June 22nd, 2010

[info]bellum_tempus in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Miles, Shane, Jasper, Aiden, Lone, Deirdre, Joss, and Anya. Phew!
What: Jailbreak.
Where: The jail.
When: Day 3, early morning.
Warnings: TBA
Notes: You can now feel free to get going on your threads. You can find more information in the plot post!

The people in the cells around the Bellum tenants had thinned during the day and swelled again at night, many coming in dressed in evening wear as they had, though more of them were intoxicated. The police were non-responsive to inquiries about how long it would be before they were charged.

Then three new men were thrown into the men's holding cell in the early hours of the morning on the third day of their forced visit to the 20's. Dawn was a short ways off on the morning of February 14, 1929, and a massacre that would make history had yet to happen. Not long off, though, not long at all.

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Ella, Nick, and Joanie (and Tegan, too!)
What: Meeting Georgy Lvov
Where: A small town near the palace
When: Mach 20, 1917 (Day 3 for Group Xi)
Warnings: TBA, most likely just mild language.

But evil's lurking so he's always on his guard. Cause if you're gonna spy you better spy hard. )

[info]reclamation in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Russell and Will
What: Operation: Commandeer, or scavenging the city.
Where: Around Paris
When: Day 3
Warnings: A little violence is likely.

there was less blood now, but no less smoke. )