Posts Tagged: 'shuri'

Sep. 4th, 2020



Open to anyone that wants to break orbit for a few hours

Running through a final pre-flight check, Peter made sure that the armory racks were squared away, that the weapons systems were locked to his console and then looked around the cabin. He tried to figure out if there was anything else he should secure before letting a group of Terrans, especially one that included a couple of teenage boys, onboard.

He wondered if there was anything that he was missing that Stakar would have noticed, then shrugged inwardly. Yondu had taught him to fly when he was ten. Sure he’d destroyed a small moon….. Kraglin had called it a glorified asteroid, on the edge of of the Andromeda galaxy when he was learning how to execute an evasion maneuver consisting of a barrel roll, followed by a three point turn that culminated in a full stop that Yondu had called the Drunken Kree. There was also the time that he’d been trying to clear out the plasma injectors and instead hit the biohazard recycling tank evacuation lever without first disengaging the external cover plate. The pressure had blown a main line and coated the entire cargo bay with hundreds of gallons of a greasy grey liquid that smelled like a combination of a truck stop bathroom and the kind of perfume his grandmother had once worn. Bet that’s when Taserface started hating my guts, Peter thought remembering that while his Daddy had yelled at him, called him a wretched little waste of oxygen…..Yondu had delegated the actual clean up to Taserface.

Peter appreciated the fact that the Benetar had a spot on the roof of Avengers tower, taking a bunch of people up in space sounded fun. Driving them all the way to upstate New York sounded like hell.

He opened the main hatch, extended the ramp and wondered if they had barf bags on board….. he vaguely remembered something about airplanes having them and wondered if other Terrans ever got spacesick. “Eh, it’ll be fine.” He made his way down the ramp, trying to decide what kind of music you played for someone’s first trip to space.

Sep. 2nd, 2020




Who: MJ & Shuri.
What: Sleepover at the Embassy.
When: Backdated. Just after five people, including T'Challa, disappear.
Where: Shuri's Room at the Embassy and Around the Place.
Warnings: The Universe has made Shuri angry and sad. MJ is going to try to cheer her up, so... angst? They might braid one another's hair. Is that a thing?
Status: Complete!

She was definitely good with doing this again though. It was nice having a girl friend. )

Aug. 9th, 2020



Gamwide Plot Thread

Who: Open!
What: a celestial themed wedding reception on Genosha
Notes: Will have two headers. see ooc note under the cut! Ends 8/19.

This day, under these stars, we started our journey together. )

Aug. 8th, 2020




Who: Bucky & Shuri
What: Wandering the beach
When: During the wedding getaway, before the actual wedding
Where: Hammer Bay Resort
Status: Complete

He’d attempt to borrow some of Shuri’s optimism and all would be just fine. )

Aug. 7th, 2020




Who: MJ & Peter & Ned & Shuri!
What: Exploring Genosha
When: Just after arrival on the island.
Where: The Resort at Hammer Bay.
Warnings: Sneaking around while acting casual?
Status: Complete!

Does that mean we should talk in code? Like, ‘getting ice cream at 2 pm’ is somehow code for ‘I’m stuck in a supervillain’s lair and I need help? )

Aug. 1st, 2020




Who: T'Challa & Shuri
What: Having dinner together and getting in some sibling bonding
When: The day after Shuri initially arrived
Where: A delicious Ethiopian restaurant
Status: Complete

I have missed you, sister. )

Jul. 28th, 2020




Who: MJ & Shuri
What: Becoming friends
Where: a coffee shop
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: not yet... but everyone should be afraid of these two
Status: complete

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 15th, 2020




Who: Doctor Strange and Shuri.
What: Finding herself in a bit of a pickle.
When: Right now, while you’re asleep.
Where: Morningside Park, near Harlem, 4:00 am.
Warnings: Well, Shuri is pissed…

Make it so. )

May. 23rd, 2018





Who: Shuri, Doctor Strange
What: A welfare check. He's not dead. He just smells like it.
When: Last Saturday, after this overnight text exchange.
Rating/Warnings: Green, IW spoilers

It did kind of look like this girl was taking her homeless white grandpa outside while he went a little crazy. )

May. 18th, 2018




Who: Shuri, Pepper, and Tony
What: post-surgery, brought to you by Wakandan super science, nanotech super suits, cakebites, and They Might Be Giants.
When: Backdated! Last Sunday, 5/13.
Rating/Warning: Green

Still tastes like coconut. )

Mar. 24th, 2018




Who: Shuri and Tony
What: Tech talk and planning.
Rating/Warnings: Green

Just call me Shuri. My brother is your highness, not me. )