August 2010



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Feb. 11th, 2010


Who: Ileana and Cole
What: Ileana is coming to seduce Cole. Or bring him food and awkwardly flirt. Same difference.
Where: Hallway in to 802
When: This afternoon
Warnings: These two will take three years before they get a warning.

Commence Awkward Situation go! )

Feb. 6th, 2010


Who: Cole and Aaron
What: An attempt to stop Aaron from running away.
Where: 104
When: After this and this.
Warnings: Cursing?
Notes: Puppies are cute.

interference is a go )

Feb. 1st, 2010


Who: Daisy and Cole
What: A meeting and a mail rescue.
Where: The lobby
When: Today, mid-morning ish.
Warnings: None. Hah. 

Jan. 29th, 2010


Who: Cole
What: A narrative
Where: 802
When: After all this.
Warnings: Depressingness.

Jan. 28th, 2010


Who: Cole and Ileana
What: Sightseeing
Where: The lobby, and then... around New York.
When: Timelines are sketchy, so after Jude's death and subsequent burial.
Warnings: None.

Jan. 27th, 2010


Who: Cole, Sam and (sort of) Jude
What: Jude falls apart, Cole freaks out, and Sam has to deal.
Where: P5
When: Immediately after Jude shows up at his door
Warnings: Swearing, decomposition, death?


Who: Cole.
What: Narrative
Where: 802
When: After this and this.
Warnings: None
Notes: Oh, this is just the beginning.

Jan. 24th, 2010


Who: Cole and Ed
What: A completely coincidental meeting.
Where: The penthouse floor
When: The day after the anon post, afternoon-ish? idk timelines confuse me.
Warnings: Probably none. It's Cole.

Jan. 18th, 2010


Who: Cole and Sam
What: "Hanging out." Or Sam is desperate and Cole is upset and memories suck, okay, alrigt.
Where: 802
When: The day after the memory goings-on.
Warnings: TBA

make it white, make it white )

Jan. 15th, 2010


Who: Cole
What: Other people's memories.
Where: 802
When: The afternoon after the Landlord's post.
Warnings: TBA.

Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Cole and Li
What: Self-defense lessons
Where: 405
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon
Warnings: None. Seriously, this is Cole.

Jan. 8th, 2010


Who: Cole and Jude
What: Wine, a good book, and a boat.
Where: Tourist docks, to start.
When: Tonight, at dusk.
Warnings: None... yet.

Jan. 7th, 2010


Who: Cole {closed, narrative}
What: Holy crap, there's a ghost on my floor.
Where: 802
When: After this.
Warnings: None.

Jan. 1st, 2010


Who: Cole & Sam
What: Two college friends hanging out.
Where: P5, and then... elsewhere.
When: The day after this, about 2pm-ish.
Warnings: None atm.

Dec. 27th, 2009


Who: Cole and Jude.
What: Two people having coffee.
Where: Tourist docks / coffee place thing
When: Tuesday at noon-ish.
Warnings: None.

Dec. 21st, 2009


Who: Cole and Jane.
What: A meeting in the hallway.
Where: A hallway in Bellum.
When: The day after this.
Warnings: None? Idk.

Dec. 20th, 2009


Who: Cole, and his mother.
What: A narrative involving a phone call.
Where: 802.
When: Couple of days after the masquerade. Afternoon-ish.
Warnings: None.

Dec. 12th, 2009


Who: Cole & Aaron
What: English class #1
Where: 802
When: Sunday at 10am
Warnings: None?

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