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Jun. 8th, 2012


( filtered to Sirius )

Hello, you. Not getting into trouble are you?


☂ one;

There's an entire world in our pantry, the network is a journal now, and there's absolutely nothing I recognize except the wolf that's licking me half to death.

Jun. 7th, 2012


Has anyone seen Wesley?


§ nineteen;

[ music note doodle ] If you want to be with me, Solo, there's a price to pay.
I'm a princess in a battle, you gotta join the Rebel way. [ music note doodle ]

This weekend, we're having a Kinect dance party at the castle. Until then, please go enjoy my forum post preview of what's to come. Muahaha.

(The pelvic action on Just the Way You Are is worth logging in for.)


Jun. 6th, 2012


◐ two;

[ written to JAMES, SIRIUS, LILY & WILL, crossed out and never made visible; ]
I have news. Haley's preg

[ visible to REMUS; ]
Haley's pregnant.


£ one;

[ ooc: go me for falling asleep. Backdated to yesterday. ]

[ visible to HALEY; ]
Blood tests, today. No more arguments, it's been over a week.


[Filtered away from the Zenner First Gen]

Um. So, Mom and Dad are from 2014. And Mom's feeling sick every day.

And we were born in 2015.

Erm, oops?! Nigel?! How do we drop hints at them?! Also, Aunt Haley for that matter, because lol.


Okay, I think I might actually be allergic to the food in the Hub or something because I swear I have felt sick every day since I arrived.

May. 31st, 2012


I want my wife here. Now.

[ooc: probably was a ripple of rage too]

May. 25th, 2012


§ texts;

[ text to JACEN; ]


╰⊰✿ twelve;

[ visible to HALEY & CLARA; ]
How are you two feeling now?

[ visible to JAMES, SIRIUS, REMUS & DORA; ]
One of you took my baby, because the boy sitting outside with Teddy right now looks entirely too old to be him.


[Filtered to Mom and Dad]

So hi.

It's me. Titania.

This must be really really weird, huh? I was just thinking a few weeks ago how much I missed you.


Oh what now.



There have been a lot of new arrivals lately. I thought it might be fun to invite everyone around for another party so everyone can meet in person. It's warm enough now that we could have it on the castle grounds instead of indoors.


A little help please?

[ coordinates ]

cut for image )


I'm never ordering take-away from the Happy Dragon again.

May. 22nd, 2012


[Filtered AWAY from Ebon Askavi Adults]

Oh Mother Night. My parents finally show up and they think I'm still a baby too.


Well, you've brought me here with my baby, so I may not actually kill you, but maiming is still on the table.

May. 18th, 2012




Well. This was unexpected. And it's unusual for me to be surprised by things like this. Is this another Zenner experiment?

May. 13th, 2012



» Clara? I think you'd better check the journals.
» Two kids just showed up with the last name Zimmerman.
» Their names are Nigel and Nicky.
» And they just mentioned the Sanctuary.
» I think we're just became parents.


So here's what I know:

1) Traveling through interdimensional portals is shit for my climbing gear. I'm going to be untangling these ropes for hours.
2) Nicky is going to have a heart attack when she finds out we've gotten yanked here right before graduation.
3) There actually weren't dinosaurs in 2012 like I always told mom. My bad.
4) I could really use some coffee.
5) There's always money in the banana stand.
5b) I need a banana stand.

May. 8th, 2012


◐ one;

Admirably well-played, Zenner. I think this is bound to stump even the most jaded among us.

Sound off, who is with me this time?


I want to be the first to wish a very happy 30th birthday to Ben Winchester!

Or 27th. Whatever works better for you, kiddo.

May. 6th, 2012


§ eighteen;

Either Lindsey is out of control, or the Hub is feeling rowdy, because the lawn ornaments are running around like Alice in Wonderland on extra-strength drugs and my Star Wars action figures are having a trailer park shoutfest in wee little voices.

Fess up, McDonald! Were you pining for the time toys tried to overtake the city?

[ ooc: You too can have living toys/ornaments if you like, or have your character encounter ones in the Castle. But there's no obligation to do it. <3 ]


❂ twenty-seven;

[ visible to FAMILY/FRIENDS, minus the Z!VEGAS ones; ]
What the actual fuck.

May. 5th, 2012


I've developed a troublesome habit of waking up in worlds not my own. At least this time I haven't been branded.

I'm looking for my wife. Long hair, pointed ears, troublesome.

May. 2nd, 2012


❂ twenty-six;

I feel like I'm forgetting something about today.

May. 1st, 2012


☄ three;

[ ink splotch ]

[ visible to REMUS; ]

You married someone when you were younger, before you married Mum. Does this mean I'm illegitimate, or is polygamy legal if spouses are in different dimensions? Is it polygyny or are you going to have a group marriage now? I don't think Mum wants to have a wife.


[appearing in the journals early Wednesday morning.]

Who's up for playing a game? I'm going to say some words, and you respond with the first things that come to mind.


Las Vegas.

The Sanctuary Network.

Remus Lupin.

Mass Effect 3.

Okay, so the last one doesn't really have much to do with anything. Other than the fact that I'm going to have to start the game all over again if I really am in a different world. Oh god. What if I'm in a different world with no Mass Effect 3? Someone tell me there's Mass Effect 3 here. Also, my husband would be nice.


Well. This isn't my first time jumping dimensions, but I swear, if my husband isn't here with me, I am going to be really pissed off. And no one wants that.

Okay, Sanctuary types, who's here?

Apr. 28th, 2012


This is my room. But it's not my room. It's like one of those games in the magazines where you have to figure out what's different. I found at least five things different. The number one thing is Santana isn't here.

Does anyone know where Santana is? And why does it look different here?

Apr. 27th, 2012




ATTENTION! We've got two very important birthday's coming up! Dad's is on May 2nd, and Ben's is a few days later on the 8th. We definitely need a party. I've got all the eats covered. I'm going to be cooking up a bunch of their favorite things, plus the birthday cake. But I'm still trying to figure out where to hold it. Slayer Castle, you guys up for it? Does anyone want to volunteer for decorations? Music? Drinks?

Apr. 26th, 2012



I am officially rubbish at potions. Sorry, mum. My sleeping draught didn't even make Remus yawn.

Maybe we can turn it into soup for dinner instead.

Apr. 18th, 2012



Portals. Fissures. Cracks in the universe. You think you can escape them. You think you're safe, but you aren't. You can't be. They find you. They always find you. You were there, and now you're somewhere else. And you never know what's going to be on the other side. A life of slavery as a cow. Torture. Loneliness. Madness. Or somewhere else. Somewhere that almost looks like home, but it's not quite right.

Hello. My name is Winifred Burkle. Fred. This is not where I'm supposed to be.

Apr. 17th, 2012


I have decided that the cutest thing ever is Sammi and Anji curling up together. Little rottweiler puppy and a nexu cub. Which is not a t-rex, no matter what Ben or Dean says! I love my pets!


I am so exceptionally glad that I was pulled away from my world during what the TV show refers to as "season four".

I also do not approve of Sera Gamble.


[Filtered away from ickle Harry and Teddy]

I joined Pottermore!

What? It's not weird.


Okay, I feel like I've become some sort of hermit lately, like I'm paranoid my Dad or uncles will turn up and frown disapprovingly at me. So screw that! Who wants to come out and be a little crazy?

Mar. 31st, 2012


❂ twenty-five;


Do I have it?

Yes? Good.


Thank you. Return to your day.


You know what, there has to be something wrong with me. When I've got a job to do, I can't wait to get it done and go on vacation. But then I'm on vacation for too long and get this bored.

So bored that I've taught myself to knit. Knit.

I take it no one's heard of a good demon cult ritual or a sacrifice that needs breaking up?


♠ SIX.

I'm bored.

I'm thinking new tattoo. Which leads me to asking:

A) Does anyone know a good tattoo artist here at the Hub?
B) Who's coming with?

Mar. 28th, 2012


I should have known that you lot were up to something. Thanks to everyone who helped out with my birthday party, especially my lovely wife, Lily.

You were in on this weren't you?

What do you say we come up with a surprise for Lily? Fair's fair, after all.

Mar. 21st, 2012


§ seventeen;

OOC SPOILER CUT, not ic cut. Spoilers for Clone Wars 4.21, then probably 4x22 )


╰⊰✿ eleven;

Daffodils are coming up absolutely everywhere around the property and beyond. I wish my thumb were greener so I could start enormous flower beds, but what's growing naturally suits me just fine for now.

[ blocked from JAMES; ]
Once again I'm inviting everyone over for a birthday party, this time for James on the 27th. Informal and outdoors, like Remus', as the weather's been so lovely.

Try not to talk to James about it, though I'm sure he knows something is planned. It'll make him impossible all week.

Mar. 20th, 2012


This is not my first alternate dimension/world, but it is rather unique.

Mar. 14th, 2012



I'm so glad spring is nearly here.



Raced a dragon today.

Does he belong to anyone? Because he's kind of awesome.


♫ TWO.

A guitarist and a keyboardist does not a band make. I'm afraid if the other girls don't show up, Kates and I are going to have to get real jobs. Gasp.


☄ two;

Dad, Mum, Uncle James, Aunt Lily:

Can Harry and I get a dog?

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