Posts Tagged: 'pietro+maximoff'

Oct. 16th, 2021



[complete] Gamewide Plot: Hell on Earth


image & plot info under the cut )

This is a mandatory gamewide plot. All characters need to make an appearance here by October 31st at midnight when this plot ends and threads will be frozen. 🧊

Have fun!

Jan. 30th, 2021




Who: The Maximoff Twins
When: Backdated to last weekend
Where: Apartment and streets of NYC
What: Talks and Wanda tells him about Vision
Status: Completed gdoc

Is you a believer? I get a unicorn out of a zebra. I wear my uniform like a tuxedo. This dragon don't hold his breath, don't need no breather. )

Sep. 16th, 2019




Who: Asgardians, invited guests who are close friends of Asgard or Mr. Mischief
What: a week of wedding feast and Asgard's new regents (last day)
When: after the wedding
Rating: Green
Note: Read ooc note under cut. Tagged characters on invite list. Ends Oct 1st

Eat, drink, and be merry! )

Sep. 1st, 2019




Who: Clint, Wanda, Pietro
What: Getting together for dinner
When: Recently
Where: 30 Warren
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

Pietro, however, didn’t care about subtleties. For once, that might be a good thing. )

Aug. 13th, 2019




Who: Doctor Strange, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff
What: Pietro is greeted by Doctor Strange and reunited with his twin
When: Pietro's Arrival
Where: New York
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

I am here, it is okay )

May. 19th, 2018




Who: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff
What: I walked with you once upon a dream.
When: 19 May, morning
Rating/Warning: Green. Mild Infinity War spoilers.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream )

Apr. 28th, 2018


This Is Not My Beautiful House Party Thread

Who: Sam and Ellen, to start but OPEN TO ALL*
What: Sam's throwing a party for all the PCs
When: One Evening, Don't Get So Caught Up In Technicalities
Rating/Warnings: YELLOW to start, we'll see. If it turns into an orgy, we'll revisit this.

A/N: *I cannot emphasize this enough. OPEN TO ALL. I want a big, sprawling mess of a thread, like all the conversations at a big party. Indulge me!

Speak 'Friend' and Enter )

Apr. 1st, 2018




Who: The Hulk & Open to Tony, Valkyrie, Wanda, Dr Strange & Anyone else who wants in on the fun
What: Game-wide plot: the Hulk is on a rampage
When: Sometime after this
Where: NYC
Rating: Warning: Definitely not easy being green

The Hulk was angry. No, not just angry, pissed )

Mar. 10th, 2018




Who: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff
What: Nightmares
When: Saturday 10th, very early morning
Rating/Warnings: Amber - mentions of past trauma & Pietro's inevitable foul mouth

It’s dark, and she’s alone. )

Mar. 4th, 2018




Who: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff
What: Reunion
When: An hour or so after this
Rating/Warnings: Green

You have five seconds to tell me why you are in my room and what you want before I push you through the wall. )

Mar. 3rd, 2018




Who: Pietro Maximoff & Stephen Strange
What: Coming back from dead is hard work
When: 3rd March
Rating/Warnings: TBD

And the next thing he knew he was falling )