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July 14th, 2009

[info]thousandcases in [info]colligo_threads

It's Good To Be King, If Just For Awhile [Finished]

Who: L Lawliet and Clark Kent
What: The event changes have not been kind to L. The socially awkward genius has become an abrasive, sadistic flipside of his normal self, a high-profile Mafia boss instead of a reclusive detective. He's hiding, trolling the Network, and demanding answers for questions he's not quite sure how to pose while he claims to have young hostages and a gun. In fact, he only has a gun... and a building wired with explosives that can level it in seconds.
Where: The upstairs of an old factory in town.
When: This evening, late.
Warnings: Please! If you decide to sic your character on L, keep in mind that he's not himself; he has a gun, explosives, and a lot of active aggression. Most of the characters in this game could take him on easily in a hand-to-hand fight, and I don't mind if someone sees how pathetic he looks in person and still thinks he needs to get his ass kicked. However, could you please contact me on AIM so we can work out the bare-bones structure of the damage our characters will take from each other so no one feels butthurt, whether it's a lot or none? My sn is tinmaiden.

Excuse me if I have some place in my mind where I go time to time )

[info]itllbeokay in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Winona Kirk and Sam Kirk
WHAT: Pathetic attempt to comfort his ma?
WHERE: Winona, George, and Amanda's apartment.
WHEN: Backdated to pretty soon after this
RATING: Probably PG-PG-13
STATUS: Closed, in progress

[info]frankenadam in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Adam Layman and Billie Jenkins
What: Adam's just showing up. He meets Billie.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: Starts outside of the library.
Rating: Probably low.

Stairs. Adam hated stairs these days. )

[info]twelveminutes in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: George Kirk and Sam Kirk
WHAT: Father and son have an unexpected, face-to-face, meeting.
WHEN: Right after this and this.
WHERE: Outside of George's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

Idly, he wondered if Sam also had the same color blue eyes and he and Jim shared. )