Posts Tagged: 'type:+journal+post'

Jan. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Early morning, 1/1

It isn't a United States custom, but mum still has us drinking wassail and eating shortbread to greet the new year. For all that I've studied traditional literature, I never quite understood these traditions outside of the idea of greeting the year with something sweet.

Does anyone else have any interesting traditions?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: January 1, first thing in the morning

Happy New Year! I was able to sneak this out while everyone here was sleeping. I feel so completely out of the loop at home, and I don't think I've caught up reading what I missed but at least I don't have to worry about this thing going mad and attacking everyone in the house again like happened when we all got them this summer. I can't believe its still over a week before we go back! I knew this break was going to feel long but ugh! I want to be able to do magic again!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1 January, midday

Happy New Year everyone! I spent mine in Boston with Daddy. I love New Year's Eve in Boston. We always go to the Peabody family party and I was able to wear the new Dior dress I got with mom on Boxing Day. I love staying at the Boston Harbor Hotel - the views of the bay at night are incredible and we were able to watch the fireworks from the hotel. And this year they had a sushi chef in addition to everything else which was a nice bonus. The champagne breakfast here makes we wish I hadn't eaten so much sushi last night!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: January 1, 12:30am (London time)

I know it isn't quite New Year for everyone back home, but it is here in London. I'm hoping that this year is better than the last, with everything that happened. I hope everyone is doing better and that those who were hurt recover quickly - and that the families of those who have passed re able to celebrate their lives and move forward.

Dec. 31st, 2015



The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Type: Journal
Date: December 31st/Evening

[Private to Easter]

It's New years. I have a few more things to do at the store but if you want to join me after, I'm just going to sit on the roof and star gaze until midnight. There might be hot chocolate involved somewhere. Dress in your millions of layers so you don't freeze your cottontail off, ya big wuss.

[/Private to Easter]

Thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday last week. It wasn't necessary, but grateful none the less. Oh and Cam, that mini ugly Christmas sweater fits him perfectly. I'm pretty sure he hates my guts even more now for making him wear it. Crazy wabbit. Oops.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Decemeber 30th; evening

Battle lines have already been drawn.

All of this childish bickering, shouting each other down trying to claim you are the ones who are right.

all of you are fools



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/30, evening

I think I am sick.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 30, evening

[Hexed against DE's & DE Sympathizers]
I already mentioned this on Narissa's post, but if anyone is interested in learning how to defend themselves and how to perform basic healing spells, pleased let me know. Once we're back to school, I'll find a place that we can practice that's safe and that will have what we need.

We need to be prepared for anything and maybe it sounds paranoid, but I don't think that paranoid is exactly a bad place to be right now. If the Ministry goes down, the school can go down. I'm willing to take suggestions on anything we can work with. Clearly muggle tech is out. But if anyone can think of anything...

Then I guess we need a way of communicating that is neither suspicious nor let's anyone outside of us know what is going on. I guess we can use these, but we may want to find something else. Just in case.

I know we're all afraid, but we need to stick together and work together. We're not going to attack other students because we're afraid of each other...and I mean physically. I doubt I could stop verbal warring if I wanted to, but at least physically and with magic, don't attack each other. We just need to be able to defend ourselves in case of anything that happens. I'll do anything I can to make sure you're prepared for what happens...even if nothing happens, at least we're ready. As your Head Girl, I feel it is my duty to do what I can.

Dec. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: December 30th; very late at night

Dad still hasn't woken up. The healers don't say much other than there's no change. It isn't comforting. I'm not even sure if I've really slept these past few days. Everything is just mashed together.

Kazuko was born. We all cling to her, for comfort and brief moments of happiness. Such a tiny thing that does so much.

I don't know if I'll be coming back to school right away. It's all up in the air...Everything is just so uncertain




Type: Journal post
When: December 30th, Afternoon

My heart goes out to all the families the recent attack has affected. I hope everyone that was injured recovers and I'm sorry to the people who has lost someone.

It's brave of the people though highly suspicious because they were chosen so fast and most of them are from pureblood families to step into the positions that were suddenly empty. They have put targets on their backs if another attack happens. Let's hope another one doesn't happen.

My Christmas has been rather uneventful which I'm grateful for. We do have a full house this year which is awesome and it was Batman's first Christmas.

He so wasn't feeling the antlers so these are the only pictures I got of him wearing them.

What are everyone's plans for New Years Eve? Any big parties?

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 30, evening

I'm not the only one who sees the hypocrisy going on, right? I mean, giant posts hating on people who they say are hating on people. You can take a stand without being an asshat and stomping on other people's family.

My uncle is one of those people you're lumping in with all these accusations. My uncle who adopted a half-blood and kept my family's nose clean. Sorry that being rich somehow makes him evil. There are other things he's done that are way worse and you have no idea.

Bravo, people. Bravo.

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: After the fiasco on Adrian's journal, 12/29

I do not speak much, but I feel I need to lend my voice here. Since the attack on the Ministry, I have been working with my brother's healer on numerous improved pain and blood replenishing potions. My father has donated a sum to Saint Mungo's, and to the fund to support the services of those who were killed. The Sinclair family is indeed an old one, and thus we have responsibilities to the Wizarding world as a whole. We are all affected by the deaths. We are all united in the unfortunate bloodshed, and instead of splitting apart and causing more strife, a mending is needed. This cannot be achieved by insults and unkindness.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 29, evening

So apparently all this effort in staying out of trouble and hoping things would go better was a fucking joke, but you can't say I didn't try.  I'm done with keeping my head down and acting like everything is okay for the sake of obedience.  It's clear certain individuals and their families have a specific interest in what has happened, and fuck you if you don't think I'm not calling y'all out on it.  Fuck you for expecting us to overlook the tragedies and threats to spare your shitty fucking privileged feelings.  Boo hoo people are upset that your relatives are racists and are now in power.  Fucking bite me. 

You want my congratulations?  Here it is.  You purebloods can keep you goddamn shitty ass society, I want no part in this mess.  Y'all have a delightful new year, see you never, because if you think I'm returning to the school come January you're fucking mistaken.  I'm going to go live on a mountain top where I never have to see you assholes again.  Peace on earth and all that bullshit.

Oh, and thanks for the sweater, Gracie. 




Type: Journal
Time: December 29th/Evening

I'm a little annoyed that my comment was twisted so far off course. I did not say a single word about certain pureblood families, nor their new positions in the Ministry until someone used it as a means to elevate themselves above me. Jack doesn't do well with that. I'm not sorry. I only meant that it is insensitive to offer condolence to those who lost lives and then congratulations for those who took their places right after in the same post. Have some compassion. Find your couth, and if you can't I know at least one lovely person that could help you in that department.

[Private to Sera]
Is it ok I volunteered you, right? JUST KIDDING. But seriously, you are like the classiest, nicest - proper pureblood ever. They could learn a thing or two from you. I hope this doesn't affect our lessons. Because I would hate to think that.

[Private to Bucky/Roarke]
Thank you for understanding where I was coming from. I know we don't talk much, but I would love to start. When things settle, butterbeer and a guys night is in order.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 29 December, after kerfuffle on Adrian's post.

[Private to children of Deatheaters and Newly appointed Ministry]

It is not my way in general to organize anything, however given the clear mood among many of your classmates, it seemed prudent. These are difficult and dangerous times. Our family members who have taken up positions in the Ministry are now targets for the fears of the many. Please consider my suite a safe haven should you need one, and look out for one another. No matter our families' involvement or not, and our own obvious lack of involvement, we are clearly marked.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: Late evening, 12/29

For all those offering condolences and such, words are just words and are not helping right now. Saint Mungo's is deeply in need at this point with all the injuries. I have been aiding in cleaning and carrying supplies, since I've volunteered in the past. If you want to help, if it matters to you, do something.

[Hexed against those with DE sympathies]
By do something, I mean fucking stand up and do something instead of whining and insulting. We're the future, everyone says, and so we need to stand up for what life we want to come about. We can't fight them with words. We need actions.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 29, evening

Well, this sure has turned into one giant circle jerk.

God. I'm so fucking glad I'm planning on living in the muggle world after this.

I'm really sorry for everyone who lost someone or who has an injured family because of this actual pile of bullshit. I hope everyone who pulled this shit gets what's coming for them.

Nough said.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: December 29th; afternoon

This is all some fucking bullshit.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 December, afternoon.

I am already entirely unpopular in my house and well disliked. Therefore there is no risk to me to write today that I am honored by my family's new role in the Ministry. My Uncle is a great leader and all can be assured of his dedication to the position. My father has always been his partner in this and will continue in this role, but now in a more formalized way with the Aurors.

My father has indicated that there will be a private service for those in the Aurors, and that the perpetrators will be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

[Private to Sera]
Where are you? Uncle was upset when he could not find you… He is going to be mad when you come home.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/28, morning

I would like to offer my condolences to anyone who lost a loved one in this attack. As someone who has lost ones they cared about in the line of duty, I know that it's a pain that can't quite be described. My heart goes out to each and every one of you and I wish those who were injured a speedy recovery. As always, I am here for you if you need any help whatsoever. If you need time away from home to sort yourself out, my floo address is Gingerbread Cottage in Marble. Please come whenever you need. I don't think that I'll be sleeping much after this.

Please, everyone. Stay safe.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Tuesday 29 December, morning.

It is different seeing the coverage of the news in America from London. Their papers focus on different details than the USA Today and other American News agencies do.

Condolences to everyone who lost family.

Congratulations to everyone whose family have new, prominent roles in the Ministry in this time of violence and transition.

[Private to Narissa]
Sissy, are you okay there alone? We are supposed to be in London until the weekend - for New Year's Eve and Day - but Jackson's audition is tomorrow morning , so I could be home by dinner if you wanted.

Dec. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Dec. 28, afternoon

I know, by now, most have read about what happened at the BMA. One of the people to be hurt was Marshall Hall. He is...was my mother's cousin. Today, early this morning he past.

[Private to Oliver]
Do you think we can meet tomorrow or the next day? I know it is still vacation, but I need someone.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: December 28th, morning

(Private to Ash)

Do you happen to have some time this week to meet up? I might be getting myself in trouble.

(Private to James)

Do you happen to think that I might be able to stay over a few days?

(Private to Alexei)

Be careful Alexei. You might want to spend some time over at a friend's. Father is having guests over to... celebrate.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: December 28th, morning

This isn't happening.

Gods let this just be a nightmare.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 28, morning

The amount of hate that still exists in the world is disappointing.

How's your dad? He going to be okay?

My parents, always oblivious. They were buried in a lab and had no idea any of this happened. I should be grateful they're alive, but they cut themselves off from communication so the rest of us were worried sick. I swear they need to get their heads out of their asses. It's not like this isn't the first Deatheater attack, and this was a huge one.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 28, after the article

Yeah, no. No no. No.

Worst post-Christmas ever Fuck this.

[Private to Bucky]
NOPE...she says as if that will change anything.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 12/28, 9am

So this is some sort of joke, right? Because seriously, it's got to be a fucking joke. People can't possibly be this stupid, can they?

Dec. 27th, 2015



Boxing Day Post Mortem

When: Throughout the day on 12/26
What: Owl Post

[Everyone who sent Toph a Christmas present will get a thank you note via owl]

When: 12/26, in the late-ish afternoon
What: Journal Post

Ok people, good Christmas. Could it have gone better? Probably. But it certainly could've been worse. I'd like to thank all my friends who sent gifts - and yes, the thank you notes are on their way (if you haven't gotten it already) for helping to make this possible even though I'm kinda hard to Christmas shop for (Christmas isn't really something my family's really done). Speaking of presents, I hope I did good with the things I've sent.

Main goal for next Christmas? More parties - or if not that, more of a festive celebratory dinner thing on the 24th. The same old same old type dinner just isn't cutting it. Now I'm not saying that we have to do the whole in Christian Christmas Experience (tm), but something special that isn't like every other dinner home would be a big improvement. Ideas on how to achieve this would be gratefully apreciated.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: December 27, afternoon

I'm pretty pleased about break and getting to spend time in an actual gymnasium. My uncle got me a pink, fuzzy sweater. I'm pretty sure he was on drugs when he bought it, but whatever. If anyone wants this thing, I'm more than happy to donate it to you.

Dec. 26th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: December 25th, morning

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning so far. I can't wait for everyone to see Apollo and Artemis in the little sweaters I made them. They actually don't mind them as much as I thought they would.

Happy Birthday Nico! You will be receiving an owl from me if you haven't already. I hope you enjoy your present.

Lyra are we still going to have a party for our combined birthdays? Before or after the New Years? Is anyone have a New Years party?

I'm legal!

Dec. 22nd, 2015



It's been another year

Type: Journal post
Time: December 22nd, late evening

...and I am all the wiser. No. Really. Stop laughing. )
Hope you all have a good Holiday. See you next year...

Jack out.

PS I just belched and it tasted like pizza. I can't decide if I'm proud or disgusted. I'm going to say proud though because I didn't even eat pizza tonight.

Dec. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When :Late night, 12/20

It's nice to be back home and in my room once more. I wanted to tell the dance club once more that I am so proud of you and what we managed to do for the winter showcase! Everyone was magnificent. James, we were especially good. Thank you for being the perfect partner. Perhaps we can continue to dance together for fun.

[Private to James.]

Perhaps we could enjoy eachother's company some time soon as well?

[Private to Alexei]

Have you seen father yet? He seems to be in quite the mood.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/19, after Hogsmeade

I may have to admit to myself that I pulled a muscle during the game. Either that or I am even more out of shape than I thought I was after being cooped up in the fucking castle for so long. Because my legs are killing me after that trip. I thought I was done buying presents but nope, looks like I wasn't. Merry Capitalismas mes amis.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/19, evening, after Hogsmeade trip

I am not an adult. I need a babysitter. Or someone to hold my wallet for me when I go out shopping. And also maybe someone to hold my bags. I need to find that really nice third year who helped me. And then that Slytherin who reminded me that I am, in fact, a witch, and that I can, in fact, levitate things. Listen here, Slytherfriend, I am not the smartest human being sometimes. Most of the times. I don't remember these things. You didn't have to be kind of snooty about it.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When :Late night, 12/20

Well, being home is nice. No detentions for sneaking out here. That's absolutely a plus. Star Wars was totally worth it though, so I don't care about no Hogsmeade. It's not like I'm not going shopping with my mom for the next three days anyway. I'll be sick of shopping by the end of the first day.

[Private to Sera]
So I may have screwed something up...