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fics by brandi

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50 prompts: #36, Holiday (Megan Marple) [Apr 18, 2018 * 10:47pm]

Title: A Christmas Gift
Characters: Elijah & Megan Griggs
Setting: Their home, Christmas evening 2022
Word Count: 472
Summary: It's Christmas evening, and Megs has one last gift to give Eli.
Rating: G for Gooey.
Author's Note: For Prompt #36: Holiday

Lyla and I have one more present for you. )

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[Apr 6, 2018 * 7:14pm]

Hey hi hello! It's been ages since I posted anything to this poor fic journal. But now that I'm swinging back into RP, I'm also wanting to swing back into writing. So I've compiled a new prompt table. Unlike previous prompt tables, I'm not taking requests this time. Partly because it has been so long since I've written most of my characters, I'm not sure I could easily slip back into their voices and remember their relationships with other characters. And also partly because this is more for me, I want to be able to come to the prompt table and pick one that fits for me. Some will be characters I've played, some may just be flash-fic. But I really want to stretch my writing muscles some, and I figure this is a great place to start.

50 prompts )

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300 Prompts: #276, Hours (Hugh Bradley) [Feb 19, 2012 * 8:52pm]

Title: Hours
Characters: Hugh Bradley & Mark Cross
Setting: Summer 1995, middle of nowhere somewhere outside of Falmouth
Word Count: 951
Summary: The events of the night when Hugh's best friend died.
Rating: Low-ish. A bit of cursing, plus death.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #276: Hours

Somehow, they'd ended up in the middle of nowhere. But, really, what better place to test how fast The Rust Bucket could really go? )

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300 Prompts: #46, Dare [Feb 15, 2012 * 4:03pm]

Title: Truth or Dare
Characters: Will Bell & Rin Clarke, plus mentions of Penny, Rosmerta, Greta, & assorted other Hufflepuffs
Setting: Hufflepuff common room, DMR-verse, at some point in the school year
Word Count: 271
Summary: The Badgers play Truth or Dare
Rating: Low, just a bit of a snog going. And near-nakedness, but SFW.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #46: Dare

'Okay … Will! Truth or dare?' )

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300 Prompts: #10, Ring [Feb 14, 2012 * 9:05pm]

Title: Ring
Characters: Hugh Bradley (with mentions of Morag MacDougal)
Setting: Valentine's Day 2007, a jewellery store in London
Word Count: 574
Summary: Hugh goes out window-shopping on his lunch break.
Rating: Low, no warnings.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #10: Ring

It was gorgeous, perfect. He could clearly see it shining on Mo's finger. He knew she would love it. )

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50 Prompts: #36, Joy & #5, Sorrow (Theodore Orsini) [Apr 17, 2011 * 1:06am]

Title: Joy
Characters: Theodore Orsini and Annie Eastman
Setting: Christmas morning 1962, Milan
Word Count: 769
Summary: When you take your childhood sweetheart on a romantic vacation away, it's kind of required that certain things happen.
Rating: G for Gooey
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #36: Joy

Teddy would be the first to admit that he was a sappy fool around his girlfriend. )

Title: Sorrow
Characters: Theodore Orsini, mentions of Annie Orsini and Milena Orsini
Setting: 6 January, 1971, London
Word Count: 538
Summary: The anticipation of good news is torn away and replaced with horrible news.
Rating: S for SAD
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #5: Sorrow

Teddy was just useless today. )

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General Fic: Sixty Seconds (Sally-Anne Perks) [Apr 13, 2011 * 5:51pm]

Title: Sixty Seconds
Characters: Sally-Anne Wood and Hannah Hopkins
Setting: 6D-verse, a few years in the future
Word Count: 311
Summary: Sixty seconds can feel like the longest minute in the world.
Rating: G

The house was too quiet. )

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General Fic: What If (Sally-Anne Perks) [Apr 3, 2011 * 12:49am]

Title: What If ...
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks, with apperances by Hannah Abbott, Nathan NoLastName, Alexander Perks, and Oliver Wood, as well as mentions of Wayne Hopkins and Bailey Wood.
Setting: Early 2004 through December 2005
Word Count: 1570
Summary: What if Sally hadn't lost the baby? From the time she found out she was late until December 2005, her history has been rewritten to reflect how much her life is different. (Though the first four paragraphs are pretty much the same regardless.)
Rating: Um. No real language or naughty bits, so probably a G? I mean, heck, Disney gets a G rating with killing their main characters' parents, right? And it's not like anyone even dies here.
Author's Note: While thinking through some fics I still owe at [info]sixdegreesrpg, I was inspired to write a "What if" fic for Sally, changing one major piece of her history, to see what might have happened instead.

Sally was late. And not just a few days, as sometimes happened, but -really- late. )

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300 Prompts: #66, Drag (Misty Harris) [Mar 30, 2011 * 1:46am]

Title: What a Drag
Characters: Misty Harris & Riley Sullivan
Setting: Sometime in the second half of their senior year.
Word Count: 250
Summary: Shock of shocks, Riley convinced Misty to do something fun that she didn't want to do.
Rating: PG for mention of tits?
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #66: Drag. Happy birthday, Stevie! :*

I can't -believe- I let you talk me into this! )

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300 Prompts: #2, Peaceful (Sally-Anne Perks) [Mar 21, 2011 * 6:43pm]

Title: The Happiest Word in the World
Characters: Sally-Anne WOOD and little baby Maggie Wood (+ mentions of Oliver, the rest of Team Wood, & Hannah)
Setting: Team Wood house
Word Count: 450
Summary: Sally sits and marvels at the newest member of the Wood family.
Rating: So, so G!
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #2: Peaceful. I needed a happy!fic for Sally after the previous one.

The house was quiet and peaceful, which was in itself worth of note ... )

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300 Prompts: #277, Days (Sally-Anne Perks) [Mar 21, 2011 * 4:20pm]

Title: Days Passed
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks (mentions of Oliver and Bailey Wood)
Setting: Sally's cottage, Friday March 18 - Monday March 21, 2006
Word Count: 1006
Summary: The anniversary of The Incident crept up on Sally unexpectedly, sending her into a tailspin.
Rating: Um, low-ish? No violence or sex or anything. Just warnings for potentially trigger-y stuff regarding loss of pregnancy.
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #277: Days. Also turned into a log-starter over at the game.

It was a normal Friday morning. )

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300 Prompts: #288, Round (Mary Macdonald) [Nov 14, 2010 * 8:37pm]

Title: Round
Characters: Mary Macdonald & Chase Harper
Setting: Summer, 1977
Word Count: 151
Summary: Chase talks Mary into trying something new.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #288: Round.

Come on, it's not like you haven't done this before, right? )

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300 Prompts: #145, Slut (Mary Macdonald) [Nov 12, 2010 * 3:39pm]

Title: Sticks and Stones
Characters: Mary Macdonald
Setting: Train back from Hogwarts, June 1976
Word Count: 153
Summary: If Mary had said something about Mulciber's attack right after it happened.
Rating: PG-13 for mature themes
Author's Note: Alternate series of events (or, rather, Mary's entire justification for why she didn't say anything when it happened); for the 300 Prompts #145: Slut.

Or, at least, that's what everyone else believed. )

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more prompts! [Nov 12, 2010 * 2:34pm]

You know the drill. Pick a character of mine (& one of yours, if you so desire) and a prompt. I can't promise I'll get to these in order or necessarily quickly, it depends on how and when inspiration strikes. And I don't do fandom, just characters I've played.

Because the table is SO HUGE, feel free to request a bunch.

ETA: I have discovered that the prompt "Slow" is on the table twice, so I'm swapping out one with a different prompt.

300 prompts )

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100 prompts: #59, Madness (Persephone Jugson) [Jan 13, 2010 * 10:32pm]

Title: The Craziest Cells In Azkaban
Characters: Persephone Jugson and Barty Crouch Jr (+ Azkaban non-Dementor guards)
Setting: Azkaban!
Word Count: 430
Summary: Some genius decided to give them neighbouring cells in Azkaban.
Rating: I really want to say G for teh funneh, but, uh. Probably PG-13 for off-camera violence and on-camera blood.
Author's Note: So. Barty is officially locked up in Azkaban tonight. Seph will possibly be joining him there sometime next month. So what happens when you have two crazy Death Eaters locked up in neighbouring cells, with regular visits from dementors? EVEN CRAZIER DEATH EATERS, THAT'S WHAT. For the 100 Prompts #59: Madness.

At first, the guards thought that the laughter, drifting down from several levels above the guard station, was a figment of their imagination. )

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50 Prompts: #47, Tears (Doyle Sullivan) [Sep 21, 2009 * 11:48pm]

Title: Tears
Characters: Caoimhe and Doyle Sullivan (with a mention of Sturgis Podmore)
Setting: 16 February, 1983, the cemetary in Donaghadee
Word Count: 200
Rating: S for Sad
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #47: Tears

Happy thirtieth birthday, Chipmunk. )

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50 Prompts: #21, Fire (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 20, 2009 * 1:28am]

Title: Fire
Characters: Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon (with cameos by James & Lily Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew)
Setting: 23 December, 1979; the Potters' house
Word Count: 197
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #21: Fire

Despite the freezing rain and sleet outside, it was warm and cozy inside James and Lily's house. )

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50 Prompts: #10, All is Wrong (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 20, 2009 * 12:43am]

Title: All is Wrong
Characters: Sirius and Marlene Black
Setting: 1980, their house; along the same possible future trail as this fic and occurring at some point after it
Word Count: 412
Rating: PG-13 for mild language and blood
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #10: All is Wrong

The wards around the house were still in place, check. )

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50 Prompts: #9, Rain (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 18, 2009 * 10:58pm]

Title: Rain
Characters: Sirius and Marlene BLACK (zomg)
Setting: 1980, their house
Word Count: 137
Rating: Hmm. PG-ish?
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #9: Rain

Sirius and Marlene needed a break from the darkness and despair that was being an Order member these days, which is why they were running around in their backyard in the rain like a pair of frisky puppies. )

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50 Prompts: #49, Flowers (Teddy Smith) [Sep 18, 2009 * 4:53pm]

Title: Flowers
Characters: Jessie Conway and Teddy Smith (mention of Jenny Nolan)
Setting: Her house, first date (aww~)
Word Count: 234
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #49: Flowers

Just about anyone else probably wouldn't drive across the street. )

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50 Prompts: #32, Reminisce (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 18, 2009 * 3:57pm]

Title: Reminisce
Characters: Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon
Setting: summer 1986, Hogwarts
Word Count: 486
Rating: PG for a tiny bit of language
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #32: Reminisce; apologies to everyone whose characters I killed.

Eight years. It had been eight very long years since Marlene had last walked these halls as a student. )

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50 Prompts: #15, Laughter (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 18, 2009 * 12:20pm]

Title: Laughter
Characters: Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon
Setting: Fifth year, their dorm
Word Count: 95
Rating: PG for mild language
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #15: Laughter

Marly was crying, she was laughing so hard. )

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50 Prompts: #48, My Drug (Guy Dobbs) [Sep 18, 2009 * 11:40am]

Title: My Drug
Characters: Betty Braithwaite and Guy Dobbs
Setting: Sometime in the possible 1980/81
Word Count: 174
Rating: PG-13 for mild language and implied sex
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #48: My Drug

You couldn't trust anyone anymore. )

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General Fic: Already There (Teddy Smith) [Sep 17, 2009 * 9:50pm]

Title: Already There
Characters: Jessie Conway and Teddy Smith (with a cameo of Betsy Smith)
Setting: Front porch of the Smith house (and a cameo by the front porch of the Conway house)
Word Count: 236
Rating: So G it makes Disney look R
Author's Note: Teddy's point of view on this

I IMed with Jane today. She's trying out for cheerleader. )

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50 Prompts: #13, Wicked (Alice Longbottom) [Sep 17, 2009 * 3:16pm]

Title: Wicked
Characters: Dorcas Meadowes and Alice Longbottom
Setting: Halloween
Word Count: 155
Rating: PG-13 for implied naughtiness
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #13: Wicked

With so many people at the party, nobody really noticed when the angel and devil disappeared. )

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50 Prompts: #30, Mmm Yum! (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 17, 2009 * 2:51pm]

Title: Mmm Yum!
Characters: Marly McKinnon and Alex Savage (with cameos by Ro Williamson and Will Proudfoot)
Setting: Casa de Ro & Marly, sometime recent-ish
Word Count: 160
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #30: Mmm Yum!

First, a toast. To Ro's new liver, may we help him kill it within five days. )

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50 Prompts: #41, I've Been Bad (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 17, 2009 * 12:28pm]

Title: I've Been Bad
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black
Setting: 1979, her flat
Word Count: 141
Rating: Soft R for implied male nekkidness
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #41: I've Been Bad; after that last one, I needed a happy!slutty!Sirius/Marlene to cheer myself up

Have I been a bad boy, Auror McKinnon? )

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50 Prompts: #34, Time (Marlene McKinnon) [Sep 17, 2009 * 12:07pm]

Title: Time
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black
Setting: Sometime in 1980, Sirius & Remus' flat
Word Count: 454
Rating: Since it's actually completely free of "bad words" and violence, very low
Author's Note: For the 50 prompts #34: Time; lyrics from "Broken" by Lifehouse

His arm, snug around her waist, was nearly enough to make her want to stay, especially combined with his breath, slow and steady, against the back of her neck. )

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50 prompts: table [Sep 9, 2009 * 1:20am]

Pick a prompt and either (a) one of my characters, or (b) a pairing involving one of my characters and someone else. If you pick a pairing, plz to specify if you want it to be friendship, romantic, cracky, what-have-you. I won't write smut.

50 prompts )

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100 Prompts: #98, Wrong (Miriam Strout) [Aug 3, 2009 * 1:56am]

Title: All Just So Wrong
Characters: Miriam (Strout) Williams and Lucas Williams
Setting: Late November, 1981, at their home in Kent, England
Word Count: 455
Summary: After the war was supposed to be over, two more patients were brought to the St. Mungo's spell damage ward
Rating: Low
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #98: Wrong; I started this one ages ago but could never quite figure out how it needed to be finished.

Miriam was currently working weird hours at the hospital. )

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General Fic: Planning the Perfect Murder (Persephone Jugson) [Jul 3, 2009 * 1:43am]

Title: Planning the Perfect Murder
Characters: Persephone Wolfe Jugson, Alexander Wolfe, Tobias Jugson
Setting: July / August 1977; Diagon Alley, London; the Wolfe Manor, Worcestershire, England; Loch Lomond, Scotland
Word Count: 1,104
Summary: Persephone and her brother Alexander plot her betrothed's death, then carry it out.
Rating: A light R for brief violence
Author's Note: A backhistory narrative detailing how Persephone (with the assistance of her eldest brother) planned and executed her husband's death.

Unfortunately, there was little time for planning.  )

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General Fic: Memories (Eleanor Branstone) [Mar 18, 2009 * 6:53pm]

Title: Memories
Characters: Eleanor Branstone, Piotr Gorski, Samuel Chlebek, Mark Gorski
Setting: Poland, July 2001 - January 2003
Word Count: 1612
Summary: A series of vignettes about Ellie and her first love, Piotr, from when she met him until ... well, the end.
Rating: PG
Author's Note: What can I say? I live to torture my characters. Also, I know it's long; I tried to keep it short, considering it spans a year and a half. Can be considered a backhistory narrative.

You always want to be on good terms with your suppliers, Eleanor. )

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100 Prompts: #36, Family (Richard Stockton) [Mar 4, 2009 * 11:36pm]

Title: The Hardest Thing
Characters: Richard Stockton (plus Wyatt and Alexis)
Setting: The Stockton house in Springfield, July 18, 2020
Word Count: 394
Summary: Rick moves out of the house and into the apartment above the deli
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Re-posted (and heavily edited) backlog narrative. For the 100 Prompts #36: Family.

Where are you going, Daddy? )

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100 Prompts: #55, Solitary (Katy Baxter) [Feb 16, 2009 * 1:00pm]

Title: Solitary Confinement
Characters: Katy Baxter
Setting: Azkaban, sometime in late 1997 or early 1998
Word Count: 330
Summary: Katy is in her cell in Azkaban.
Rating: PG? I don't know.
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #55: Solitary.

Katy sat huddled in the corner of her cell, her knees pulled up tight to her chest. )

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100 Prompts: #21, Memory (Su Li) [Feb 15, 2009 * 10:40pm]

Title: Nothing
Characters: Su Li
Setting: Sometime in the future; an unnamed cemetary
Word Count: 280
Summary: As her father is being buried, Su reminisces.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #21: Memory, as requested by [info]sira_ne_biber.

You should say something. )

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100 Prompts: #24, Sudden (Regan Wood) [Feb 14, 2009 * 9:24pm]

Title: Changed My Mind
Characters: Regan Wood and Annalise Diggory
Setting: Shortly before Ollie's born
Word Count: 92
Summary: Regan is freaking out over the imminent birth of her first baby. She needs her BFF to chill her out.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #24: Sudden, as requested by [info]rosohna. I decided to challenge myself and only use dialogue.

I can't do this! )

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100 Prompts: #6, Accusation (Anya Grigorev) [Feb 14, 2009 * 7:44pm]

Title: Pig
Characters: Antonio Charles Ramirez ("Bullet") and Anya Grigorev ("Phoenix")
Setting: Their place
Word Count: 536
Summary: Phoenix is peeved at Bullet when he comes home from a mission.
Rating: PG-13.
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #6: Accusation. I was inspired to write this one after filling out a meme, which got me thinking back to Phoenix and Bullet.

Are you coming to bed? )

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100 Prompts: #68, Letters (Matilda Dukelow) [Aug 20, 2008 * 1:35am]

Title: Letters Never Sent
Characters: Matilda Dukelow
Setting: 22 years, spanning from 1979 - 2001
Word Count: 1,465
Summary: Letters that Matilda wrote to her father, Julian, but never sent.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #68: Letters.

Dear Dad, )

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100 Prompts: #1, Broken (Marlene McKinnon) [Jul 12, 2008 * 12:30am]

Title: Marlene McKinnon Cannot Fly
Characters: Marlene McKinnon
Setting: summer 1970, the McKinnon home in Kent
Word Count: 278
Summary: Nobody ever said Marlene was the brightest crayon in the box.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #1: Broken.

Nobody really knew where Marlene got the idea that, if she jumped out of the tree, she could fly. )

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100 Prompts: #77, Orange (Marlene McKinnon & Elizabeth Marceau) [Jul 11, 2008 * 10:33pm]

Title: Carrot
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Elizabeth Marceau
Setting: 1968, the Marceau family home in Ireland
Word Count: 138
Summary: Liz has a new dress and is modeling it for her BFF
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #77: Orange, as requested by [info]khushalecki

'Ewww, Liz, that's hideous!' )

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100 Prompts: #86, Flying (Sally-Anne Perks) [Jul 11, 2008 * 11:43am]

Title: A Big Mistake
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks
Setting: February, 2004; EL-verse
Word Count: 900
Summary: As the plane takes off to South Africa, Sally realises just how big of a mistake she made when she left Nate.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #86: Flying. I wanted to write a little ficlet about when Sally left.

Sally gripped the armrests of her seat until her knuckles turned white. )

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100 Prompts: #96, Outside (Marlene & Roland Williamson) [Feb 3, 2008 * 7:28pm]

Title: Outside
Characters: Marlene and Roland Williamson
Setting: sometime in the future
Word Count: 164
Summary: Ro and Marly are going to explore the ruins
Rating: G for gooey
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #96: Outside, as requested by Cath

Roland and Marlene walked across the field, hand in hand, swinging their clasped hands lightly. )

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100 Prompts: #78, Beginning (Eric Hawthorne) [Jan 27, 2008 * 5:46pm]

Title: Just One Drink
Characters: Eric Hawthorne, with mentions of both Melissa and Virginia.
Setting: late 2003, the Hawthorne family estate on Auveria
Word Count: 250
Summary: The beginning of Eric's slip into alcoholism, following his second failed wedding.
Rating: TV-MA for drinking and swearing
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #78: Beginning.

He was alone again. )

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General Fic: I Will Always Love You (Eric Hawthorne) [Jan 27, 2008 * 4:57pm]

Title: I Will Always Love You
Characters: Eric Hawthorne, with mentions of Virginia Westin
Setting: 2006-ish, the Hawthorne family estate on Auveria
Word Count: 919
Summary: On a cold winter's night, Eric reflects on the love he lost, and everything that happened between them.
Rating: TV-MA for mentions of drinking and allusions to sex.
Author's Note: Lyrics are from the song "Love Song" as done by several different artists.

However far away, I will always love you. )

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100 Prompts: #94, Drink (Marlene McKinnon & Roland Williamson) [Jan 27, 2008 * 12:12am]

Title: Not Drunk
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Roland Williamson, plus anyone else from their year who would've joined in the fun tiems.
Setting: 1978, right after they've all arrived back in London on the Hogwarts Express for the last time. The Leaky Cauldron.
Word Count: 548
Summary: They've just finished their final year at Hogwarts, so they're celebrating. Fun drinking tiems all around!
Rating: TV-MA for drinking?
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #94: Drink, as requested by Cath.

'Oi! Everyone pay attention, I'm makin' a speech!' )

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100 Prompts: #95, Death (Marlene McKinnon) [Jan 25, 2008 * 11:05am]

Title: And Then All Was Black
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and her family
Setting: 1981, the McKinnons' house in Maidstone, Kent, England
Word Count: 695
Summary: A day of happy news turns tragic.
Rating: R, probably
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #95: Death. I blame Khushi, for making me think of this when she wrote her fic.

Marlene and Madilynn had gathered at the house. )

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100 Prompts: #97, Always (Marlene McKinnon & Elizabeth Marceau) [Jan 23, 2008 * 1:44am]

Title: Best Friends Forever
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Elizabeth Marceau
Setting: Summer 1978, shortly before Elizabeth's wedding to Kevin; at the church, in the room for the bride and bridesmaids to get ready
Word Count: 471
Summary: Liz is about to get married, and Maid of Honour Marly is there to ... be her best friend and MoH.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #97: Always, as requested by [info]khushalecki

The church looked lovely. )

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100 Prompts: #90, Incomplete (Natalie / Nathaniel Travers) [Jan 22, 2008 * 11:58pm]

Title: Together Again
Characters: Natalie and Nathaniel Travers
Setting: December 1969, the day the students return from Hogwarts for the winter hols; King's Cross
Word Count: 297
Summary: Nathaniel returns from Hogwarts for the winter hols
Rating: Um. G? PG?
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #90: Incomplete, as requested by [info]sherlock. Pictures (click the names above) by Em. PBs are Shailene Woodley and Gaspard Ulliel.

Every day that they had been apart had been torture for Natalie. )

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100 Prompts: #62, Smirk (Regan Wood) [Jan 22, 2008 * 5:37pm]

Title: Brains and Brawn
Characters: Regan Belby, Patrick Wood, Annalise Quilitt
Setting: 1971-72 school year, Gryffindor / Ravenclaw Quidditch match
Word Count: 408
Summary: Commentator Regan catches the attention of Beater Patrick.
Rating: PG?
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #62: Smirk.

'What a beautiful day it is for a quidditch match!' )

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100 Prompts: #79, Sickness (Sally-Anne Perks) [Jan 22, 2008 * 2:24am]

Title: Quidditch and Candy
Characters: Sally-Anne and Jonathan Perks
Setting: Early summer, 1996, right after the Hogwarts students would have arrived home; the Perks house in Shrewsbury
Word Count: 539
Summary: Sally-Anne is sick, and her brother comes to cheer her up.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #79: Sickness. I desperately needed a happy!Sally fic, since my other fics for her were so sad.

Sally-Anne was on the mend, but she was still sleeping for hours every day. )

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