Who: Open Thread
What: House Warming Party
When/Where: March 1st in New Asgard
On the surface, it all looks like a perfect day for the party. Thor has ensured great weather, meaning even the backyard is set up with chairs, food and drinks -- and being an Asgardian party, there is no shortage of food or drinks. Actually, maybe be careful which ale you take. Some are for our ..hardier friends.
Someone has taken over the sound system, not sure who, but Spotify is playing some oldies, and if Peter was there, he'd greatly approve.
The hosts are mingling and walking around, smiling and pretending things are great. If you squint though, you might notice that they have somehow become experts at ignoring each other and not being in the same space.
For those that have cleared it before hand, there are bedrooms upstairs that you can use to sleep in. Otherwise, the hosts kindly ask that you remain downstairs.