Posts Tagged: '-gamewide+plot'

Aug. 31st, 2018




Who: Nat, Steve
When: Backdated (Monday 8-27)
Where: Steve's apartment
Ratings: Red, White and Blue dammit!

Image result for natasha and steve gif

Last one... For all of us )

Aug. 27th, 2018



Open! - Soul Dimension

Who: Open to all Soul Dimension dust-ees.
What: a safe harbor for those in the Soul Dimension.
When: sometime after Wanda sending out a mental lure to anyone nearby.
Where: The Soul Sanctum.
Rating: ?

Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage? )

Aug. 22nd, 2018




Who: Team Science (Jane, Scott, Tony)
What: quantum particle talk!
When: prior to the warnings being lifted

We ate today, right? )

Aug. 20th, 2018


Where's my mind?

Who: Hope and Scott
What: Hope gets dusted and Scott gets some particles
When: Before Jane’s party, during the traumatic dusting of ‘18
Rating: Green

Maybe it's in the gutter where I left my lover. My V is for Vendetta. I thought I'd feel better, but now I got a bellyache. )

Aug. 19th, 2018




Who: Dr. Strange, Wanda Maxmimoff
What: journey to the Soul Dimension! Wanda gives everyone a mental nudge, a suggestion, to lure them to their location.
When: after they were dusted from the Sanctum.
Rating: Green

I will show you fear in a handful of dust. )




Who: Jane and Thor
What: Before the party that never was
Where: Jane's apartment
Rating: Green

Jane. It's happening. )




Who: Pepperony
What: after 5pm, getting ready for Jane's party.
Where: penthouse
Rating: Green but ouch.

Did you remember to pick up her gift? )




Who: Darcy Lewis (Narrative)
When: Sunday 8/19
What: Going to the store for Jane
Ratings: Yellow (mention of dusting)

Help me.... )




Who: Steve, Peggy, & Bucky
What: 🎶 Dust in the Wind 🎶 or alternatively 🎶Another One Bites the Dust 🎶
When: Sunday, 8/19
Rating/Warnings: Yellow? Orange? They're both kinda dying again. Slightly traumatic.

Something's wrong- )




Who: Valki
What: The hunting and drinking expedition no one wants to be on.
Where/When: Vanaheim, during the dusting.
Rating/Warning: Green

All's not so well under the sun.... )




Who: Guardians
What: the trip to Knowhere
When: Sunday 8/19
Rating/Warning: Soul Stone Orange for death

Reality. )




Who: Team Forge! Thor, Jane, Val, Rocket & Groot (NPCs).
What: vignettes, the journey to Nidavellir to create Stormbreaker
When: the very early morning of 8/19 (pre-dusting)
Warning/Rating: Green

Why are we doing this again? )




Who: Nat, Fury, Clint, and Bobbi
What: Fury turn to dust in front of Bobbi, Clint, and Nat
When: Sunday 8/19
Rating/Warnings: Yellow? (Will change if needed)

”We’re )

Aug. 17th, 2018



Avengers Meeting

Who: open to IW era Avengers (see tag list). No civilians, Masters of Mystic Arts, or other Asgardians are involved.
When: Friday evening
What: Meeting to discuss team business
Rating/Warning: ???

Secret Avengers Assemble )

Aug. 15th, 2018




Who: Peter Quill, Wanda Maximoff, Dr. Strange
What: recharging the ship, discussing trips to space for infinity stones
When: presently
Rating: yellowish.

I’ve come to help you fix your ship. )

Aug. 6th, 2018




Who: jane Foster and Peter Quill
What: Discussing stones
When: Monday, late afternoon or very early evening
Rating/Warning: Yellow only for language

I understand you had an interaction with an infinity stone? )

Aug. 3rd, 2018





Who: Wanda, Dr. Strange
What: investigating instabilities and infinity stone links.
When: present
Where: Sanctum, astral plane
Rating/Warning: Green

Something was coming, indeed. )

Aug. 1st, 2018




Who: Jane Foster
What: Jane dreams of the Aether
When: About 3am Thursday morning
Rating: Green

Now the Aether called out to come home. )

Jun. 12th, 2018




Who: Tony, Pepper
What: the nearing the end of a very bad dream
When: backdated, around June 1st-ish
Rating/Warning: yellow, language

The universe was one step closer to being halfway wiped out. )

May. 23rd, 2018





Who: Shuri, Doctor Strange
What: A welfare check. He's not dead. He just smells like it.
When: Last Saturday, after this overnight text exchange.
Rating/Warnings: Green, IW spoilers

It did kind of look like this girl was taking her homeless white grandpa outside while he went a little crazy. )

May. 19th, 2018




Who: Jane Foster and (potentially) OPEN
What: A dream of the Aether and trip to the lab
When: Sat May 19: 3 am going into full morning
Rating/Warning: Green

The power of the Aether burned through Jane's veins )




Who: Nick Fury
What: Narrative
When: Early Saturday morning, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green

The first sign he had was the loud pop he heard from the television. )



Nightmares x 2

Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Bleedovers!
When: Friday night, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green

I am not going back to sleep only to dream of some alternate fate again and again. You can sleep if you want, I'll wait until morning. )




Who: The Revengers
When: At some point Saturday
What: Bleedoverrrr
Rating/Warning: Green. Infinity War Spoilers!

at the end of all hope )




Who: Tony and Pepper
What: rude awakenings. Bleedover!
When: overnight Saturday 5/19, during the super storm.
Rating/Warnings: Green

Oh my god. Are you alright? What's going on? )




Who: Stephen Strange
What: Bleedover! Seeking out the disturbance in the force this universe. Someone nearly has his brain broken.
When: Saturday around 2 AM in NYC, 2 PM in Mongolia
Rating: Green

'We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.' )





Who: Loki
What: Narrative - the Great Bleedover takes no prisoners.
When: May 19th, a little after midnight.
Rating/Warning: Red. IW spoiler.
Note: the God of Mischief will be AWOL after this narrative. Part 1 of 2 - [part two link].

I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't, so here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road. )

Apr. 1st, 2018




Who: Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff & NPC!Goons
What: Rescuing Tony's adopted!son
When: After this
Where: Hammer Industries
Rating: TBD

Placeholder is placeholder )




Who: Peter Parker [Narrative]
What: Out of the frying pan… or “Peter goes to Hammer Tech”
When: During Hulk’s, uh, Hulking out?
Rating/Warnings: Yellow?

Peter’s the mouse... )




Who: The Hulk & Open to Tony, Valkyrie, Wanda, Dr Strange & Anyone else who wants in on the fun
What: Game-wide plot: the Hulk is on a rampage
When: Sometime after this
Where: NYC
Rating: Warning: Definitely not easy being green

The Hulk was angry. No, not just angry, pissed )




Who: a shady nefarious evil doer.
What: game-wide plot, unleash the beast.
Ratings/Warning: it's not easy being green.

When Bruce Banner stepped out for a walk on a chilly Spring day in New York City, things were set in motion beyond his knowledge or control. )

Mar. 30th, 2018




Who: Fury and Strange
What: full disclosure about the timeline, AKA why Dr. Strange has been so shifty about details.
When: After Fury asked for Strange.
Rating/Warning: Green

So what I am supposed to do with all this information? )

Mar. 27th, 2018




Where: Hell's Kitchen
What: weapons sampler giveaway down by the docks.
Rating/Warning: ??? anything goes.

We consider it a way to test new products. )

Mar. 26th, 2018




Who: Clint Barton and Tony Stark
What: Secret Weapons plotline and Sarcasm Bros.
When: A day or so after Natasha's visit.
Rating/Warnings: Green, some language and lotsa snark.

You show up with a foghorn, clearly prepared, but you didn't nut up and bring me a mocha? )

Mar. 20th, 2018




Who: CSI Science Bros Tony and Bruce
What: Lab time to talk about anti-superhero secret weapons.
When: Sometime after messaging Bruce.
Rating/Warnings: Green.

I guess it’s safe to say that if Thor’s being targeted then we all are. )

Mar. 18th, 2018




Who: Lady Sif & Peter Parker
What: A humorous misunderstanding and the bad guys get away
When: Saturday
Rating/Warnings: Green

Whatever it was it was coming towards her.  )

Mar. 13th, 2018




Who: Trish and Tony
What: The Trish Talk interview. And the symbolic end of the Avengers.
When: backdated, Monday
Rating/Warnings: Green

Mr. Tony Stark, welcome to Trish Talk, and thank you so much for being here. )

Mar. 10th, 2018




Who: Bucky, Steve, Tony
What: Secret Weapons talk, and Bucky's brainwashing is tested.
When: Backdated to Friday, just before Thor's warning.
Rating/Warning: Green, some language

We've gotta figure out if you're still brainwashed or not. )




Who: Thor & Valkyrie
What: Val just has a lot of feelings so she's gonna go...pretend to have none at Thor.
When: After this
Rating/Warnings: Probably Yellow for cursing.

Get your shit together Valkyrie )

Mar. 9th, 2018




Who: Thor Odinson, Loki, and some unsavory underworld elements
What: Someone takes a shot at the God of Thunda.
When: Friday afternoon.
Rating/Warning: Yellow, for gunshot wound/blood.

Tis but a scratch. )

Feb. 16th, 2018




Who: Lady Sif [Narrative]
What: This is what Sif has been up to while everybody else was off rescuing Tony Stark
When: During this
Rating/Warnings: Green

There was after all a lot to work to be done )

Feb. 9th, 2018




Who: Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff
What: Two friends grabbing some grub
When: After Sharknao
Rating/Warnings: Yellow - swearing possible

Nat he knew understood that because she like him was just human but damn if they didn't do a good job of keeping up )

Feb. 8th, 2018




Who: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Daisy Johnson, Wanda Maximoff, Brock Rumlow, and OPEN TO ALL
What: Prison Break!
When: Thursday
Rating: TBD

Stealth, portals, and quinjets, oh my! )




Who: Tony Stark, Thaddeus Ross
What: Tony Stark vs. Ross vs. Sokovia Accords all the things.
When: After Sharknado ended. Before the Jailbreak.
Rating: Yellow for trash talk, or Tony being Tony.

Ross sounded prickly. Or like a total prick. Tony liked to think it was a fifty-fifty blend of the two. )

Feb. 3rd, 2018




What: When Sharknados attack.
When: Sunday-ish, late afternoon. Followed by Iron Man apprehended!
Where: Primarily in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens.
Ratings/Notes: open to threading or narratives. Rating depends on anyone getting Jaws-ersized or not. Go red if ya wanna!

Shark Happens! )