Posts Tagged: 'christine+palmer'

Jan. 14th, 2021




Who: Christine & Stephen
What: Catching up
When: days ago.
Notes/Warnings: n/a

You didn't tell me you moved. )

Sep. 3rd, 2020



F E R N ~ Alert

Who: Potted Fern, you and anyone you want to talk to.
Where: Floor 39, Common Dining Area
What: Just, you know, a fern.
Warnings: if you need them, let me know.
Notes: This is a FERN post, ladies and gentlemen, first of it's kind. That means behind the cut are details on what you can do here! (to save space!) please, read on! LJ-Cut text sung to the tune of Just a Girl by No Doubt. You love me, you're welcome.

Cause I'm just a FERN, oh, little old me. Well, don't let me out of your sight )

Aug. 23rd, 2020




Who: Rogue, Dr. Strange, Christine Palmer, Mr. Sinister
What: Rogue escapes from Genosha and winds up in New York
When: when everyone's attention is diverted by Tiny Steve
Notes/Warnings: past mention of experiments and an off screen ass kicking.

Ah might be bleedin' on your couch. )

Jul. 13th, 2020




Who: Christine and Bucky
When: June 29th, 2020
Where: Some dive bar that Christine loves
What: Drinks and chatting about nothing in particular.

You’re old. You’ve seen things. You’ve lived a little. )

Jun. 2nd, 2020




Who: Hope and Christine
What: Catching up
When: Today

Christine had no idea where the month had gone.

Read more... )

Mar. 20th, 2020




Who: Wanda & Christine
What: Godmotherly visits
When: Now?
Where: Wanda's apartment in the Tower
Status: Complete

Babies did smell good. )

Dec. 1st, 2019




Who: Natasha Romanoff & Christine Palmer
What: morning run in
When: earlier this month before things went sideways
Rating/Warnings: none

Good thing she loved her work.  )

Oct. 11th, 2019




Who: Christine and Hope (guest starring Stephen)
What: Chatting in between inappropriate texts
When: Tonight
Rating: Green

This is a better view than whatever dusty book about enchanted tree rats that you’re looking at. Or is it something about tiny trolls from the 80s? )

Sep. 24th, 2019




Who: Sif and Christine
What: Christine is going to make sure Sif samples NYC life
When: Today!
Where: Starting at the hospital, moving on
Warnings: Language? None significant.

Wait, you haven’t tried pizza ... )

Sep. 12th, 2019




Who: Wanda & Christine
What: Discovering that Wanda is having twins!
When: Backdated to August
Where: Superhero Clinic
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

I hope I don’t pee on you. )

Aug. 1st, 2019




Who: Various Avengers, SHIELD employees, and civilians!
What: Dealing with floods
When: Right now
Where: Aaaall aroooound the woooorld~
Rating: Green but with violence and lotsa water

Plot Outline & Teams


Jul. 28th, 2019




Who: Clint and Christine
What: Throwing back darts and drinks
When: Saturday night, the 27th, before "Christine's" text post
Where: Just a bar
Rating: Green with some language
Status: Complete

This man was not only a professional aimer at things, he was clearly a good drinker because Christine was sloshed. )

Jul. 19th, 2019




Who: Hope & Christine
What: A sleepover (gossip, pizza, and sugar comas)
When: Last Friday, probably
Where: Christine's place
Rating: Green

Better have a conversation with her about dirty boys and keeping it wrapped up! )

Jul. 12th, 2019



Who: Christine Palmer and Ava Starr
What: First exam visit
When: Recent, post time jump
Where: Clinic
Rating/Warnings: Green
Status: Complete

I think we’re all normal until we’re not ...and even that’s subjective. )

Jul. 9th, 2019




Who: Bruce Banner & Christine Palmer
What: Science talk. Yeah. Science. That's all.
When: this afternoon
Rating/Warnings: green, but references to sex

You and me. In the MRI )

Jul. 4th, 2019




Who: Everyone
What: 4th of July/America's Ass' surprise birthday party
When: 4th of July DUH
Where: Governor's Island
Rating: Don't do anything Rogers wouldn't do! *shakes finger*

Captain America we love you, Captain America you're grand/Oh Spiro Agnew eat your heart out, Captain America's our man )

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Who: Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange
What: Surprising no one, ‘pillow talk’ doesn’t exist for these two. Discussion about other character done with permission.
When: After this thread (backdated to the day of the time jump)
Where: Christine’s place in Tribeca
Rating/Warnings: Green (although nudity and reference to FTB occurs)
Status: Complete

He was supposed to be beyond all this....Then he wound up sleeping with his ex. Sigh. )

Jul. 1st, 2019




Who: Christine & Wanda
What: A doctor's appointment and shit getting real
When: Monday
Where: Superhero Clinic
Rating: Green, though brief internal monologue about terminating a pregnancy
Status: Complete

Wanda -- you're pregnant. )

Jun. 10th, 2019




Who: Hope & Christine
What: Hope wanders in to take her clothes off (aka, a wellness check-up)
When: Last week?
Where:The Superhero Clinic at Stark Industries
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

Welcome to the clinic of no name. I'll be your doctor today, how can I help you? )

May. 17th, 2019




Who: Christine and Bruce
What: Late night dinner
When: Tonight
Rather: Green?

Appendectomies were such a bore. One of the most common procedures, and generally speaking, one of the easiest. It was simple enough these days, and of course, of course Christine tempted fate by estimating an hour at most.

Wrong. )

Apr. 26th, 2019




Who: Jane and Christine
What: Christine has treatment options
When: During Jane's hospitalization
Rating: Red for medical issues

I have a big alien guy with an affinity for electricity who's committed to me not dying. I kind of don't want to let him down. )

Mar. 2nd, 2018




Who: Peter Quill and OPEN TO ALL
When: Friday night, 9:00PM - 3:00AM
Where: Retro Club NYC
Rating: Let's call it Green unless anyone gets cray-zay

Taking requests but not if they suck )

Feb. 19th, 2018




Who: Christine Palmer & Stephen Strange
What: A reunion of sorts
When: February 19, early morning
Rating/Warnings: Green

Stepped off a curb and well, here we are. )