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Apr. 21st, 2008


Bloody Sunlight: Limerick; MWPP PG-13

Title: Bloody Sunlight
Prompt: [info]phoenix_flies drabble_a_thon: #9 sunlight
Author: [info]dead_sexydexy in [info]dexy_demented
Rating: PG-13
Form: Limerick
Characters: MWPP (Moony is in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfrey)
Notes: The morning after a particularly difficult full moon.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is not mine, I make no money from it, I don’t intend to harm it or anyone else.
Comments and Concrit: Are always welcome.

Bloody Sunlight

"Someone block that cursed window.
Bloody sunlight's causing me woe,"
Sirius moaned.
Pete and James groaned,
"We're in the same state, don'tchaknow?"

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