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Sep. 21st, 2012


◐ four + texts;

[ visible to FRIENDS; ]
Just when I thought we'd left Zenner-style cruelty behind.

[ visible to REMUS; ]
For what it's worth, I understand what this is like, to lose people and then get them back without their memories, sometimes within a day. I'm sorry you're experiencing it as well. If you need anyth

[ text to HALEY; ]
✉ I know you had no control over it,
✉ But
✉ Thank you for always remembering me.


☠ one;

[ test scribbles ]

Wotcher, journal.

Aug. 21st, 2012


☄ five;

[ ooc: backdated to this ]

[ visible to DAD & MUM; ]
What do you think about Haley asking us to her game night?

Aug. 20th, 2012


I find myself bored.

This perturbs me.

Jul. 31st, 2012



I've made too much. Again.

You all need to eat more, right now!

[ ooc: Big party for Harry's birthday (which followed a family breakfast) with all sorts of yummies and fun. Lily is a bit tipsy because her BABY IS TOO OLD. ]

Jun. 25th, 2012


❂ twenty-eight;

Gotta love the Hub.

Guys night, who's in?

Jun. 6th, 2012


◐ two;

[ written to JAMES, SIRIUS, LILY & WILL, crossed out and never made visible; ]
I have news. Haley's preg

[ visible to REMUS; ]
Haley's pregnant.

May. 25th, 2012


╰⊰✿ twelve;

[ visible to HALEY & CLARA; ]
How are you two feeling now?

[ visible to JAMES, SIRIUS, REMUS & DORA; ]
One of you took my baby, because the boy sitting outside with Teddy right now looks entirely too old to be him.

May. 8th, 2012


◐ one;

Admirably well-played, Zenner. I think this is bound to stump even the most jaded among us.

Sound off, who is with me this time?

May. 1st, 2012


☄ three;

[ ink splotch ]

[ visible to REMUS; ]

You married someone when you were younger, before you married Mum. Does this mean I'm illegitimate, or is polygamy legal if spouses are in different dimensions? Is it polygyny or are you going to have a group marriage now? I don't think Mum wants to have a wife.


Well. This isn't my first time jumping dimensions, but I swear, if my husband isn't here with me, I am going to be really pissed off. And no one wants that.

Okay, Sanctuary types, who's here?

Apr. 26th, 2012



I am officially rubbish at potions. Sorry, mum. My sleeping draught didn't even make Remus yawn.

Maybe we can turn it into soup for dinner instead.

Apr. 17th, 2012


[Filtered away from ickle Harry and Teddy]

I joined Pottermore!

What? It's not weird.

Mar. 28th, 2012


I should have known that you lot were up to something. Thanks to everyone who helped out with my birthday party, especially my lovely wife, Lily.

You were in on this weren't you?

What do you say we come up with a surprise for Lily? Fair's fair, after all.

Mar. 14th, 2012


☄ two;

Dad, Mum, Uncle James, Aunt Lily:

Can Harry and I get a dog?

Jan. 22nd, 2012



I swear the forest behind Cair Paravel doubled in size this afternoon. I've been walking those trails for weeks and today I managed to get hopelessly lost for hours. My feet are not pleased in the slightest.

[ visible to LUCY; ]
Out of curiosity, what do you think of Sirius Black?

Jan. 4th, 2012


♕ five;

Does anyone reading this know anything at all about dragons?

[ visible to SU; ]
Something is wrong with Toothless, but without Hiccup here, I haven't any idea what it could be.

Dec. 21st, 2011


☄ one;

I didn't consent to this. This is criminal behaviour and I want to be returned right now.

Dec. 10th, 2011



I've seen a great many interesting things in my time, but this one is in a class entirely of its own. I'm afraid my current situation leads me to be suspicious of this place in general. If this is a ruse to lure information out of me, I can assure you it won't be working. Though, I am having trouble figuring why Voldemort and his followers would drop me outside of Kings Cross Station with a magical journal. So, perhaps it isn't what I assume, after all.

My name is Remus Lupin. If anyone reading this could further explain things, it would be appreciated.