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Mar. 30th, 2011


❂ ten;

Holy fuck, April Fool's is just around the corner. I'm gonna miss Mom's birthday too Almost seven months now. Time really flies here, doesn't it?

[ visible to ALLANA & ANNABETH & CLARY); ]
Let's go out and do something, I'm bored out of my damn mind right now.

[ ooc: I swore I fixed this to have Clary too. Apparently it was just the copy in his journal. :/ ]

Mar. 15th, 2011


So this little street that looks a lot like how I'd picture Italy if I ever got a chance to go there (sigh) just appeared like a block away from the Institute for a few hours.

It basically put me in heaven, there were street painters.

Now I want to go to Italy.

Feb. 24th, 2011


§ four;

While attempting to hunt down the alleged 'best mangos in the Hub', I entered a town that appears to be perpetually stuck in Valentine's Day. I thought their calendars were off, but apparently the spectacle was a daily occurrence. I would have thought it was cute once, but now

I did get my mangos, but not before being drug into an impromptu parade and propositioned with paper hearts. And then I ran into a low-hanging tree branch.

Can I skip the rest of today, please?

Jan. 22nd, 2011



Hello? This isn't-I'm not supposed-Ron? Hermione? Professor Dumbledore, sir? Is anyone else here? My name is Harry Potter. I'm supposed to be on the Hogwarts Express. I'm not certain how I got here.

Dec. 6th, 2010


✝ Entry: 004

After I deliver this demon back to Slay Central, Church and I are going to come back to NY for a bit. I don't think he likes the castle much, plus I want to do some research while I'm here. I'll be at the Institute if I'm needed. If you want to visit let me know and I'll come out to get you.

Dec. 5th, 2010


❂ eight;

[ pre-dawn NYC, Sunday morning ]

I dunno what kinda demon I just put down in fake New York, but it's gotta be at least three kinds of something put together. Only recognize parts of two demons, but that doesn't mean much, I'm guessing.

Anybody want to study it before I salt and burn the thing?

[ visible to ALLANA; ]
Hey. So. There's something I kept wanting to tell you, but it didn't come up and didn't come up and I figured I better just tell you.

Dad Dean kinda contacted me. [...] Something like a week ago.


McDonald - One

So who's the genuis who decided to test my resolve to raise Hell if I was ever displaced? You've got an hour to put me back or I'm going to find interesting and creative ways to make you regret this.

Nov. 21st, 2010


✝ Entry: 003

I really shouldn't be so amused at the fact that the Slayer castle has secret passage ways, but I am. This is so much different than the NY base. I hope those secret passage ways weren't meant to be secret? I just got lost for a solid three hours.

No one panic though, clearly I'm okay.

Nov. 20th, 2010


Dean? Dad? This is new.

Nov. 16th, 2010


❂ six;

It's come down to this, you guys. A meme. That's how frakking bored I am right now.

1. Your name: Ben.
2. A four-letter word: Boob.
3. A boy's name: Bruce.
4. A girl's name: Britney.
5. An occupation: Bartender.
6. A colour: Blue.
7. Something you wear: Boots.
8. A food: Blueberry pie.
9. Something found in the bathroom: Bandages.
10. A place: Beverley Hills.
11. A reason for being late: Bender.
12. Something you shout: Bastard.
13. A movie title: Batman.
14. Something you drink: Booze.
15. A musical group: Beatles.
16. An animal: Beaver.
17. A street name: Broadway.
18. The title of a song: Back in Black.

[ visible to ALLANA; ]
You know, I'm pretty sure this city adds motels when my back is turned, I still haven't made my way through all of them in the last few months.

Oct. 31st, 2010


♐ one;

[ words are heavily inked, as though the writer exerted too much pressure while writing ]

What is this place?

Sep. 27th, 2010


♕ one;

I found it, I found Narnia here! I am standing in what looks exactly like Lantern Waste, with Mr Tumnus!

I have been trying to explain what is going on, but he is still very confused by the whole thing, I think. He hasn't heard of these journals at all, either, and this is the first time I've met anyone who didn't have one of their own.

Has anyone seen a journal with a picture of a faun in it?

[ ooc: As Lucy's been in the Hub almost seven weeks, she hasn't found Lantern Waste in the Hub, she's found Narnia via a fissure, right after the four were sent back to England after their ruling years. ]

Sep. 14th, 2010


✝ Entry: 002

I think it's safe to say that vampires aren't the only thing running around this place. New York has demons. Though that's not new. I should probably check for Downworlders.

On the plus side, I found the Institute, and Church in inside it. That's the buildings cat. And I think he got fatter.

Sep. 12th, 2010


Spencer [oo2]

I used to have a great sense of direction. Now I'm lucky if I can find my way back to the same place twice. Here I thought I'd accomplished something finding New York, or whatever passes for it.

Sep. 6th, 2010


❂ one;

You have got to be shitting me. This, again, only now we're old school with magic journals?

You guys are all on fucking crack. Seriously.

Sep. 5th, 2010


§ one;

I explored more of the city today, the one I'm in that looks like Los Angeles, and it's really unnerving how one minute it could be exactly that and the next, I'm looking at something futuristic or really ancient.

Are other places out there like this?

Sep. 3rd, 2010


✝ Entry: 001

If I'm going to be kidnapped, again, this time they could have at least waited until I was done killing that Fyarl Demon.

Lets talk about how unimpressed I am by this. Stealing someone elses gig is boring.