the lawn ornaments are running around like Alice in Wonderland on extra-strength drugs and my Star Wars action figures are having a trailer park shoutfest in wee little voices.

Fess up, McDonald! Were you pining for the time toys tried to overtake the city?

[ ooc: You too can have living toys/ornaments if you like, or have your character encounter ones in the Castle. But there's no obligation to do it. <3 ]


❂ twenty-seven;

[ visible to FAMILY/FRIENDS, minus the Z!VEGAS ones; ]
What the actual fuck.

May. 2nd, 2012


❂ twenty-six;

I feel like I'm forgetting something about today.

Apr. 27th, 2012




ATTENTION! We've got two very important birthday's coming up! Dad's is on May 2nd, and Ben's is a few days later on the 8th. We definitely need a party. I've got all the eats covered. I'm going to be cooking up a bunch of their favorite things, plus the birthday cake. But I'm still trying to figure out where to hold it. Slayer Castle, you guys up for it? Does anyone want to volunteer for decorations? Music? Drinks?

Mar. 14th, 2012



Happy Pi Day!

In celebration, Rach and I have made about a billion pies. And by that I mean Rach baked while I provided entertainment and ate whipped cream out of the can.


Feb. 28th, 2012


Forward dated to Wednesday, late afternoon Feb 29th

Text messages to Ben Winchester when he doesn't show for lunch )

Message posted to the journal network late afternoon, after Dean went looking for Ben in the usual places. )

Feb. 6th, 2012


It's my birthday! It's also my birth day. That is so weird!

Jan. 25th, 2012



[Filtered to Dean Winchester]


[Filtered to Ben Winchester]

Dean got me a puppy! For real! She needs a name, come and help me?!


Delivered to Allana's door )

Jan. 23rd, 2012


Ooh, what's this? What's happening? I haven't seen anything quite like this before. Dad would be so jealous right now. Well, until Mom glared at him!

Wait, am I going to be late for work again? Because I really promised I wouldn't be, and I meant it this time.


Jan. 22nd, 2012


◊ TWO.

Almost three weeks now and no sign of the rest of the gang. I feel like I'm missing appendages.

[ private - SAM, DEAN, & BEN WINCHESTER; ]

Dinner tomorrow night, boys. Not taking no for an answer.

Jan. 10th, 2012


Awww, the best thing just wandered into the castle! I now have a nexu cub, her name is Anji. I hadn't met her by my time, but she's definitely mine at home.

And yes Dad, yes Ben, I am keeping her.

Jan. 4th, 2012



I don't know how, but this is Jack's fault.

Jan. 2nd, 2012



Dec. 13th, 2011


§ fourteen;


[...] A small herd of horses [...] and a pony followed me home today.

No, they really did. I was finishing my run on our new snowy side of the castle, they were in that flat stretch after the road angles out of the forest, and they just followed me.

Is anyone missing a stable of horses?

Dec. 12th, 2011


Deja vu.

Hey guys.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on?

Cas? Is this some sort of weird backlash from the Lev that we should have known about?

Sep. 11th, 2011



I should be back at Hogwarts now.

Qudditch game?

Jul. 9th, 2011


❂ fifteen;

Found Uncle Sam's journal, but not him. Guess his umbilical cord got cut.

Fucking world.

[ texts to DEAN WINCHESTER; ]
✉ Sam's gone.
✉ Didn't know if you'd wanna know or not, but now you do for sure.

May. 2nd, 2011


Left for Sam, neatly wrapped in blue foil wrapping paper. No note, no name, no nothing. Except FOR SAM in a handwriting distinctly NOT Dean's.

+ this laptop bag
+ this book
+ and a Hufflepuff hoody jacket.

Jan. 27th, 2011




The five days between me and Buffy's birthdays, and the couple days after, are turning out to be my favorite week of the year.

Damn it's been a good week.

Dec. 24th, 2010


[Visible to Ben]

Hey Hi Ri

I know it's last minute. And you've probably got lots of plans but if you wanted to swing by the Castle. That'd be good. I got Sam's going to be there he just doesn't know it ye And Buffy. I'd stay out of your way. This

Just wanted to let you know and say Merry Christmas.

[Visible toSam]

You done being pissed at me or are you still going to sass everything I say like a thirteen year old girl?

Either way, it's going to be Christmas tomorrow. Yadda yadda yadda holiday cheer. You're coming over. Where are you? You're going to make this into a habit on pu

[ooc: Sorry if I don't respond tonight. Exhausted and turning in but will answer when I can tomorrow <3]

Nov. 30th, 2010


[Visible to Castle Slayer]

It's a good thing none of us are afraid of heights.

Nov. 24th, 2010


[visible to Sam]

Hey, Sam Hi, Sam I don't even know what I'm suppose to say to you Is there a backspace on this thi Dear Samiary, sorry that I'm not going to be the brother you expected. I cry more and I'm a bigger dick but let's be friends. Hearts and flow - My pen's fucked up.

Where are you? How ol I'll come get you and fill you in on stuff.

Sorry about being a douche and not checking this thing more often. And

Even though you're stuck in this place, it's good that you're here Sam. Yes, I just wrote that. No, the world's not ending.

Visible to Ben )