Posts Tagged: 'hope+van+dyne'

Sep. 14th, 2020




Who: Scott and Hope
What: reuniting
Where: Hope's apartment
When: after her network
Status: in progress

she was honestly impressed )

Sep. 10th, 2020




Who: Hope Van Dyne & Dr. Strange
What: Arrival
When: Afternoon
Where: Downtown NYC
Status: Complete

Why am I in NYC and who's fault is it? )

Aug. 8th, 2020




Who: Hope and Nebula.
What: Asking about that Terran weed...
When: Before the Wedding in Genosha.
Where: Hope's apartment at the Tower.
Warning: Asking about that Terran weed... ?
Status: Complete!

Hope blinked hazel-green eyes, surprised at the request. Was this a thing now, she was officially the weed supplier of the Avengers? Guess she could have been shuffled into worse roles.  )

Jun. 26th, 2020



Log: Jane, Hope, and Sif

Who: Jane, Sif, and Hope
What: A holiday (in both senses of the word)
When: A weekend in mid-June, following (this discussion)
Where: Oslo, Norway
Warnings: None

When had that happened? )

Jun. 2nd, 2020




Who: Hope and Christine
What: Catching up
When: Today

Christine had no idea where the month had gone.

Read more... )

May. 1st, 2020




Who: Sif and Hope
What: Girl bonding time
When: April 30, before shenanigans with Loki and Peter
Where: Hope's flat in NYC
Warnings: Awkward revelations

You should just - do whatever makes you happy. )

Mar. 2nd, 2020



Welcome to Thor and Jane's!

Who: Open Thread
What: House Warming Party
When/Where: March 1st in New Asgard

On the surface, it all looks like a perfect day for the party. Thor has ensured great weather, meaning even the backyard is set up with chairs, food and drinks -- and being an Asgardian party, there is no shortage of food or drinks. Actually, maybe be careful which ale you take. Some are for our ..hardier friends.

Someone has taken over the sound system, not sure who, but Spotify is playing some oldies, and if Peter was there, he'd greatly approve.

The hosts are mingling and walking around, smiling and pretending things are great. If you squint though, you might notice that they have somehow become experts at ignoring each other and not being in the same space.

For those that have cleared it before hand, there are bedrooms upstairs that you can use to sleep in. Otherwise, the hosts kindly ask that you remain downstairs.


Feb. 20th, 2020



SHIELD Staff Meeting 7AM Thurs [OPEN (to SHIELD)]

Nick was in the conference room early, checking his phone and answering email. He had his agenda items on the whiteboard and had already entered the items he needed on it. He wasn't sure which of his agents were even in The City, but he needed to coordinate the response to Tony's initiative with agents in NY and DC. Once they'd discussed it here, he'd be as comfortable as he ever was that it would be handled.

  1. Tony Stark
  2. New York Giant Monsters
  3. Col. Rhodes
  4. Capt. Rogers

There are bagels from the bakery and some of the worst coffee ever in the pot.

[OOC: Please add new items for the meeting as responses to the sub-topics below. I hope this works and I'm sorry to spring the paradigm on you all unexpectedly. If we hate this we can do it differently next time...]

[OOC2: This is open and optional but it might be fun (for us. Staff meetings are never fun for the participants)]

Feb. 16th, 2020



Log: Sif & Hope

Who: Hope Van Dyne & Sif
What: Testing a brunch spot out
When: Sunday (February 16)
Where: Restaurant in Chinatown (NYC)
Warnings: None

Hope was nothing if not a determined mastermind when it came to organizing important outings ... )

Dec. 18th, 2019



New Year's Eve Party

Who: Everyone
What: New Year's Eve Party
Where: American Museum of Natural History
When: New Year's Eve
Warnings: I hope not, but let me know
Status: Open to All! Please indicate in the subject line if your post is for a specific person or open to anyone.

The museum was closed to the public for the evening and only open to invited guests. Party goers could take advantage of the open bar, the passed hors d'oeuvres, and the table of pastries. Flutes of champagne were passed around in time for a toast at midnight.

Oct. 11th, 2019




Who: Christine and Hope (guest starring Stephen)
What: Chatting in between inappropriate texts
When: Tonight
Rating: Green

This is a better view than whatever dusty book about enchanted tree rats that you’re looking at. Or is it something about tiny trolls from the 80s? )

Sep. 21st, 2019




Who: Hope & Darcy
What: Extra coffee is always appreciated, and making plans for a ladies night
When: Last Wednesday
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

I haven't met a coffee I didn't like. )

Aug. 1st, 2019




Who: Various Avengers, SHIELD employees, and civilians!
What: Dealing with floods
When: Right now
Where: Aaaall aroooound the woooorld~
Rating: Green but with violence and lotsa water

Plot Outline & Teams


Jul. 19th, 2019




Who: Hope & Christine
What: A sleepover (gossip, pizza, and sugar comas)
When: Last Friday, probably
Where: Christine's place
Rating: Green

Better have a conversation with her about dirty boys and keeping it wrapped up! )

Jul. 12th, 2019



Who: Ava Starr, T’Challa, Hope Van Dyne
What: Ava is permanently healed via quantum particles, then sent off on a new mission
When: Now
Where: Labs, NYC
Rating/Warnings: Green
Status: Complete

There are rumors a relic of some sort washed ashore after one of the undersea quakes we’ve been monitoring and studying. )

Jun. 14th, 2019



Who: Ava Starr, Hope Van Dyne, Scott Lang
What: Hope and Scott help stabilize Ava’s condition via quantum shenanigans
When: Recent
Where: The basement of Stark industries
Rating/Warnings: Green, Endgame spoilers

If these two were willing to give her a second chance; maybe there really was a way back from everything she’d done in the past. )

Jun. 10th, 2019




Who: Hope & Christine
What: Hope wanders in to take her clothes off (aka, a wellness check-up)
When: Last week?
Where:The Superhero Clinic at Stark Industries
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

Welcome to the clinic of no name. I'll be your doctor today, how can I help you? )

May. 22nd, 2019




What: Orientation meeting
When: Yesterday
Rating: Green

It sounds like we are all a group of people who shouldn’t be fucked with )

Jan. 25th, 2019




Who: Thor, Hope, Scott, and Jane
What: A dinner party!
When: Last week, I think
Where: Jane's apartment
Rating: Green, like expired meat (which is not this meat)

There was absolutely little that meat and mead couldn't fix. )

Dec. 17th, 2018




Who: Hope & Scott
What: 'Do you wanna do the thing?'
When: Idk, recently?
Where: Their apartment
Rating: Low, just schmoop that is cute

That’s still hot, but yes. I will accept both your pancake and proposal. )

Nov. 11th, 2018



Place Holder

Who: Okoye and Hope
When: Thursday after this
Where: Around New York
What: Getting coffee
Status: Green

Marriage has it's benefits )

Nov. 4th, 2018




Who: Everyone
What: Jane's Surprise Birthday
When: (Backdated) 11/3/18
Where: Asgard Home
Status: Green

Here we go )

Sep. 9th, 2018




Who: Hope & YOU (open, whatever - it's basically a narrative that people can do 'coming back to reality' threads in if they want)
What: Leaving the soul world
When: Idk, recently?
Where: By the quantum tunnel, through the tunnel, etc
Rating: TBD

They had a shot to get this right, and only one shot, but she was confident and hopeful and here. )

Aug. 20th, 2018


Where's my mind?

Who: Hope and Scott
What: Hope gets dusted and Scott gets some particles
When: Before Jane’s party, during the traumatic dusting of ‘18
Rating: Green

Maybe it's in the gutter where I left my lover. My V is for Vendetta. I thought I'd feel better, but now I got a bellyache. )

Aug. 18th, 2018




Who: Hope & Jane
What: SCIENCE, particles, spectrometer's (and sandwiches)
When: Last week sometime
Where: Jane's lab, Stark Industries
Rating: Green

When it came to function, the quantum realm could be compared to other dimensions - most notably the astral plane... )

Aug. 17th, 2018




Who: Peter, Scott, Hope
What:Finding a space jump
When: Thursday
Rathing: Green

Long story short, you’d need a lot of force to induce what’s basically a violent acceleration )

Jul. 4th, 2018




Who: Everyone
When: July 4th
Where: Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty
Rating: TBD

It's the party of the century! Literally. )

Jul. 2nd, 2018




Who: Hope & Fury
What: Running into each other after work one day
When: Recently~
Where: A not-pretentious bar
Rating: Green

It can always get worse. )

May. 25th, 2018




Who: 🐜/ 🐝 (Scott & Hope)
What: Research! Burning the midnight oil!
When: A couple nights ago
Where: The apartment they just moved into
Rating: Mostly green, some warnings for canoodling in bed~

Don’t say stuff like that just because you’re getting tired and think the world is going to implode. )

Apr. 22nd, 2018




Who: Hope & Scott
What: Reuniting in an alternate universe, across the country
When: Saturday
Where: Floating Mountain
Rating: Green, yellow for some schmoop

His head felt a little bit like a ping pong ball, trying to process all the great ‘newness’ of his current--well, everyone’s--current predicament. )

Apr. 9th, 2018




Who: Hope & Doc Strange
What: Take a ride on the Welcome Wagon~
When: Today?
Where: A cafe that is not Starbucks but similar to
Rating: Green

Things had escalated pretty quickly, and that was an understatement. )