Posts Tagged: 'gamora'

Nov. 10th, 2020



Open to Val and Gamora

Peter ran through his pre-flight check making sure that his newly acquired Ravagers upgrades were online and within normal parameters. He ran down his playlist and jacked his Zune into the aux port in the cockpit. The cockpit was instantly filled with Mick Fleetwood banging the shit out of a drum kit and the rest of the band Why don't you ask him if he's going away?
Why don't you tell me what's going on?

He turned as he heard the door to the Benetar sliding shut, "We are a go for rapid ascent. Buckle up, ladies. It's time to blow this pop stand."

Sep. 20th, 2020




Who: Quill, Nebula and Gamora
What: Actually have a productive conversation
When:Following morning after their epic shitposting
Notes/Warnings: This may be a first for Quill. There are none. Zero. Nada.

You can even throw another chair )




Who: Star-Lord and Gamora
What: Get in a fight and get important medical information
When: Right after Peter and Nebula have a snarkathon on the net
Status: Complete
Notes/Warnings Quite a bit of swearing while they're fighting with each other and some discussion of reproductive health.

I don’t care what the rules of this stupid reality are )




Who: Ladies 18+ (and Loki)
What: Slumber Party
When: Friday, September 25th
Notes/Warnings: Let me know if I need to update

It's Ladies' Night )

Sep. 10th, 2020




Who: Gamora, Nebula, & Darcy
What: Go to the shooting range
When: A few days ago
Warnings: Some violence toward paper and a random mansplainer

Sorry, Jane, but you’ve been replaced as Darcy’s BFF by two badass space assassins. )

Sep. 4th, 2020



Open to anyone that wants to break orbit for a few hours

Running through a final pre-flight check, Peter made sure that the armory racks were squared away, that the weapons systems were locked to his console and then looked around the cabin. He tried to figure out if there was anything else he should secure before letting a group of Terrans, especially one that included a couple of teenage boys, onboard.

He wondered if there was anything that he was missing that Stakar would have noticed, then shrugged inwardly. Yondu had taught him to fly when he was ten. Sure he’d destroyed a small moon….. Kraglin had called it a glorified asteroid, on the edge of of the Andromeda galaxy when he was learning how to execute an evasion maneuver consisting of a barrel roll, followed by a three point turn that culminated in a full stop that Yondu had called the Drunken Kree. There was also the time that he’d been trying to clear out the plasma injectors and instead hit the biohazard recycling tank evacuation lever without first disengaging the external cover plate. The pressure had blown a main line and coated the entire cargo bay with hundreds of gallons of a greasy grey liquid that smelled like a combination of a truck stop bathroom and the kind of perfume his grandmother had once worn. Bet that’s when Taserface started hating my guts, Peter thought remembering that while his Daddy had yelled at him, called him a wretched little waste of oxygen…..Yondu had delegated the actual clean up to Taserface.

Peter appreciated the fact that the Benetar had a spot on the roof of Avengers tower, taking a bunch of people up in space sounded fun. Driving them all the way to upstate New York sounded like hell.

He opened the main hatch, extended the ramp and wondered if they had barf bags on board….. he vaguely remembered something about airplanes having them and wondered if other Terrans ever got spacesick. “Eh, it’ll be fine.” He made his way down the ramp, trying to decide what kind of music you played for someone’s first trip to space.

Sep. 3rd, 2020




Who: Peter & Gamora
What: Gamora freaks out and attempts to plan vengeance, but learns an important lesson about the Great Hero Kevin Bacon.
Where: On the Benatar on the roof
When: After Drax brought up Gamora's dear old dad.
Notes/Warnings: No warnings, but a fade out in order to facilitate posting NSFW content separately.

In the epic story of our great hero Kevin Bacon.... )



F E R N ~ Alert

Who: Potted Fern, you and anyone you want to talk to.
Where: Floor 39, Common Dining Area
What: Just, you know, a fern.
Warnings: if you need them, let me know.
Notes: This is a FERN post, ladies and gentlemen, first of it's kind. That means behind the cut are details on what you can do here! (to save space!) please, read on! LJ-Cut text sung to the tune of Just a Girl by No Doubt. You love me, you're welcome.

Cause I'm just a FERN, oh, little old me. Well, don't let me out of your sight )

Aug. 28th, 2020




Who: Peter & Gamora
What: Fix the Benatar, attempt to figure their shit out.
When: Just before this post, and after both this and this
Warnings: A couple f-bombs

I need to warn you. I think I might hurl. )




Who: Drax, Gamora, Nebula, Peter Quill
What: Get parts to repair the Benatar & snacks and bicker a lot (you know, be the GOTG)
When: Backdated to right after this net convo
Warnings: Some road rage

I hope you two aren't some of those comic con clowns that're into furries )

Aug. 20th, 2020




Who: Gamora, Dr. Strange
What: Gamora arrives in a new universe.
When: today!
Notes/Warnings: none

I am a leaf on the wind. )

Oct. 31st, 2019




Who: Peter and Gamora
What: This is Halloween
When: Earlier this month
Where: The Guardians' Townhouse

Peter, what is going on with pumpkins? )

Sep. 16th, 2019




Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Catching up
When: Backdated to the weekend
Rating: Green

Peter. I have so many memories inside of my head, so many versions of me that I don't know who is whose anymore but I... I am your Gamora. )

Sep. 12th, 2019




Who: Peter, Drax, Scott, Bruce, Carol, Gamora
What: Entering the soulstone
When: Today
Rating: Green

This world has already taken its toll in blood and tears. Being here is like standing next to a funeral pyre. )

Jan. 28th, 2019




Who: Open to all, including narratives
What: When fandoms attack!
When: a Sunday afternoon
Rating: ???

Reality Bites! )

Jan. 16th, 2019




Who: Gamora, Loki
What: Cover up
When: Shortly after Gamora's arrival
Rating: Green!

I’m always going to be looking over my shoulder. )

Jan. 9th, 2019




Who: Gamora and Peter
When: Tonight, after Peter gets home from work
Where: Guardians crib
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

Also, Peter...your house is filthy. )




Who: Gamora, Dr. Strange, Drax
What: Gamora arrives, soul stone in hand.
When: Presently!
Rating: Green, like Gamora.

I just died. This wasn’t where I expected to end up. )

Aug. 19th, 2018




Who: Guardians
What: the trip to Knowhere
When: Sunday 8/19
Rating/Warning: Soul Stone Orange for death

Reality. )

Aug. 13th, 2018




Who: The Guardians crew (Gamora, Peter, Drax, Nebula, random mentions of others)
What: Moving into their new place
When: First week of August - ish
Rating: Greeeeeen

can someone throw out that box before Drax decides bathing in ceramic would be the best idea ever? )

Jul. 24th, 2018



Backdated Log

Who: Gamora and Peter
What: Coming clean about his failure with Thanos
When: Backdated to July 5
Rating: Green

What is a house husband? I hope you didn't marry the house. )

Jul. 9th, 2018





Who: Gamora, Loki
What: discussing Thanos and Infinity Stones.
When: backdated, after this message.
Rating/Warnings: Green, IW spoilers.

Whatever we do is better than what we didn’t do over there. )

Jun. 7th, 2018




Who: Nebula, Doctor Strange, You?
What: First arrival. Strange called official greeting but if anyone wants to tussle with her before he can get to her, have at it!
When: How's now? Now okay?
Rating/Warnings: Green, IW spoilers

you don't seem the lying kind, a shame that I can read your mind )

May. 24th, 2018





Who: Gamora, Tony Stark
What: Tony has questions about Thanos.
When: backdated! Saturday morning.
Rating: Green

If Thanos sets a foot anywhere near me, one of you better kill me before he gets it out of me. )

May. 19th, 2018



Nightmares x 2

Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Bleedovers!
When: Friday night, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green

I am not going back to sleep only to dream of some alternate fate again and again. You can sleep if you want, I'll wait until morning. )




Who: Stephen Strange, Gamora, Peter Quill, Mantis, Drax
What: Guardians reunion!
When: [backdated] sometime earlier this week.
Rating: Green, language

His chi needed realigning and that was a real thing, Bruce Lee said so. )

May. 4th, 2018



The First Rule of Fight Club

Who: Ellen Brandt, Gamora, Sam Wilson
What: Fight Club!Investigation
When: Sometime after Sam's party
Rating/Warnings: YELLOW for now, could get explicitly violent later, though.

The First Rule of Fight Club, Ellen thought, was 'Don't Talk About Fight Club. She also thought about Tyler Durden's words at one of the gatherings. "I see a lot of new faces here tonight. Which means some of you have been breaking Rule One." What was true in the movie was also true in reality. From her vantage point a block away, Ellen watched a stream of pedestrians and vehicles entering a supposedly closed building.

The Last Rule of Fight Club: If it's your first time, you <i>have</i> to fight. )

Apr. 1st, 2018




Who: The Hulk & Open to Tony, Valkyrie, Wanda, Dr Strange & Anyone else who wants in on the fun
What: Game-wide plot: the Hulk is on a rampage
When: Sometime after this
Where: NYC
Rating: Warning: Definitely not easy being green

The Hulk was angry. No, not just angry, pissed )

Mar. 30th, 2018




Who: Loki and Gamora
What: Late night convo. Loki learns of Gamora's connection to the Infinity Stones and Thanos.
When: backdated! the evening after Darcy's blunt network post.
Rating: Green. Teehee!

His purpose is power on a galactic level. )

Feb. 27th, 2018




Who: Peter Quill and Gamora
When: Backdated to Saturday evening (02/24)
What: Oh my God they are roommates.....
Rating: TBA but probably green

I've had the time of my life )

Feb. 13th, 2018




Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Gamora gets practical about life on Earth.
When: After this
Rating: Green

We need to talk, she said ominously. )

Feb. 8th, 2018




Who: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Daisy Johnson, Wanda Maximoff, Brock Rumlow, and OPEN TO ALL
What: Prison Break!
When: Thursday
Rating: TBD

Stealth, portals, and quinjets, oh my! )

Feb. 3rd, 2018




What: When Sharknados attack.
When: Sunday-ish, late afternoon. Followed by Iron Man apprehended!
Where: Primarily in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens.
Ratings/Notes: open to threading or narratives. Rating depends on anyone getting Jaws-ersized or not. Go red if ya wanna!

Shark Happens! )

Jan. 28th, 2018




Who: MJ and Gamora
What: Real talk and shopping
When: Sunday
Rating: Yellow (because I know she's gonna swear at some point up in here)

Earth technology, historical oppression of marginalized groups, and discount fashions 101 )

Jan. 27th, 2018




Who: Gamora and Loki
What: Magically delicious disguises.
When: A couple of days after this message
Rating: Green.

The skin color diversity on this planet isn’t as extensive as where I’m used to being. )

Jan. 26th, 2018




Who: Thor and....
When: Saturday night, Sunday morning/day, Sunday night, possibly Monday morning
Rating: TBD

Well it's Saturday night and I just got paid... )




Who: Gamora and Peter Quill
What: Taking stock, right after this
Where: Peter's hotel room
Rating: Green

welcome to earth )

Jan. 21st, 2018




Who: Gamora, Doctor Strange and Peter Quill
What: Strange comes to the rescue of Gamora (or everyone else around her) at Grand Central Station, then takes her to the nice hotel where they go find Peter.
When: Arrival day!
Rating: Green

alien comparative studies 101 )