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May 20th, 2010

[info]smokeemifugotem in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Anna Milton and Adam Milligan
What: Anna protects Adam and gets a little curious.
Where: Anna's apartment.
When: In the afternoon, probably.
Rating: Probably low.
Status: Incomplete.

Of all the times to show up in a new place, Anna showed up during the apocalypse. It figured. )

[info]thelambiscaught in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Drusilla and Guinevere.
Where: Near the library.
What: Dru has just arrived in Colligo, and wants to have a bit of fun.
When: Wednesday night.
Rating: PG-13 for Character Death.
Status: Complete.

She did so love games, and she was ever so good at this one. )

[info]tookastand in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Angel, Illyria, Willow Rosenberg.
WHAT: Dark!Willow releases Angelus and traps Illyria in Fred mode.
WHEN: Not long after these two threads.
WHERE: Colligo University.
RATING: PG-13ish to be safe.
STATUS: In progress.

silence, halfbreed. power. it draws near. // lucifer. // no. the witch. )

[info]thisismyofframp in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Another soldier down.
WHEN: While Wes is rescuing Dawn.
WHERE: The building being used for AI headquarters.
RATING: PG (to be safe)
STATUS: Complete; narrative

In the matter of a few hours things had gone from bad to pretty much hopeless... )

[info]iaintready in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Charlie Hanson and Lucifer
WHAT: Lucifer decides to up the ante.
WHEN: Night; around 10PM.
WHERE: Charlie's apartment
RATING: PG-13 (language and character death)
STATUS: Complete; log

I don't expect you to understand... )

[info]sonofajackal in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Damien and Lucifer
When: Evening
Where: Park
What: Having a serious talk
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress


Thy will be done on earth as it is in hell, blah blah blah, lead us to temptation, deliver us unto evil.. )