09 December 2019 @ 11:56 am
Secret Snarry Swap: FIC: Be My Voice  
Title: Be My Voice
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] Kazhiru
Other pairings/threesome: none
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 59621
Content/Warning(s): Sexual content
Prompter/Prompt: No. 9 from [personal profile] likelightinglass: A classic hurt/comfort with caretaker Harry. Either Snape surviving Nagini, Snape has a rough time in Azkaban and Harry nurses him back to health, or any other idea or AU you can think of. Just kind, caretaker Harry and physically or emotionally hurt Severus. Go wild with the details.
Summary: Severus Snape is left to rot in Azkaban, but that doesn't sit well with Harry at all. It begins with weekly visits, which evolve into tentative camaraderie. Harry may have taken on a task too big for him, but he will be damned if he doesn't see Severus back on his own two feet.
A/N: A slice of life fic, because I love my stories sweet and mundane. Just Harry trying to help Severus cope with his injuries, and Severus trying to learn that not everyone is out to get him. Edited by Halfbloodsev.

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(Be My Voice)