Dec. 22nd, 2008


somebody has a little too much free time

Title; Save us!
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I hope the image of a Mexican Schuldig haunts you as it haunts me.

Past prompt: Alternate Universe )

Title; Mood Killer
Characters/Pairings; Aya. Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Inspired by Stephen Colbert..

Past prompt: Awkward )

Title; What do YOU want to be?
Characters/Pairings; Crawford.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Everyone has a dream.

Past prompt: Brad Crawford )

Title; Breakfast
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; To be fair, his mother never taught him any better.

Past prompt: Cooking )

Title; Dear Diary..
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi. Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; I feel bad for him sometimes.

Past prompt: Diary )

Title; Not what you'd expect
Characters/Pairings; Schuldig. Nagi.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; PG for one naughty word.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; Ah, classic.

Past prompt: Film Quotes )

Title; True Beauty
Characters/Pairings; Farfarello.
Team; Schwarz.
Rating; G.
Word Count; 100.
Author's Notes; But this isn't funny at all..

Past prompt: Flowers )

Mar. 17th, 2008


Prompt #39

Amnesia effected everyone except Weiss last week.  Their team took home 10 points for the win!

This week's prompt is #39 - Brad Crawford

Clad in Armani, flashing his glasses in your general direction and predicting your demise - that's Brad Crawford. 

Who is the man behind the flashing glasses?  What are his hope, dreams, hobbies?  How does he feel about living with Schuldig?  Where did he learn how to box?  How does Nagi feel about him?  Do the Elders suspect him of treason?  Is Aya secretly attracted to him?

So, give us this tall, dark, bad man in only 100 words!


Mod note:  Some of you will notice that the tagging has changed.  This is for two reasons:

1. To group all of the authors together so that you don't have to wade through all the prompts to find your favorites.
2. For those with underscores at the beginning of their user names to show up correctly in the tags.  For some reason, the tagging will not accept an underscore as the first character in the tag.  Now, those author names are correct.

From now on, tagging for author names will appear as author: yohjideranged.

April 2009




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