Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Oct. 29th, 2011|05:09 pm]
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Now this is a party.

Safehouses and fighters, report in. Status report time.
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[Jun. 30th, 2011|02:27 pm]
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There is now one more fully accredited forensics monkey in the world!


Party tomorrow night, everyone's invited, and I mean EVERYONE. Even you, people I've never met or talked to!
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[May. 15th, 2011|03:06 am]
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I've baked cakes for my birthday, for anyone and everyone who wants to celebrate. Or just needs cake. Whichever.
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[Apr. 30th, 2011|08:58 pm]

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Look, it's my fault he blew it up, okay? I left Teja. If you want me, get a hold of me here. I'm fine.
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[Apr. 26th, 2011|12:03 pm]
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I give the hell up. This place clearly hates everyone.

I hope everyone else is alive and hasn't been pulled away.
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[Apr. 25th, 2011|07:27 pm]
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Brendann's gone.

Shop's still safe and Quorra's still there if anybody needs a haven.

If anyone needs me before this is over, I'm going to be at home. Drinking. Heavily.
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[Apr. 20th, 2011|05:42 am]
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Happy birthday, Torii! I hope you don't mind if your birthday cake is postponed until we don't have a Thing to deal with. But you have gifts waiting for you at the house if you dare to traverse the monster-filled city for them!
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[Apr. 6th, 2011|04:04 pm]
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I - um, hello?
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[Mar. 25th, 2011|08:34 am]
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Lulu's been gracious enough to put her guest house up to the whims of the likes of me for renovation, and since nobody here got a danger room Remy has access to, guess what it's gunna wind up needing to be?

Gunna need a posse to round up the materials and help in the construction. Sign up here, get access to it on your spare time. If you don't know what a danger room is, you don't read enough comics.
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[Mar. 14th, 2011|06:57 pm]
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I don't care that everyone knows I'm a giant geek for PATD. The ones who know me already know anyway.

Get your butts over here and listen to this awesomeness with me!!! Snacks and drinks for everyone!
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[Mar. 14th, 2011|07:24 pm]
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"Super moon"? Joy.
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[Mar. 3rd, 2011|05:55 am]

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Olympus gets boring when thee's no one there.

le sigh.
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[Mar. 1st, 2011|05:28 pm]
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My Chinese food is a liar. "You are a laid back, easygoing person."

I think I've only ever been called that by a fortune cookie.
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[Feb. 25th, 2011|02:47 pm]
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Paging Phoebe and Phineas Flynn, and Ferb!

You geniuses back to normal yet? You guys want to come help a friend of mine refurbish a bookstore? It'll be fun! This bookstore holds a lot of memories for a lot of us, some good, most enh, but we want to make sure this store keeps on bringing good memories and lots of clientele for decades to come.

How about it?
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[Feb. 24th, 2011|08:16 pm]
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Attention anyone who was a regular, or even an intermittent patron of the Sign of the Weasel Bookshop at [London address], there's been a change of ownership, considering that the former owner just vanished a couple weeks ago.

Been busy this week or I would have announced it sooner. In any case: the place is being refurbished and renamed with a grand opening party pending. The newly-renamed Flyleaf Books is still going to be your used book connection for the area, but it's going to have new books as well, and also going to offer book repair even for ancient and special-handling tomes.
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002 [Feb. 15th, 2011|05:42 am]
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Now that I have been given more classes to teach, it seems I have ignored this for much too long.

Spring break is arriving soon. For those of you who are students, what are your plans for it? Hopefully no drunk driving and the like.

I can't fathom the amount of money the energy drink companies make these days, nor can I believe half the things I'm reading about issues across the world, some for good and some for bad. Finally, the Egyptians have made a stand, and they are free! I've not met many of the Egyptians in so long it seems that I never met them at all, but if there are any of you here, congratulations! I could not be prouder of a people that is not and never has been my own. Mubarak's reign of terror is relinquished; Kemet has truly won! This is honestly a time worth celebrating, and I hope that all goes smoothly and well after all is said and done.

Has anyone heard about the "spice" in America as of late? Synthetic marijuana, foolish children smoking it simply for a high and being poisoned. Not to mention those Four Lokos and whatnot. It seems like the more we progress in regards to proper foods and getting them without things like pesticides, and without pus and blood and radioactive ingredients in this like milk and cheese, the world comes up with new ways to harm our youth and our overall population...what I wouldn't give for a proper Greek feast, or a proper European dinner. As much as I love the French, sometimes these healthy meals focused on filling the stomach to its proper fullness don't quite cut it. I'd die for a large bowl of pasta, for wine and song and dance...ah, but I'm reminiscing now.

Hades, how do you fare? I feel the presence of our family members has diminished, and I am not sure what to make of such a thing. Do you feel the same as well? And Mister Cassidy Turner, how goes your schooling? And Miss Gaz Membrane (Wartooth, was it?) how's it going with your "band"?
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001 [Jan. 7th, 2011|06:31 pm]
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With as little as I know about Halo and various X-Box games, and only because they're the underlying reason that students have issues with homework whether or not they realize I can hear them talking about all-nighters and teammates in Sweden, and with as little as I know about World of Warcraft, whose "raids" cause my students to refrain from sleeping at home and therefore come into class hyper and wired off of Red Bull and everything else...I know that this is too bizarre to be something I can relate to. Even with the surge of End of the War movies, the mass production of death as a form of entertainment on various consoles, and with all the talks of dying bees throughout the world, there's nothing to relate what just happened to the world I knew and have spent many years in. Not a thing.

So here I find myself, still, in the university, though I seem to be confused for a different teacher. I teach Art History three days a week, not Art History, Renaissance Art, and special studies on Greek and Roman sculptors. Amusing, the artists back then, but not worth the hassle of making new tests to grade and trying to keep my own personal interest from their varied histories out of it. I've been doing this for too long not to subtly insert good or bad qualities against them.

Where have I found myself? I feel a right fool, using one of these silly machines in a last-ditch attempt to find out what has happened in the past few hours, but perhaps technology has a use or two.
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[Dec. 28th, 2010|06:29 pm]
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My husbands )
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[Dec. 27th, 2010|07:36 pm]
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[Dec. 24th, 2010|10:04 am]
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Right, whoever put the mistletoe up at the local bistro ought to come claim the little git.
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[Dec. 19th, 2010|11:53 am]

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Frosty the Snowman is still the scariest Christmas carol. Why is he going thumpity thump thump at the end? Are the kids dragging his lifeless, partially melted carcass around with a snowmobile? I'm going to hide under my bed now.
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[Dec. 9th, 2010|08:48 am]
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Oh girls, it's good to have you back, I missed you.
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[Dec. 3rd, 2010|11:15 pm]
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Fuck. This. Noise.

I'm going to go start a brawl. I'll be home later.
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[Dec. 4th, 2010|12:06 am]
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I just wanted grits. This is - dammit, not again.

Cassidy, not a word.
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[Nov. 30th, 2010|08:18 am]
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[Nov. 23rd, 2010|10:29 pm]
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Am I right and is this American Thanksgiving the greatest holiday you humans have ever created? I mean. Watching your television, eating the foods you guys have created, and then sleeping it all off? No wonder the Pilgrims acted like fuckin' stoners.

Lilo, baby, you're not cookin', by the way. My girl should put her feet up on a holiday that seems meant for ... feet putting up time.
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[Nov. 23rd, 2010|09:14 pm]
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I am glued to the internet until further notice. My favorite video series is starting back up supposedly tonight. So until further ado... INTERNET.
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[Nov. 15th, 2010|01:49 am]
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I ate a whole sandwich! And drank two percent milk! And had room for cookies! And I don't feel bad about it!

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[Nov. 9th, 2010|03:40 pm]

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headache. nauseated. staying in bed.
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[Sep. 18th, 2010|04:06 pm]
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Soren, you know I love you, but the Sim me is far less naked than the real me right now.
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|01:19 pm]
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Winter can hurry up and get here at ANY TIME NOW. My god, stircrazy argargargarg.

I want some fucking goddamn snow!
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[Aug. 18th, 2010|03:40 pm]
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I got a Diablo 3 beta invite.

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[Aug. 16th, 2010|10:07 am]

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We have got to talk about getting you some normal swimwear. I'm blind now. I can't see. YOU HAVE RUINED MY EYES WOOOOOES AND LAMENTATIONS!
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[Aug. 13th, 2010|01:15 pm]
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|04:45 pm]
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So, some of you may have noticed some critters running around, please click the following link for more information.

Your Shadow & YOU, a Video PSA )
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[Jul. 28th, 2010|10:49 pm]
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Husbands: I have a thing I need to go check on. I'll be back... I don't really know when. Soon probably

Mum: I figured it out. It'll be okay.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2010|04:00 pm]
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Something's off.

Just saying.
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[Jul. 19th, 2010|05:28 pm]

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Do I know any lesbians that don't look like Justin Bieber?
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[Jul. 15th, 2010|11:03 am]
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I WAS going to go fix the roof just now, but found it was already fixed.

Who's the party responsible for taking my fun away from me? What am I going to do with the hammer now? I WANT A CHORE.
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[Jul. 13th, 2010|07:36 pm]
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So I realized it's been a while since I posted here, just figured I should let everybody know I'm still alive and stuff, and Brendann doesn't have me locked up in the basement somewhere.

Gizzy might try it though, if I don't go get her jingly toy out from under the fridge again.
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